Thermodynamics and heavy quark potential inNf = 2 dynamical QCD (original) (raw)
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Heavy Quark Potential in Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature
Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V, 2003
Results of the study of lattice QCD with two flavors of nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions at finite temperature are presented. The transition temperature for mπ mρ ∼ 0.8 and lattice spacing a ∼ 0.12 fm is determined. A two-exponent ansatz is successfully applied to describe the heavy quark potential in the confinement phase. * Talk given by V. Bornyakov at "
Finite temperature QCD with two flavors of nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions
Physical Review D, 2005
We study QCD with two flavors of non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions at finite temperature on the 16 3 8 lattice. We determine the transition temperature at lattice spacings as small as a ∼ 0.12 fm, and study string breaking below the finite temperature transition. We find that the static potential can be fitted by a two-state ansatz, including a string state and a two-meson state. We investigate the role of Abelian monopoles at finite temperature.
Finite temperature Lattice QCD with two flavors of improved Wilson fermions
We present results of finite temperature QCD from N_f=2 flavors of non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions on lattices with N_t=8, 10 and 12. The transition temperature T_c is determined for the first time at lattice spacings as low as a = 0.08 fm, albeit at pion masses 1.3 < r_0 m_\pi. We furthermore compute the screening masses in various color channels at T>T_c.
Static three quark potential in the quenched lattice QCD
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2001
We study the static three quark potential using lattice QCD simulation. At zero temperature, the three quark potential is extracted from the baryonic Wilson loop and fitted to the phenomenological form, the sum of the Coulomb term, linearly rising term and the constant. We compare two types of the linear term, "Y " and "∆" type, and find that the string tension almost coincide with σ QQ in the former case. We also investigate the three quark potential at finite temperature using the Polyakov loop correlation. In the deconfined phase, the screened potential is observed similarly to the case of QQ system.
Physical Review D, 2010
The critical temperature and the nature of the QCD finite temperature phase transition are determined for N f = 2 dynamical flavors of nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions. The calculations are performed on large lattices with temporal extents N t = 12, 10 and 8, and lattice spacings down to a = 0.075 fm. We find the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions to take place at the same temperature. Our results are in broad agreement with a second order phase transition in the chiral limit. The critical temperature at the physical quark mass is found to be T c = 174(3)(6) MeV.
QCD thermodynamics with Wilson fermions
QCD is investigated at finite temperature using Wilson fermions in the fixed scale approach. A 2+1 flavor stout and clover improved action is used at four lattice spacings allowing for control over discretization errors. The light quark masses in this first study are fixed to heavier than physical values. The renormalized chiral condensate, quark number susceptibility and the Polyakov loop is measured and the results are compared with the staggered formulation in the fixed N t approach. The Wilson results at the finest lattice spacing agree with the staggered results at the highest N t .
Finite-size effects in lattice QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions
Physical Review D, 2005
Due to limited computing resources choosing the parameters for a full lattice QCD simulation always amounts to a compromise between the competing objectives of a lattice spacing as small, quarks as light, and a volume as large as possible. Aiming at pushing unquenched simulations with the standard Wilson action towards the computationally expensive regime of small quark masses, the GRAL project addresses the question whether computing time can be saved by sticking to lattices with rather modest numbers of grid sites and extrapolating the finite-volume results to the infinite volume (prior to the usual chiral and continuum extrapolations). In this context we investigate in this work finite-size effects in simulated light hadron masses. Understanding their systematic volume dependence may not only help saving computer time in light quark simulations with the Wilson action, but also guide future simulations with dynamical chiral fermions which for a foreseeable time will be restricted to rather small lattices. We analyze data from hybrid Monte Carlo simulations with the N f = 2 Wilson action at two values of the coupling parameter, β = 5.6 (lattice spacing a ≈ 0.08 fm) and β = 5.32144 (a ≈ 0.13 fm). The larger β corresponds to the coupling used previously by SESAM/TχL. The considered hopping parameters κ = 0.1575, 0.158 (at the larger β) and κ = 0.1665 (at the smaller β) correspond to quark masses of 85, 50 and 36% of the strange quark mass, respectively. At each quark mass we study at least three different lattice extents in the range from L = 10 to L = 24 (0.85-2.04 fm). Estimates of autocorrelation times in the stochastic updating process and of the computational cost of every run are given. For each simulated sea quark mass we calculate quark propagators and hadronic correlation functions in order to extract the pion, rho and nucleon masses as well as the pion decay constant and the quark mass from the PCAC relation. We examine to what extent the volume dependence of the masses can be parameterized by simple functions based on M. Lüscher's analytic formula and previous numerical findings by other groups. The applicability of results for the pion and the nucleon from chiral effective theory in the parameter regime covered by our simulations is discussed. Cutoff effects in the PCAC quark mass are found to be under control. Contents 4.4.
QCD thermodynamics with an improved lattice action
Physical Review D, 1997
We have investigated QCD with two flavors of degenerate fermions using a Symanzik-improved lattice action for both the gauge and fermion actions. Our study focuses on the deconfinement transition on an Nt=4N_t=4Nt=4 lattice. Having located the thermal transition, we performed zero temperature simulations nearby in order to compute hadronic masses and the static quark potential. We find that the present action reduces lattice artifacts present in thermodynamics with the standard Wilson (gauge and fermion) actions. However, it does not bring studies with Wilson-type quarks to the same level as those using the Kogut--Susskind formulation.
Lattice QCD thermodynamic results with improved staggered fermions
European Physical Journal C Particles and Fields, 2009
We present results on the QCD equation of state, obtained with two different improved dynamical staggered fermion actions and almost physical quark masses. Lattice cut-off effects are discussed in detail as results for three different lattice spacings are available now, i.e. results have been obtained on lattices with temporal extent of N τ =4,6 and 8. Furthermore we discuss the Taylor expansion approach to non-zero baryon chemical potential and present the isentropic equation of state on lines of constant entropy per baryon number.