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Behavioral Finance Curriculum – What Topics and Teaching Approaches to Utilize in a Course?


"This is a PDF file of ‘Behavioral Finance Curriculum – What Topics and Teaching Approaches to Utilize in a Course?’ slides from a presentation at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics, September 18-21, 2012, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, New York. This special session provided conference attendees a unique perspective of what topics and teaching approaches to utilize for developing curriculum in behavioral finance and financial psychology. The content of this special session presented can be applied to an individual course in behavioral finance or a traditional finance course (e.g. personal finance, investments) with specific subject matter in behavioral finance. This special session covered four main issues: 1) What basic topics to cover in a behavioral finance course at the undergraduate level? (The current list of topics in the behavioral finance and financial psychology literature is over 125 emerging areas of study.) 2) What type of unique teaching approaches (methodologies) can be utilized in behavioral finance courses that are different than a traditional (standard) finance course? 3) What specific learning resources (books, online sources, etc.) are available for teaching this type of course? 4) A Case Study: How to develop a course in the Psychology of Money for non-business majors at the undergraduate level?"

Regulating Risk by 'Strengthening Corporate Governance'

This paper, presented at the “Regulating Risk” symposium at the University of Connecticut School of Law, April 16, 2010, briefly reviews the connection between risk and corporate governance, then examines the “strengthening corporate governance” provisions of Subtitle G of the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (also known as the “Dodd Bill”). The corporate governance provisions, covering majority voting for director elections, proxy access, and the separation of the roles of CEO and chairman of the board, seem likely to have one of two possible effects. On the one hand, the provisions may be pernicious, in that they further enhance shareholder power without a clear justification for increased shareholder power, and more particularly without a justification for shareholder power as a risk management device. Indeed, the Dodd Bill’s corporate governance provisions may work at cross-purposes to the risk management intent of the remainder of the Dodd Bill: the corporate governance provisions operate under the assumption that enhanced shareholder power will result in better monitoring of managerial behavior, which presumably will help to prevent future crisis, but both theory and evidence suggests that diversified shareholders generally prefer companies to take risks that other constituencies (including taxpayers) would not prefer. On the other hand, the Dodd Bill may have very little effect on investor behavior or risk management. Increases in shareholder power over the past years (fundamentally the result of increased federal regulation) have made management more responsive to - and in some cases probably overly responsive to - shareholder concerns over agency costs. Indeed, some of the proposed reforms already have been or were likely to have been put in place at most public companies. If private ordering is already working, what is the point of imposing strict governance constructs across the market as a whole, especially when most of the affected firms are victims of, rather than contributors to, the Financial Crisis‘

The Chameleon of Mens Rea and the Shifting Guises of Culture-Specific Genocidal Intent in International Criminal Proceedings

Journal of Human Rights, 2016

This article examines the significance of the mens rea-related evidence present in the specific language and discourse identified in the records of the International Military Tribunal, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The author argues that international proceedings have seen the emergence of a new type of evidence: a cognitive, linguistic, culturally determined plural of genocidal mens rea. As a result, the mental element of genocidal intent can neither be interpreted nor understood without an advanced forensic approach to the language used by the network of génocidaires. Based on a combination of cognitive and social science research with the humanities, the article applies a hybrid method of analysis to some of the genocide cases in international criminal justice and demonstrates how and why this approach ought to be introduced into the process of identification of the guilty minds of the architects of genocide.

Digital Expungement

Maryland Law Review, 2018

Digital technology might lead to the extinction of criminal rehabilitation. In the digital era, criminal history records that were expunged by the state remain widely available through commercial vendors (data brokers) who sell this information to interested parties, or simply through a basic search of the Internet. The wide availability of information on expunged criminal history records increases the collateral consequences a criminal record entails, thereby eliminating the possibility of reintegration into society. Acknowledging the social importance of rehabilitation, policymakers attempted to regulate the practices of data brokers by imposing various legal obligations and restrictions, usually relating to the nature and accuracy of criminal records and the purposes for which they may be used. These regulations have been proven insufficient to ensure rehabilitation. But regardless of future outcomes of such regulatory attempts, policymakers have largely overlooked the risks of the Internet to expungement. Many online service providers and hosting services enable the wide dissemination and accessibility of criminal history records that were expunged. Legal research websites, websites that publish booking photographs taken during an investigation (mugshots), social media platforms, and media archives all offer access to expunged criminal histories, many times without charge, and all with the simple use of a search engine. Without legal intervention, rehabilitation in the digital age in the U.S. has become nearly impossible. This Article offers a legal framework for reducing the collateral consequences of expunged criminal records by offering to re-conceptualize the public nature of criminal records. It proceeds as follows. After an introduction, Part II examines rehabilitation and expungement as facets of criminal law. Part III explores the challenges of digital technology to rehabilitation measures. Part IV evaluates and discusses potential ex-ante and ex-post measures that could potentially enable rehabilitation in the digital age. It argues that while ex-post measures are both unconstitutional and unrealistic for enabling digital expungement, ex-ante measures could be a viable solution. Accordingly, this Article suggests implanting a graduated approach towards the public nature of criminal history records, which would be narrowly tailored to serve the interests of rehabilitation-by-expungement. Finally, the last Part concludes the discussion and warns against reluctance in regulating expunged criminal histories.

Societal Violence against Women and National Insecurity: An Evaluation Study of Teaching a Gendered Security Perspective


Societal violence against women breeds national insecurity through pervasive discrimination and abuse. This dissertation examined the manifestations and effects of societal violence against women; hypothesized that security practitioners who are educated in gendered security can positively affect this problem of practice; and evaluated the knowledge, motivation, and organizational (KMO) factors that impede the organization of study’s faculty from teaching a gendered perspective in security studies. The organization of study is a U.S. regional center that seeks to advance security cooperation through executive education. An explanatory sequential mixed methods research design was used in this project. Data collection included document analysis and faculty survey, focus group interviews, and observations of teaching. Research question one asked, What KMO influences bear on the faculty’s ability to teach a gendered perspective in security studies? Ten themes emerged that impede the faculty from teaching gendered security. Findings contend that the faculty lack knowledge and motivation to teach gendered security, and the organization lacks cultural models and settings to institutionalize the teaching of the topic. The New World Kirkpatrick Model is the program implementation and evaluation framework for this study. Recommendations and plans are informed by research findings and answer the second research question: What recommended solutions will close the KMO gaps that affect the faculty’s ability to teach a gendered perspective in security studies? Ten actions are presented as a recurring training program to achieve the goal of the faculty teaching a gendered security perspective.

Predict the transmission of COVID-19 under the effect of air temperature and relative humidity over the year in Baghdad, Iraq

Elsevier, 2020

A significant number of infectious diseases show seasonal patterns in their incidence as climatological parameters are the critical factors influencing the transfer of viruses. Whether severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is a seasonal virus and its transfer can be predicted. This study predicts the effect of air temperature and relative humidity on the transmission of COVID-19 of April, in Baghdad, Iraq. A three-day average of an effective reproductive number, R, of COVID-19 from Beihang University COVID-19 Research Team, was used. The temperature and relative humidity were obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). This approach, then, was used to predict the transmission of COVID-19 over the year.

Strategic Experimentation

Econometrica, 1999

This paper extends the classic two-armed bandit problem to a many-agent setting in which I players each face the same experimentation problem. The main change from the single-agent problem is that an agent can now learn from the current experimentation of other agents. Information is therefore a public good, and a freerider problem in experimentation naturally arises. More interestingly, the prospect of future experimentation by others encourages agents to increase current experimentation, in order to bring forward the We w ould like to thank the Studienzentrum, Gerzensee, where a substantial part of the work reported in this paper was undertaken.

La teoría de la población: un ejercicio metateórico (Population Theory: A Meta-Theoric Exercise)

Social Science Research Network, 2019

Se presenta aquí un ejercicio meta-teórico que pretende construir un panorama de la teoría de la población. Este escrito hace parte de un proyecto de mayor alcance que pretende analizar la influencia de la teoría de la población en la dogmática del derecho ambiental en Colombia. Se sostiene que las teorías de la población pueden ser clasificadas de acuerdo a su valoración de la población. Hay un conjunto de teorías que ven en la población un problema; por otra parte, algunas construcciones conceptuales consideran que la población es una oportunidad. Diferentes consecuencias en materia de política pública ambiental y de derecho ambiental se derivan del hecho de adscribirse a una u otra visión. De allí que quede justificada la trascendencia de este ejercicio meta-teórico. It is a meta-theoric exercise that lead to build an overview of population theories. This paper is part of a bigger research that look for a better understanding of influence of population theories in environmental law in Colombia. Exists two kinds of population theories: one which sees on population a very serious problem; another which sees on population an opportunity. It is not the same when the authorities use one or another kind of population theory in public environmental policy and in environmental law. Thus, this meta-theoric exercise has the major importance on social science.