Drinking Water Quality and Public Health of Selected Towns in South Western Nigeria

Water Quality, Exposure and Health, 2014

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Accessibility to Safe Drinking Water in Selected Urban Communities in Southwest Nigeria


Water is an important part of the human life. Sustainable management of water is a major component of the Sustainable Delopment Goal 6, United Nations. Many residents of the middle and low economic countries are not adequately supplied with this important commodity, however, but information is scanty about the specifics of the state of drinking water in many relatively small urban areas. This paper is focused on one of the countries within the sub-Saharan Africa such that the selected locations are four important states (Oyo, Ondo, Osun and Ekiti) in the southwest region of Nigeria. The objectives of the study are to evaluate the water supply for drinking purposes and assess the quality of samples from sources of household drinking water in the region. The results showed the comparable differences in water accessibility due to socio-economic structure of the selected areas. Also, there is an extensively poor household drinking water quality in the region, and a support from the publ...

Significance of clean water for sustainable good health in Nigeria

Analecta Technica Szegedinensia

The significance of the impact of water-related diseases on human health has been recognized as a major threat to sustainable human development in some international forums. This study is an investigation into the correlation between unclean water and the outbreak of water-related diseases in Nigeria. It was established from the review of previous researches that the concept of clean water and sanitation is critical to the good health and well-being of all individuals. Nigeria still has a long way to go towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal number 6 (SDG 6) of the United Nations, hence it is high time government at all levels and individuals embraced Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) agenda 2030.


One of the most significant threats to the health and safety of man is the quantity and quality of the water consumed; and in especially the developing world, inadequate sanitation facilities and shortage of clean water sources is the cause of waterborne diseases and death to millions of people. This study was therefore geared towards understanding the sources and threats to domestic water supply in the city of Owerri and peoples' preference for different water sources and possible health implications of such choices. A combination of field observation, interview techniques and questionnaire survey was applied in the study. The study concludes that groundwater sources remain the most preferred water source for domestic use in Owerri town while majority of city dwellers prefer satchet or bottled water for drinking purposes. Major threats to water quality included improper waste disposal and management and unsafe water storage/handling processes. It was also realized that, there is little or no treatment of all water sources in Owerri before usage both for drinking and other domestic uses. Recommendations include proper implementation of environmental/water protection laws and edicts, proper monitoring of packaged water production factories and processes by public health officials.

Access to Safe Drinking Water in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis of the Urban and Rural Areas of Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, 2022

Water is a “sin qua non” for virtually all human activities; a pre-requisite for sustainable development as the consequences of safe water for health, productivity and quality of life as well as implications for economic development are enormous. This study investigated the sources of water supply and challenges faced by inhabitants in accessing these water sources in three districts each of urban and rural Zaria, Nigeria, and compared the results. Descriptive statistics and average mean score (AMS) technique was applied, and requisite data presented in frequency and percentage tables. The results revealed that the urban dwellers had to travel longer distances, than the rural dwellers, to source water and that the sources of water supply varied with the season. Whilst the urban areas accessed wells and water vendors in the wet and dry seasons, respectively, for non-domestic water supply and water vendors for domestic water supply; all year round, residents of the rural areas sourced...

Drinking water quality and human health risk evaluations in rural and urban areas of Ibeju-Lekki and Epe local government areas, Lagos, Nigeria

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2019

This study evaluated the drinking water quality and associated human health risks in three (3) rural and urban areas each in Ibeju-Lekki and Epe local government areas of Lagos, Nigeria. Two hundred structured questionnaires were administered to stakeholders, and samples were obtained from prevailing drinking water sources in the study areas using standard methods for microbiological, physicochemical, heavy metals and human health risk evaluations. Wells and boreholes were the major sources of drinking water in the rural and urban areas, respectively. Drinking water samples from the study areas contained more than one pathogenic bacterium. The physicochemical parameters except total organic carbon (TOC) were within permissible limits of the Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ). The mean values of Cd and As exceeded the maximum permissible limit of NSDWQ. The hazard quotient of cadmium and arsenic was greater than 1 indicating potential health risks if the water is not treated. In order to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 on clean water and sanitation by the next decade (2030), we recommend that frequent monitoring, treatment and stakeholders education on drinking water treatment techniques should be actively conducted particularly in rural areas in the state, country, region and continent.

Water Shortages and Drinking Water Quality in Rural Southwest Nigeria: Issues and Sustainable Solutions

Pan African Journal of Life Sciences

Nigeria is a highly populated country in West Africa where less than half of the residents have access to safe potable water. Usually characterised by poor socioeconomic infrastructure, the rural people often carry the brunt of this menace. In this paper, we review existing publications and reports on water scarcity and access to potable water in southwestern Nigeria with the view of keeping the subject matter in perspective for policymakers and relevant government agencies and ministries to take urgent steps in ad-dressing the situation. The reported cases of high pathogenic microbial loads, detection of some heavy metals and physicochemical water parameters exceeding the WHO standard for drinking water quality was discussed. The results have serious public health implications. There is, therefore, a need for a paradigm shift from indiscriminate attitudes of water abuse for sustainable solutions to the water challenges.



The quest for effective prevention and control of waterborne diseases necessitates the need for constant water quality monitoring and control. Water naturally contains many micro-organisms, of which pathogen micro-organisms are detrimental to health. The consumption of safe water is important in the control of many diseases, considering that about 80% of all diseases in the world are associated with unsafe water use. This research focused on assessing the quality of domestic water at selected sources in some communities of Bwari area council. Physical, chemical and microbiological analyses were carried out on water samples, physical parameters measured include, color, odor, temperature, turbidity and conductivity. The chemical analysis carried out on samples is arsenic, nitrate, nitrite, iron and manganese. Microbiological parameters measured are total and faecal coliform bacteria. Results showed that communities’ members have access to both improved and unimproved sources, one community with an unimproved water source exhibited water quality values higher than recommended in manganese, arsenic and fecal coliform. The mean, standard deviation and relative standard deviation of the samples were calculated; results show that over 70% of the estimated parameters have relative standard deviation values less than 2 %, the implying that the sampling is representative, reproducible, useful and valid. It is recommended that follow up action on accessing safe water in the community with unacceptable values for drinking water parameter be put in place to safe guard the health of the people.

When Water Turns Deadly: Investigating Source Identification and Quality of Drinking Water in Piwoyi Community of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria

Online Journal of Chemistry, 2021

Essentiality of water sustain life, and a satisfactory supply must be readily available to promote health, prolong life expectancy and prevent diseases. This study assesses the sources and quality of drinking water in Piwoyi community of Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. Thirtyfive (35) Boreholes and Two (2) Sachet water were identified sources of drinking water in Piwoyi Community. Six Samples (5 Boreholes and 1Sachet water) were selected at random and analyzed in the laboratory. The Physicochemical parameters examined include electrical conductivity (EC), pH, temperature, turbidity, dissolve oxygen (DO), chloride, total hardness, alkalinity, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, phosphorous, sulphate, sodium, potassium, fluoride, bicarbonate, nitratenitrogen, nitrite, copper, iron and zinc; and Microbiological parameters include Coliforms, E-coli and Faecal Strep. The results of analysis shows significant concentration of physicochemical and microbiological parameters in the samples of water analyzed according to Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality thereby makes the water unsafe for drinking. Drinking from these sources of water will pose serious health risk to the people of Piwoyi Community. Therefore, the study helps to identify the contaminated locations as well as assist to follow emerging remedial measures toward controlling the contamination source in the community. It also recommends continuous monitoring and enforcement of environmental violations, aggressive sensitization on water sanitation and hygiene; adequate purification of water at domestic level; and government support on potable water supply and establish reasonable management strategies for sustainable water quality protection toward protecting public health.

Review of Drinking Water Quality in Nigeria: Towards Attaining the Sustainable Development Goal Six

Annals of Science and Technology, 2020

Access to potable water is a major problem confronting most developing nations particularly with the overwhelming health burden posed by polluted water and its sources. In this review, studies on the level of contamination of drinking water sources in different geopolitical zones in Nigeria were assessed. The anthropogenic activities eliciting the pollutions were extensively discussed. Overall, the level of Nigeria preparedness in meeting the sustainable development goal number 6 (SDG no 6: to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) was evaluated. Cogent methods that could enhance the achievement of SDG no. 6 were suggested. From our analysis of published literature, pre- and post- SDG implementation in Nigeria, it is clear that no significant progress has been made in providing potable water for all in Nigeria. All implementing partners must therefore rejig the process to ensure the availability of potable water, in order to achieve the susta...