Menikmati Mal dengan Hati Berdebar (original) (raw)
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Fenomena Mal bagi Masyarakat Urban di Jakarta
Humaniora, 2013
Mall building is a place where urban communities come together with their specific interest. People go to the mall with their independent needs without any emotional bonding between each other. As a public space, mall is trying to meet the needs of urban communities especially as an entertaining space for the visitors. Go to the mall has become a way of life in urban society, as a destination for the whole family. While on the other hand the existence of many mall building are the traits of sick city, because as a public space, city does not meet the social and environmental objectives anymore. Jakarta has more than 75 building mall, it has exceeded the limit of the population. Mall has become a phenomenon because it has met the lifestyle of urban society but on the other side mall has spent water absorption area. This disagreement about mall building requires a mall that friendly to the environment, so that the green open spaces and water absorption area can be provided or replaced as well. The next discussion is about mall that should build friendly to the environment and its importance to the urban community.
WAKTU asar sudah tiba. Amat cerah hari petang itu. Langit tidak berawan, hening jernih sangat bagusnya. Matahari bersinar dengan terang, suatu pun tak ada yang mengalanginya. Lereng bukit dan puncak pohon-pohonan bagai disepuh rupanya. Tetapi lembah dan tempat yang kerendahan buram cahayanya. Demikianlah pula sebuah kampung yang terletak pada sebuah lembah, tidak jauh dari Bukittinggi.
Mumalah Terlarang: Maysir dan Gharar
STAI Asy-Syukriyyah, 2017
Islam has constrained the freedom to engage in business and financial transactions on the basic of a number of prohibitions, ethics and norms. The prohibitions that we shall discuss here are Maisir and Gharar. As a rule, Islamic Law does not recognize transactions that have proven illegitimate factor and/or object. for that purpose, Shari'ah has identified some elements which are to be avoided in commerce or business transaction. in this regard. the prohibition of Maisir and Gharar is the most stretegic factor that defines invalid and voidable contracts and demarcates the overall limits which should not be crossed. Gharar refers to the uncertainty or hazard caused by lack of clarity regarding the subject matter or the price in a contract or exchange. Maisir refers to easily available wealth or acquisition of wealth by chance, whether or not it deprives the others right.
Menjamurnya pusat perbelanjaan modern seperti Mall dalam prakteknya sering menimbulkan paradoks tersendiri dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat. Di satu sisi, mall menjadi prasyarat peradaban kota modern, tetapi di sisi lain, keberadaan mall justru menggerus eksistensi pasar tradisional. Membanjirnya Mall cenderung mengurangi peran pasar tradisional yang selama ini menjadi penggerak ekonomi rakyat. Pasar tradisional dibiarkan bertarung dalam arena pasar terbuka yang menyebabkan pusat perdagangan rakyat itu semakin termarginalkan. Dengan berdirinya mall, keuntungan para pedagang pasar tradisional semakin menurun karena terabsorbsi oleh aktivitas Mall. Penurunan keuntungan tersebut lambat laun akan mengurangi omzet penjualan dan mematikan pedagang tradisional.