"Cultural and Creative tourism in Portugal" (original) (raw)

Cultural and Creative tourism: the Case of 'Celebrations' in the Algarve region

Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 2019

This study sought to investigate the importance of cultural and creative tourism associated with 'celebrations' (i.e., festivais, festas, feiras and eventos [festivals, feasts, fairs and events]) in the Algarve region of Portugal. The resulting paper first discusses the significance of cultural and creative tourism and its interconnections with sustainable development in a region traditionally linked with 'sun and sea' tourism products. The methodological framework was a case study that focused on links between cultural and creative tourism and the dynamics of celebrations in 16 Algarve municipalities (concelhos municipais). The study was based on content analysis of data gathered with a questionnaire distributed to camara municipal (city council) culture and/or tourism responsibles from the 16 Algarve municipalities, namely, those (technicians) whose jobs are related to enhancing the attractiveness of the cultural resources associated with celebrations. The results reveal an increasing recognition of the importance of cultural patterns to municipals' tourism offers based on popular and everyday culture, which contribute to the Algarve's authentic identity and heterogeneous features.


ISLA Multidisciplinary e-Journal, Volume 3, número 1 ISSN 2184-299X, 2020

The specialised consumption of creative tourism experiences and their presence in cultural and creative events and festivals, constitute examples of reflexive tourism consumption. Following the line of research about the specialised consumption of creative tourism experiences and events, this research aims to describe and account for examples where cultural and creative events/festivals represent opportunities for participatory experiences like workshops. The author developed a systematic review using SCOPUS database, to account for creative tourism experiences present at cultural and creative events/festivals. Thirteen documents from 2003 to 2019, were chosen and analysed as they represent the confrontation between cultural and creative events/festivals and creative tourism experiences principles. Findings show that authors don´t always refer directly to creative tourism experiences in the events and festival case studies analysed. Results were organized under two perspectives the "event/festival centred approach" and "general approach" discussed in creative tourism literature such as the creative city, creative spectacles and cultural and creative capital co-creation. Nonetheless, important creative contributions for the development of creative capital present at cultural and creative events and festivals are highlighted. The recent establishment of creative tourism as a research area and the small number of papers found constitute limitations to the study. Resumo O consumo especializado de experiências de turismo criativo e a sua presença em eventos e festivais culturais e criativos constituem exemplos do consumo reflexivo do turismo. Seguindo a linha de pesquisa sobre o consumo especializado de experiências e eventos de turismo criativo, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever e explicar exemplos em que eventos / festivais culturais e criativos representam oportunidades para experiências participativas, como workshops. O autor desenvolveu uma revisão sistemática usando o banco de dados SCOPUS, para explicar as experiências criativas de turismo presentes em eventos / festivais culturais e criativos. Treze documentos de 2003 a 2019 foram escolhidos e analisados, pois representam o confronto entre os princípios dos eventos / festivais culturais e criativos e experiências de turismo criativo.. Os resultados foram organizados sob duas perspectivas: "abordagem centrada em eventos / festivais" e "abordagem geral" discutidas na literatura do turismo criativo, como a cidade criativa, eventos criativos e co-criação de capital cultural e criativo. No entanto, são destacadas importantes contribuições criativas para o desenvolvimento do capital criativo presente em eventos e festivais culturais e criativos. O recente estabelecimento do turismo criativo como área de pesquisa e o pequeno número de artigos encontrados constituem limitações ao estudo. Palavras chave: turismo criativo; experiências criativas, eventos/festivais culturais e criativos; revisão sistemática.

“Community based tourism festivals in the Médio Tejo Region, Portugal – A potential for the specialized cultural consumption of Creative Tourism”

Tourism for the 21 st Century - Proceedings of the CIT 2015 Editor: Vânia Costa – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave Copyright: © IPCA - Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave , 2015

Creative tourism is seen as an alternative to the serial reproduction of culture and the massive consumption of cultural tourism. Cultural and creative events have been highlighted as strong strategies for tourism development in creative tourism literature. Postmodern tourists seek meaningful experiences through a closer contact with local communities and act as co-creators of the overall creative tourism experience. Festivals can offer the opportunity for such phenomena in direct or indirect ways. In creative tourism both intangible and tangible cultural assets can be (re)activated for tourism purposes and creative add ups can be included in these events. Three community based tourism festivals are analyzed in reference to creative tourism literature and cultural capital theory. These events are characterized and creative strategies are suggested. By offering specialized cultural activities, this will enhance the cultural capital of participants, planners, local communities and help to differentiate tourism supply in the region. This paper aims at contributing to the research and development of creative tourism in the central region of Portugal, mainly the Médio Tejo region, which embodies thirteen municipalities in the center of the country. Keywords: Creative tourism, Cultural capital, Creative festivals, Co-creation, Tourism experience.

Methodological proposal for the emergence of touristic projects of the local community Propuesta metodológica para la generación de productos turísticos a partir de la comunidad local

RETOS. Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 2019

The new social, economic and environmental demands make necessary to design touristic projects where the local community is considered as the foundation for their creation and development. The main objective of this article is to elaborate a methodological proposal to design touristic projects based on the participation and management of this community. In this sense, the literature review is used to develop touristic projects through the local community, since it is the local community that stands out as a forgotten part in the generation and management of touristic projects. Thus, the methodological proposal consists of eight stages: I) Sensitization of the local community, II) Contextualization of the place, III) Design of the tourism product, IV) Identification and analysis of the demand, V) Decision of the price, VI) Commercialization, VII) Market Test and VIII) Implementation of the touristic project and follow-up. Although the generation of touristic projects is a heterogeneous task, and it depends on many intrinsic and extrinsic elements, this document aims to be a general guide which helps to integrate the residents of the destination as managers of tourism activity. Resumen Las nuevas exigencias sociales, económicas y ambientales hacen necesario el diseño de productos turísticos donde la comunidad local sea considerada como el pilar fundamental para su creación y desarrollo. En este sentido, el objetivo central de la presente investigación es elaborar una propuesta metodológica para el diseño de productos turísticos a partir de la participación y gestión de este actor. En este sentido, la revisión de diferentes propuestas destaca la necesidad de crear una metodología para desarrollar productos turísticos a través de la comunidad local, pues es ella quien resalta como un actor olvidado en la generación y gestión de los productos turísticos. De esta forma, y cubriendo este vacío, la propuesta metodológica se compone de ocho etapas: I) Sensibilización de la comunidad local, II) Con-textualización del lugar, III) Diseño del producto turístico, IV) Identificación y análisis de la demanda, V) Decisión del precio, VI) Comercialización, VII) Prueba de Mercado y VIII) Puesta en marcha del producto turístico y seguimiento. Si bien, la generación de productos turísticos es una labor heterogénea, y depende de muchos elementos intrínsecos y extrínsecos; este documento pretende ser una guía general que ayude a la integración de los residentes del destino como gestores de la actividad turística.

Raising cultural awareness of local traditions through festival tourism A sensibilização cultural das tradições locais através do turismo de festivais


Worldwide, festivals and local special events are used as key elements within regional development strategies. Festivals and local special events are widely acknowledged to make an important contribution to the economic development of their local areas, as they provide opportunities for tourism promotion, commercial outcomes and increased inward investment in host regions (Getz, 2007; Van de Wagen, 2005) and contribute to the extension of the tourism season (Huang, Li & Cai, 2010; Boo and Busser, 2006; Kotler, Haider & Rein, 1993; Mehmetoglu and Ellingsen, 2005). However, the question of their contribution to the conservation of cultural heritage and traditions through an interpretation in tourism also requires attention. In the paper, the approach of cultural profiles is implemented as a tool to raise the awareness for local tradition, being presented on local festival. In this regard, based on a survey among organizers of festivals, local entrepreneurs participating in festivals a...

Creative Tourism Experiences in Guimarães: A Twofold Analysis of Visitors' and Suppliers' Perspectives Experiências de Turismo Criativo em Guimarães: Uma Dupla Análise de Perspectivas de Visitantes e Fornecedores

Portuguese Review of Regional Studies N.º 51, 2019

/ Resumo Considering its genesis and evolution, creative tourism can be seen as a development of cultural tourism, more suited to respond not only to the needs of contemporary travellers, who are seeking for more active, fulfilling and meaningful experiences, but also to the need of destinations to stand out and ensure the differentiation of their offer. Although creative tourism is receiving increasing attention in the literature due to its rising positioning as a development strategy, studies have been focusing primarily on the supply-led perspective. Hence, more research is needed, particularly to investigate consumer views' on the creative experiences being delivered, since they have often been appointed as a value driver of today's tourism products. Given the above, the objective of this exploratory study is to understand the perceptions of both visitors and tourism services providers. The geographical context of this study is Guimarães, a cultural destination in the north of Portugal, classified as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Visitors' perceptions will be col-Atendendo à sua génese e evolução, o tu-rismo criativo é considerado uma evolução do turismo cultural, mais apto a dar resposta, não só às necessidades dos atuais visitantes, que procu-ram experiências mais ativas e com maior grau de envolvimento, como também à necessidade dos destinos de se diferenciarem e asse-gurarem a competitividade da sua oferta. Embora o turismo criativo tenha vindo a receber uma atenção crescente por parte do meio acadé-mico, em muito devido ao seu posicionamento privilegiado enquanto estratégia de de-senvolvi-mento turístico, os estudos focam, fundamental-mente, a perspetiva da oferta Importa, neste sen-tido, desenvolver estudos que explorem as per-ceções dos consumidores relativamente à dispo-nibilidade, relevância e qualidade de experiên-cias criativas dos destinos, uma vez que estas são frequentemente identificadas enquanto impor-tantes indutores de valor nos produtos turísticos. Face ao exposto, o objetivo do presente estudo exploratório é compreender simultaneamente as perceções dos visitantes e dos principais agentes turísticos. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, nº 51 74

Cultural events and tourist development in Catalonia (Spain)

From the point of view of local development cultural tourism events represent an opportunity since they are distributed homogeneously by the Catalan territory and are experiencing a vertiginous growth as a way to differentiate the existing supply. In our study a sample of 264 telephone surveys made to organizers of events in Catalonia has been compiled, with the purpose of characterizing the existing supply, thematic typologies, management models, commercialization inputs and economic impact. The results allow us to characterize events from the point of view of their tourist potential. Finally some recommendations are set out to develop future tourism policies based on events according to product differentiation, seasonality, competitiveness and creativity.

Tourism and Culture: Carnival in the City of Maceió-Al (Brazil)

Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais, 2021

Carnival is celebrated in a peculiar way in the city of Maceio, in the State of Alagoas (Brazil), by presenting greater involvement of local society in the weekend before the official date consecrated to the festival in the calendar. The “Previa”, as it is called, is consolidated in each edition, even if government actions seek to develop a broader Carnival agenda, which includes the official dates for such festivities. As such, the aim of this investigation was to historically rescue the dynamics between the city and Carnival, in their transversalities with culture and tour-ism. The investigation strategy of the research, the focus of this article is qualitative-exploratory in nature, and data collection was based on bibliographic and documentary research and inter-views. The study to understand the peculiarities of the empirical object covers the 19th, 20th and early decades of the 21st centuries. At each historical moment it questions the articulation of the carnival festivities with the city itself, culture and tourism. The data obtained makes it possible to characterize four cycles in the Carnival of Maceió, periods that may overlap: (a) from 1850 to 1930, a time when the spontaneous manifestations of the entrudo gained organicity, involving es-pecially Afro-descendants and, simultaneously, the prevalence of racism among the white elites; (b) from 1930 to 1990, marked by the distancing from the historical centre leading to the spatial segregation; (c) from 1993 to 2005, added to the spatial segregation, the temporary segregation associated to the Prévias; (d) after 2005, when the festival expanded, but was not necessarily coupled with social inclusion.KeywordsCarnival, culture, tourismTurismo e Cultura: O Carnaval na Cidade de Maceió (Brasil)Resumo O Carnaval é celebrado de forma peculiar na cidade de Maceió, no Estado de Alagoas (Brasil), ao apresentar maior envolvimento da sociedade local no final de semana anterior à data oficial consagrada à festa no calendário. A “Prévia”, como é denominada, consolida-se a cada edição, mesmo que, em anos recentes, ações governamentais busquem o desenvolvimento de uma agenda carnavalesca mais ampla, que alcance as datas oficiais para tais festejos. Nesses termos, o objetivo desta investigação foi o de resgatar historicamente as dinâmicas apostas entre Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais / Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2021, pp. 221-239https://doi.org/10.21814/rlec.2691


İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Science, 2014

In today's world, alternative tourism activities and tourism product diversification started to gain more importance due to the increase in the number of people participating in tourism and the change in the demands and the needs of the touristsFestivals, as an alternative form of tourism, increase the number of tourists, contribute to the promotion of the region and play an important role in the development of the destination. In this study, the impacts of Tenedos Local Flavours Festival were examined, travel purposes of the tourists were specified, the demographic characteristics of the local residents and the tourists were identified, their perceptions of Local Flavours Festival were assessed and some recommendations were made to achieve more effective results. The research findings show that Local Flavours Festival has positive effects on the promotion of Tenedos and also has economic, socio-cultural and environmental impact on local community. However, the research also concluded that the promotional actions of the festival and the activities organized during the event were insufficient. ETKİNLİK TURİZMİ ÇEŞİDİ OLARAK FESTİVALLER: BOZCAADA YEREL TATLAR FESTİVALİ ÖRNEĞİ ÖZET Günümüzde turizme katılan kişi sayısının artması ve bu doğrultuda turist istek ve ihtiyaçlarında görülen değişiklikler gibi nedenlerden dolayı turizm çeşitlendirmesi ve alternatif turizm faaliyetleri önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Alternatif turizm çeşitlerinden biri olan festivaller de, gerçekleştirildiği destinasyondaki turist sayısını arttırmakta, destinasyonun tanıtımına katkıda bulunmakta ve destinasyonun kalkınmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Yerel Tatlar Festivali'nin Bozcaada'ya etkileri incelenmiş, yerel halkın ve festivale katılan turistlerin demografik özellikleri, seyahat amaçları, Yerel Tatlar Festivali'ne ilişkin algıları değerlendirilerek festivalin daha etkin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçları Yerel Tatlar Festivali'nin Bozcaada'nın tanıtımına olumlu etkileri olduğunu ve bölgede yaşayan yerel halka ekonomik, sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel açılardan birçok etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte festivalle ilgili yapılan tanıtım faaliyetlerinin ve festival etkinliklerinin yetersiz olduğu sonuçlarına da ulaşılmıştır.