Characterizations of Certain Continuous Univariate Distributions Based on the Conditional Distribution of Generalized Order Statistics (original) (raw)
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Statistical Papers, 2008
In this work, general forms of many well-known continuous probability distributions are characterized by conditional expectation of some functions of generalized order statistics. These results are the generalization of the characterization results based on conditional expectation of the functions of order statistics given by Khan and Abu-Salih (1989).
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2013
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Let X(1;n;m;k);X(2;n;m;k);:::;X(n;n;m;k) be n generalized order statis- tics from an absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure) distribution. We give characterizations of distributions by means of Efˆ(X(s;n;m;k))jX(r;n;m;k) = xg = g(x) and Efˆ(X(r;n;m;k))jX(s;n;m;k) = xg = g(x);s > r under some mild conditions on ˆ(:) and g(:). It is shown that most of the known characteri- zation results based on conditional expectations are special cases of the results of this paper. 1. Introduction. Let X1;X2;:::Xn be a random sample of size n from an absolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure) distribution function (df) F(x) and the corresponding probability distribution function (pdf) f(x). We will take the support of F(x) = (fi;fl); where fi = inffx 2 IR; F(x) > 0g and fl = supfx 2 IR; F(x) < 1g: Ferguson (1967) introduced the characterization of distributions based on the linearity of regression of adjacent order statistics E(Xr+1;njXr;n = x) and its dual E...
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Statistical Methodology, 2013
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