Genetic evidence for the existence of sibling species within Contracaecum rudolphii (Hartwich, 1964) and the validity of Contracaecum septentrionale (Kreis, 1955) (Nematoda: Anisakidae) (original) (raw)
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Parasitology, 2002
The anisakid nematodes morphologically corresponding with Pseudoterranova decipiens sensu lato (s.l.) (Krabbe, 1878) from different seal or sea lion hosts and geographical origins, previously identified as Pseudoterranova krabbei, P. decipiens (s.s.), P. bulbosa, P. azarasi and P. cattani by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, were characterized using a DNA approach. Also a population of P. decipiens (s.l.) from Chaenocephalus aceratus, the blackfin icefish, from Antarctica and another from Osmerus eperlanus, the European smelt, from Germany were included in the study. The first (ITS-1) and second (ITS-2) internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were amplified by PCR from individual nematodes and analysed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), followed by selective sequencing. While no variation in single-stranded ITS-1 and ITS-2 profiles was detected among samples representing each of the species or populations (with the exception of slight microheterogeneity), SSCP analysis of the ITS-2 amplicons allowed the unequivocal differentiation of all of the 5 sibling species of P. decipiens (s.l.) examined, which was supported by sequence differences in ITS rDNA. Samples representing the P. decipiens (s.l.) population from O. eperlanus had the same SSCP profile as those of P. decipiens (s.s.), which was supported by a lack of nucleotide difference in the ITS between them, suggesting that the former represented P. decipiens (s.s.). Based on SSCP results and ITS sequence data, P. decipiens (s.l.) from C. aceratus was genetically most distinct with respect to all other members of Pseudoterranova examined, which indicated that it may represent P. decipiens E (based on geographical origin) or a distinct species. These findings and the molecular approach taken should have important implications for studying the life-cycles, transmission patterns, epidemiology and population genetics of these anisakid nematodes, and the diagnosis of their infections.
International Journal for Parasitology, 2000
Polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was performed to establish genetic markers in rDNA, for the identi®cation of the three sibling species of the Anisakis simplex complex and morphologically dierentiated Anisakis species, i.e. Anisakis physeteris, Anisakis schupakovi, Anisakis typica and Anisakis ziphidarum. Dierent restriction patterns were found between A. simplex sensu stricto and Anisakis pegrei with two of the restriction endonucleases used (HinfI and TaqI), between A. simplex sensu stricto and A. simplex C with one endonuclease (HhaI), and between A. simplex C and Anisakis pegrei with three endonucleases (HhaI, HinfI and TaqI), while no variation in patterns was detected among individuals within each species. The species A. physeteris, A. schupakovi, A. typica and A. ziphidarum were found to be dierent from each other and dierent from the three sibling species of the A. simplex complex by distinct fragments using 10± 12 of the endonucleases tested. The polymorphisms obtained by restriction fragment length polymorphisms have provided a new set of genetic markers for the accurate identi®cation of sibling species and morphospecies. #
Parasite, 2006
Advances in the taxonomy and ecological aspects concerning geographical distribution and hosts of the so far genetically recognised nine taxa of the nematodes belonging to genus Anisakis (i.e. A. pegreffii, A. simplex s.s., A. simplex C, A. typica, A. ziphidarum, Anisakis sp., A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata and A. paggiae) are here summarized. Genetic differentiation and phylogenetic relationships inferred from allozyme (20 enzyme-loci) and mitochondrial (sequences of cox-2 gene) markers, are revised and compared. The two genetic analyses are congruent in depicting their phylogenetic relationships. Two main clusters are showed to exist in the obtained trees, one encompassing the species A. pegreffii, A. simplex s.s., A. simplex C, A. typica, A. ziphidarum and Anisakis sp.; while, the second including A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata and A. paggiae. The existence of two clades is also supported by their morphological differentiation in adult and larval morphology. Comparison of phylogenetic relationships among Anisakis spp. with those currently available for their cetacean definitive hosts suggests parallelism between host and parasite phylogenetic tree topologies. Preliminary data for reconstruction of a possible co-evolutionary scenario between cetacean hosts and their Anisakis endoparasites suggests that cospeciation and host-switching events may have accompanied the evolution of this group of parasites. Finally, genetic/molecular markers for the identification of the so far genetically recognized taxa of Anisakis at any life-stage and both sexes were given also in relation to human anisakiosis is discussed. Résumé : TAXONOMIE, PHYLOGÉNIE ET ÉCOLOGIE DES NÉMATODES DU GENRE ANISAKIS DUJARDIN, 1845 : MISE AU POINT On présente les connaissances actuelles sur la taxonomie et l'écologie qui concerne la distribution géographique et les hôtes des neuf espèces du genre Anisakis génétiquement identifiées à ce jour (i.e. A. pegreffii, A. simplex s.s., A. simplex C, A. typica, A. ziphidarum, Anisakis sp., A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata et A. paggiae). On montre et compare la différentiation génétique et les relations phylogénétiques par l'analyse des divers marqueurs génétiques moléculaires (20 loci isoenzymatiques, et la succession des 629 paires de bases de cox-2 de l'ADN mitochondrial). Les résultats des deux analyses concordent : elles démontrent les relations phylogénétiques des espèces d'Anisakis étudiées jusqu'à présent. Les deux analyses ont mis en évidence deux principaux clusters, l'un qui comprend A. pegreffii, A. simplex s.s., A. simplex C, A. typica, A ziphidarum, Anisakis sp., et l'autre qui comprend A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata et A. paggiae. L'existence de deux clusters est démontrée grâce aussi à la différentiation morphologique à un stade larvaire et adulte. La comparaison des relations phylogénétiques entre les espèces d'Anisakis par rapport à celles de leurs hôtes définitifs (cétacés), connues jusqu'à présent, montre un parallélisme entre les topologies des relations phylogénétiques des hôtes et des parasites. Ces données préliminaires montrent, en effet, que des phénomènes co-évolutifs ont accompagné l'histoire évolutive de ce groupe de parasites. Enfin, on fournit des marqueurs génétiques moléculaires pour l'identification des espèces d'Anisakis à n'importe quel stade de développement des deux sexes ; cela sert aussi pour l'identification génétique des larves d'Anisakis qui sont la cause de l'anisakidose humaine.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Sibling species of the Contracaecum rudolphii (s.l.) complex are habitual endoparasites of cormorants of the Phalacrocoracidae family, worldwide. In Europe, the two species, C. rudolphii sp. A and C. rudolphii sp. B, have been identified. However, information regarding the occurrence and distribution of these anisakids in cormorants from Spain is scarce. In the present study, 20 specimens of the European Shag, Ph. aristotelis desmarestii, from the western Mediterranean Spanish marine coast were parasitologically analyzed for the presence of nematodes. All hosts were found parasitized with Contracaecum specimens (n = 1,517). A representative subsample was genetically identified as C. rudolphii sp. A by sequence analysis of the mtDNA cox2 gene and the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the rDNA. This represents the first report of C. rudolphii sp. A from the Spanish Mediterranean waters. Population genetic analysis was performed including other C. rudolphii sp. A specimens from the west Sardini...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2003
The anisakid nematode populations collected from fish and stranded cetaceans along from Iberian Peninsula waters were morphologically identified as corresponding to the Anisakis simplex complex. In order to realise their molecular identification and to analyse the extent of genetic variation, the entire ITS (ITS1, 5.8S rDNA gene and ITS2) and the mitochondrial small subunit of rRNA were pcr-amplified and sequenced. Digestions of the amplified its region with HinfI and HhaI allowed the identification of three different genotypes, belonging to A. simplex s.s., A. pegreffii and a yet not described recombinant genotype. The ITS sequences of the recombinant genotypes showed the presence of heterozygotes C/T at position 240 and 256 of the aligned sequence. Otherwise, the analysis of mtDNA sequences showed the existence of a different parental origin for recombinant genotypes. In order to check if they can be the products of a polymorphism normally occurring both in A. pegreffii and in A. simplex s.s., and/or the existence of an incomplete concerted evolution, three samples were also collected as controls in isolated geographic areas, where sympatric coexistence between A. simplex s.s. and A. pegreffii does not occur. The results supports the hypothesis that the recombinant individuals may be a product of interspecific hybridisation, and describe the Iberian Peninsula waters as a hybrid zone for the two sibling species.
Journal of Parasitology, 2006
The genetic relationships among 9 taxa of Anisakis Dujardin, 1845 (A. simplex (sensu stricto), A. pegreffii, A. simplex C., A. typica, A. ziphidarum, A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata, A. paggiae, and Anisakis sp.) were inferred from sequence analysis (629 bp) of the mitochondrial cox2 gene. Genetic divergence among the considered taxa, estimated by p-distance, ranged from p = 0.055, between sibling species of the A. simplex complex, to p = 0.12, between morphologically differentiated species, i.e., A. ziphidarum and A. typica. The highest level was detected when comparing A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata, and A. paggiae versus A. simplex complex (on average p = 0.13) or versus A. typica (on average p = 0.14). Sequence data from the newly identified Anisakis sp. poorly aligned with other Anisakis species but was most similar to A. ziphidarum (p = 0.08). Phylogenetic analyses based upon Parsimony and Bayesian Inference, as well as phenetic analysis based upon Neighbor-Joining p-distance values, generated similar tree topologies, each well supported at major nodes. All analyses delineated two main claides, the first encompassing A. physeteris, A. brevispiculata, and A. paggiae as a sister group to all the remaining species, and the second comprising the species of the A. simplex complex (A. simplex (s.s.1, A. pegreffii and A. simplex C), A. q p i c a , A. ziphidarum, and Anisakis sp. In general, mtDNA-based tree topologies showed high congruence with those generated from nuclear data sets (19 enzyme-loci) and with morphological data delineating adult and larval stages of the Anisakis spp.; however. precise positioning of A. typica and A. ziphidarum remain poorly resolved, though they consistently clustered in the same clade as Anisakis sp. and the A. simplex complex. Comparison of anisakid data with those currently available for their cetacean-definitive hosts suggests parallelism between host and parasite phylogenetic tree topologies.
Parasite, 2008
Phocascaris (Phocascaris cystophorae), parasites as adults of seals, were inferred from sequence analysis (519 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (mtDNA cox2) gene. Phylogenetic analyses obtained from Parsimony (MP) and Neighbour-Joining (NJ) K2P distance values generated similar topologies, each well supported at major nodes. All analyses delineated two main clades: the first encompassing the parasites of the phocid seals, i.e. the C. osculatum species complex, C. osculatum baicalensis, C. mirounga and C. radiatum, with the latter two species forming a separate subclade; the second including the parasites of otarids, i.e. C. ogmorhini (s.s.) and C. margolisi. An overall high congruence between mtDNA inferred tree topologies and those produced from nuclear data sets (20 allozyme loci) was observed. Comparison of the phylogenetic hypothesis here produced for Contracaecum spp. plus Phocascaris with those currently available for their definitive hosts (pinnipeds) suggests parallelism between hosts and parasite phylogenetic tree topologies.
Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 is a nematode which causes major concerns to human and wildlife animal’s health. However, the population genetics of C. rudolphii has been poorly studied in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic diversity of the nematode C. rudolphii that were isolated from its host cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758), in the middle areas of Iraq, twenty specimens of C. rudolphii adults were isolated from nine individuals of P. carbo. The first (ITS-1) internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of C. rudolphii were amplified using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR); then, the amplicons were subjected to sequencing. Concatenation of ITS-1 (rDNA) sequences resulted in four unique genotypes that have not been previously recorded in Iraq. The present study showed that the most common genotype occurred in 85% of C. rudolphii, and in 88.9% of cormorants. Furthermore, the infrapopulation differe...