Using an integrated approach between hydrological and crop models to assess surface water balance in ungauged basin (original) (raw)
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Water balance calculation capability of hydrological models
Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis
Currently, in the world, there are many different hydrological models built and developed to solve problems related to the hydrological cycle. Each model has its specific mathematical foundations to describe physical processes in nature. Therefore, each model has its various characteristics: setting up the model, input data requirements, model calibration and verification, and output results. Water balance is still playing an important role in the effective management and use of water resources for agriculture. Based on the results of the hydrological parameter’s calculation, the water balance of the study basin can be calculated by the user or by the separated module of each model. Each hydrological models have its advantages and disadvantages. However, it is impossible to simulate hydrological processes and water balance completely accurately in nature. Still, simulation results can give us a view of the changing trend of hydrological components and the water balance. Model develo...
Hydrological modelling for ungauged basins of arid and semi-arid regions: review
Vestnik MGSU, 2019
Introduction: hydrological modelling is a powerful tool for water resources planning, development, design, operation, and management in a catchment. It becomes more important when it is applied to areas that suffer from inadequate hydrological field data. The existing methods which are appropriate for predictions in ungauged basins include extrapolation from gauged to ungauged basins, remote sensing-based measurements, process-based hydrological models, and application of combined meteorological–hydrological models without the need to specify precipitation inputs. Nonetheless, numerous works indicate that these methods have had limitations when it comes to predictions from ungauged basins. Materials and methods: the methods employed in this work include a detailed review of related materials on the historical development, significance, classification, selection, and recent developments of hydrological modelling in ungauged basins with an emphasis on arid and semi-arid regions. Resul...
Ecological Modelling, 2013
In semiarid areas, water is a limited resource and its management is a challenge. Water-balance models can improve the management of water resources by determining the effect of vegetation type on the soil-water balance and aquifer recharge. Here, we present HYDROBAL, an eco-hydrological modelling approach for assessing the water balance with a daily resolution. HYDROBAL is suitable for investigating the temporal variability in soil-water content determined by vegetation water uptake as a function of climatic conditions. The processes, mechanisms, and water flows involved in soil moisture changes are modelled based on daily rainfall and micrometeorological variables and used to predict changes in daily soil-water content. The model outputs include actual evapotranspiration, runoff, and aquifer recharge (deep percolation). The model was applied in a semi-arid area of south-eastern Spain, with six vegetation cover types: bare soil (B), open Stipa tenacissima steppe (St), thorn shrubland (S), dry grassland (G), and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) afforestation of S and G (AS and AG, respectively). A dynamic evaporative coefficient (k) was calibrated for each vegetation type to estimate the soil-water consumption. The model was verified in base on its ability to predict the daily measured soil moisture content in plots with different vegetation types. Comparison between the estimated and measured soil moisture contents ( model vs.  TDR ) indicated good model performance for all vegetation cover types in both wet and dry periods. High value of the coefficient of determination in the linear regressions for  model = f ( TDR ) demonstrate the accuracy of the hydrological model. All correlations between measured and predicted soil-water content were strong and significant (R 2 > 0.69, p < 0.001) , which differ in their objectives, input data, complexity, and spatial and temporal resolution. In some cases, the models have been developed to assess the effects of soil management, to predict the seasonal demand for irrigation, runoff, lake levels, recharge of aquifer systems, and the effects of vegetation on groundwater and sediment production .
Infl uence of Soil Heterogeneity and Spa al Discre za on on Catchment Water Balance Modeling
This study inves gated the impacts of the spa al variability of soil hydraulic proper es and the eff ects of spa al discre za on on the water balance in a fully coupled system. The integrated surface-subsurface, three-dimensional, fi nite element model HydroGeoSphere was applied to the forested Wüstebach basin (27 ha) to simulate water fl uxes. The fully coupled fl ow simula on model was applied to the headwater catchment at two diff erent spa al resolu ons (25 and 100 m). The change in spa al resolu on required an aggrega on of the soil map, which infl uenced the water fl uxes and the spa al pa erns of soil moisture. The nonlinear rela onship between soil moisture and transpira on caused the spa al aggrega on of soil moisture to have a larger eff ect on the water balance than did aggrega ng the soil hydraulic proper es. In addi on to the total discharge, the eff ects on the spa al pa erns of the simulated soil moisture were also inves gated. The results show that aggrega ng soil hydraulic proper es results in lower uncertain es than does using a coarser discre za on. This can be explained by the nonlinearity of the rela onship between soil moisture and evapotranspira on.
Se presenta una metodología de acoplamiento de modelos para calcular el balance hídrico detallado a escala de cuenca. El modelo MARMITES, que simula las zonas superficial y no saturada, es acoplado con el modelo de agua subterránea MODFLOW. El objetivo es cuantificar espacio-temporalmente los flujos en las zonas saturada y no saturada y evaluar el impacto de flujos tradicionalmente subestimados, así como la transpiración y la evaporación de agua subterránea, sobre los recursos hídricos subterráneos. ABSTRACT. We present a coupled model approach to improve the water balance at the catchment scale. The model is composed of a land surface and unsaturated zone model (MARMITES) coupled with the groundwater model MODFLOW. We aim to quantify spatio-temporally the water fluxes of the unsaturated and saturated zones and to assess the impact of typically underestimated water fluxes, such as groundwater transpiration and groundwater evaporation, on groundwater resources.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2005
In a regional case study, simulation runs of a simple hydrological conceptual catchment model were performed using a spatial data set, which covers a mesoscale catchment located at the moraine landscape of North-East Germany. This data set consists of a soil map, rivernet, landuse map, digital elevation model as well as meteorological time series. Furthermore for 3 years, a survey of the actual crop distribution in the catchment were carried out. The simulations cover the time period from 1993 to 1997. At first, the simulation quality of the model was estimated by comparing measured daily evapotranspiration rates, soil water contents and discharge rates with the corresponding simulated model outputs. Additionally, four Landsat-TM-Scenes covering the catchment were used to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI was used for the estimation of the spatial distributions of transpiration rates. These data were used to check the simulated regional distributions of transpiration rates. The transpirations rates estimated by NDVI and simulated by the model were in different ranges of 0-1.8 and 0-6.5 mm day À1 , respectively. However, the spatial distribution patterns of areas with high and low transpiration rates estimated by NDVI and simulated by the model were identical.
Calibration of a distributed hydrological model based on satellite evapotranspiration
Journal of Hydrology, 2008
Calibrating spatially distributed hydrological models is complex due to the lack of reliable data, uncertainty in representing the physical features of a river catchment, and the implementation of hydrological processes in a simulation model. In this paper, an innovative approach is presented which incorporates remote sensing derived evapotranspiration in the calibration of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in a catchment of the Krishna basin in southern India. The Gauss–Marquardt–Levenberg algorithm is implemented to optimise different combination of land use, soil, groundwater, and meteorological model parameters. In the best performing optimisation, the r2 between monthly sub-basin simulated and measured actual evapotranspiration (ETact) was increased from 0.40 to 0.81. ETact was more sensitive to the groundwater and meteorological parameters than the soil and land use parameters. Traditional calibration on a limited number of discharge stations lumps all hydrological processes together and chances on the equifinality problem are larger. In this study we have shown this problem can be constrained by using spatially distributed observations with a monthly temporal resolution. At a spatial resolution below the sub-basin level further study is required to fine-tune the calibration procedure.
Hydrologic models are indispensable tools for water resource planning and management. Accurate model predictions are critical for better water resource development and management decisions. Single-site model calibration and calibrating a watershed model at the watershed outlet are commonly adopted strategies. In the present study, for the first time, a multi-site calibration for the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the Kelani River Basin with a catchment area of about 2340 km2 was carried out. The SWAT model was calibrated at five streamflow gauging stations, Deraniyagala, Kithulgala, Holombuwa, Glencourse, and Hanwella, with drainage areas of 183, 383, 155, 1463, and 1782 km2, respectively, using three distinct calibration strategies. These strategies were, utilizing (1) data from downstream and (2) data from upstream, both categorized here as single-site calibration, and (3) data from downstream and upstream (multi-site calibration). Considering the performance of the mode...
Applied Water Science, 2024
The numerical modeling of the land surface can make up for the insufficient station data in terms of number, dispersion, and temporal continuity. In this research, to evaluate the Noah-MP land surface model, the water balance components were estimated in the Neyshaboor watershed in the monthly time step during 2000-2009. Model input data were obtained from the global land data assimilation system version 1 (GLDAS-1), and the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool, a semi-distributed for small watershed to river basin-scale model) model output was used for the evaluation of the Noah-MP model. In this study, the ability of the Noah-MP model in simulating vegetation dynamically was studied. The precipitation was corrected before running the model for a more reliable evaluation. The time between 2000 and 2001 was considered a spin-up period and 2002-2009 for calibration and validation. The model has the best simulation in the mountainous areas; the runoff simulated by the Noah-MP model is in good agreement with the modeled runoff by SWAT in these areas. (R 2 = 0.78, NSE = 0.62, RMSE = 1.98 m 3 /s). The R 2 for simulated soil moisture for soil layers (0-10, 10-40 cm) was 0.62 and 0.57, and RMSE was 0.059 (m 3 /m 3) and 0.052 (m 3 /m 3), respectively, in Motamedieh field. The annual amount of evapotranspiration estimated by the two models is comparable to the average annual evapotranspiration in the watershed (about 300 mm). Based on the results from the research, the model has well simulated: the runoff in the mountainous areas, the moisture in the upper layer of the soil, and the average annual evapotranspiration in the study area.