Kotlyar Eugeny. "JEWISH KHARKOV. A GUIDE-BOOK on history, culture and memorial places." Kharkov: Center for Eastern Studies of Kharkоv State Academy of Design and Arts, 2011. 172 p., fig. (original) (raw)

The Scientific Heritage of R. G. Fakhrutdinov (According to materials of the fund No. 17 of the Museum of Archaeology of Tatarstan Republic of the Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov). Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey No1 2022


The article describes the scientific fund of the famous Kazan archaeologist, student of A.Kh. Khalikov, Honored scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan – Ravil Gabdrakhmanovich Fakhrutdinov. The fund consists of 10 inventories. Inventory 1 includes research materials, the 2nd inventory reveals the scientific and organizational side of the researcher's activities, who has worked all the years in the Institute of Language, Literature and History of Kazan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1997 in Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Inventory 3 includes biographical materials, inventory 4 consists of the correspondence of R.G. Fahrutdinov. The 5th inventory contains prints of articles presented to him by the authors of the works. Inventory 6 contains materials of other persons. Inventory 7 is presented with materials on various topics that the scientist was engaged in. Inventory 8 includes extracts from literature and other sources for writing scientific papers. The 9th inventory contains different materials. Inventory 10 consists of publications about R.G. Fakhrutdinov.

Khuzin F.Sh. A luminary of Tatar archaeology. To the 85th anniversary of the birth of A.Kh. Khalikov. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (8). 2014.

On may 30, it was celebrated 85 years since the birth of D.Sc. (History), professor, corresponding member of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Alfred Khasanovic Khalikov – a prominent specialist in archaeology and ancient history of the Turkic and Finno–Ugric peoples of Volga River and the Urals region. A.Kh. Khalikov was the discoverer of hundreds monuments of all the archaeological epokhs – from the Palaeolithic Age till the New time. While being the leader of large archaeological expeditions such as Mari, Tatar, Bilyar, Kazan Kremlin etc., he had been organizing large-scale researches in territory of Tatarstan and Mari El republics, Penza and Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) oblast and other Middle Volga regions. In his doctoral dissertation «Ancient history of the Middle Volga river region», which he defended at the age of 36, he created wide cultural and chronological scheme of the Stone, Chalcolithic, Copper and Early Iron Ages in this region. A.Kh. Khalikov was the author of more than 400 articles and 20 books including popular–science ones that enlighten issues of origin and early history of the Middle Volga and Cis-Urals region’s population. Professor Khalikov had been successful lecturer in Kazan State University, created an own scientific school. Alfred Khasanovic spent a lot of energy during his work on the position of the deputy chief of Tatar branch of All– Union society of historic and cultural preservation. A scale of the versatile scientific and social activity carried out by A.Kh. Khalikov is hard to overestimate.

Котляр Євген. «Пам’ятки єврейського мистецтва Кам’янеччини у виданнях школи Гагенмейстера: пошуки і відкриття» ["On Jewish Artistic Monuments of Kamyanets District in Publications of Hahenmeister School: Search and Discoveries"], Народознавчі зошити [The Ethnology Notebooks] 6 (2014): 1474-1487.

The article has presented some re-found materials on Jewish art of Podolia, esp. the artworks gathered and published under supervision of Volodymyr Hahenmeister (1887—1938), widely-known Ukrainian art historian, lecturer and publisher in cooperation with K. Krzheminsky (1893—1937) within the framework of editory activities by Kamyanets‑Podilsky industrial school (Hahenmeister school). The author has considered two unique books published by this school — the album devoted to memorials of Jewish cemetery in Kamyanets-Podilsky, published in 1926, and one devoted to paintings of wooden synagogue in Smotrych of 1929. All attempts to find even one of the two albums had no results. The author of the article has found in the archives several documents only — 24 lithographic pictures of the memorials. This finding allows us to represent the tombstones of the old destroyed cemetery as a historical and art artifacts, as well as to evaluate the aesthetics of the mentioned publication. Kotlyar E. The Jewish Art Monuments of Kamenets District in Gagenmeister School Publications: Searches and Discoveries // Narodoznavchi Zoshyty (The Ethnology Notebooks) Magazine. – Lviv: Ethnology Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – # 6 (120). – P. 1474-1487. Котляр Є. Пам’ятки єврейського мистецтва Кам’янеччини у виданнях школи Гагенмейстера: пошуки і відкриття // Народознавчі зошити. – Львів: Інститут народознавства НАН України, 2014. – Серія мистецтвознавча. – Число 6 (120), листопад-грудень. – С. 1474-1487.

Khuzin F.Sh. (Kazan, Russian Federation). Book Review: E.D. Zilivinskaya. Architecture of the Golden Horde. Part 1. Cult Monuments. Moscow; Kazan: “Otechestvo” Publ., 2014. 228 p.,+ 220 p., ill. Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №2 (16). 2016.

The reviewed monograph by E.D. Zilivinskaya is the first fundamental research in the national historiography to address cult architecture of the Golden Horde. It summarizes massive material collected during archaeological digs on urban settlements, which were actively conducted since 1960s. The subject of this research are cult buildings: mosques, madrasa, khanqah, Christian temples and memorial buildings (mausoleums, vaults, fences of bedrock made under barrows, mainly reconstructed by their debris discovered by the archaeologists). Along with their description, by regions, as well as their classification and typology, examination of genesis of such cult buildings, the author addresses the issues of interaction of cultural traditions in architecture of the Golden Horde cities. The review gives a rather positive evaluation of E.D. Zilivinskaya’s monograph. Рецензируемая монография Э.Д. Зиливинской – первое в отечественной историографии фундаментальное исследование, посвященное культовой архитектуре Золотой Орды. В ней обобщен огромный материал, накопленный при археологических раскопках городских поселений, активно проводившихся начиная с 60-х годов XX в. Предметом исследования являются культовые здания – мечети, медресе, ханака, христианские храмы, и мемориальные постройки – мавзолеи, склепы, подкурганные сырцовые оградки, которые в основном реконструируются по их руинированным остаткам, выявленным археологами. Помимо их описания, данного по регионам, классификации и типологии, изучения генезиса культовых сооружений, много внимания уделено проблемам взаимодействия культурных традиций в архитектуре золотоордынских городов. В рецензии дается в целом положительная оценка монографии Э.Д. Зиливинской.

Written Monuments western and north-western areas of Bashkortostan: articles and materials

This collection includes articles devoted to the study of manuscripts, old printed books, epitaphs, and samples of folk art collected during expeditions in Baltachevsky, Blagovarsky, Davlekanovsky, Tatyshlinsky, Tuymazinsky, Chekmagushevsky and Chishminsky districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The publication is addressed to scientists, students and local historians interested in the history and culture of Bashkortostan. В настоящий сборник включены статьи, посвященные изучению рукописей, старопечатных книг, эпитафий, и образцы народного творчества, собранные во время экспедиций в Балтачевском, Благоварском, Давлекановском, Татышлинском, Туймазинском, Чекмагушевском и Чишминском районах Республики Башкортостан. Издание адресуется ученым, студентам и краеведам, интересующимся историей и культурой Башкортостана.

Izmailova S.Yu. Creative laboratory of the provincial scientist (according to correspondence of the Kazan archeologist and numismatist A.F. Likhachev). Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya. №3 (9). 2014.

The author represents the history of scientific ideas development proclaimed that each scientific creativity and activity can determine and change not only the bases of time’s scientific perspective, but also all course of culture. A direct source of such knowledge is an access to the creative laboratory of the scientist by studying his heritage. The A.F. Likhachev’s archive has reached us in an isolated condition and now it is stored by various archives organizations at Kazan, St. Petersburg and Moscow. The considerable group of documents is constituted by A.F. Lihachev’s correspondence with representatives of scientific and art circles – archeologists and numismatists, members of Russian and Moscow archaeological societies, collectors and owners of bookshops. Analyzing A.F. Likhachev’s creative laboratory it is possible to notice that the scientist’s contacts within the activity of scientific organizations have played a crucial role in his becoming a scientist, forming the researching skills and the scientific activity ethics. История развития научных идей свидетельствует, что каждый ученый творческий потенциал и деятельность могут определить и изменить не только основания научной перспективы времени, но также и всего курса культуры. Прямой источник такого знания – проникновение в творческую лабораторию ученого посредством изучения его наследия. Архив A.Ф. Лихачева достиг нас в изолированном состоянии, и теперь он сохранен в архивах различных организаций Казани, Петербурга и Москвы. Значительная группа документов составлена корреспонденцией А.Ф. Лихачева представителям научных и художественных кругов – археологи и нумизматы, члены российских и Московских археологических обществ, коллекционеры и владельцы книжных магазинов. Анализ творческой лаборатории A.Ф. Лихачева дает возможность заметить, что контакты ученого в рамках деятельности научных организаций играли важную роль в его формировании как ученого, формируя навыки исследования и этику научной деятельности.

А.З. Бейсенов, В.В. Варфоломеев, А. Касеналин. Monuments Begazy-Dandybay culture Central Kazakhstan

The outstanding scientist of Kazakhstan in XX c. Alikey Margulan contributed a lot to the discovery and studies of Begazy-Dandybay culture in Central Kazakhstan. Central Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition of the Science Academy of Kazakhstan was organized by him. Since 1946 the expedition carried out its long-term field studies in the territory of the region. Such archaeologists as Abdulmanap Orazbayev, Kemal Akishev, Mir Kadyrbayev and others joined the expedition. Due to the efforts made by these people numerous bright monuments have been investigated in the steppes of Central Kazakhstan. The discovery of Begazy-Dandybay culture is one of the important results of this work. Since the mid-1970s. Margulan began his research in Central Kazakhstan Karaganda archaeological center, which located in the building of Karaganda State University. One of the important results of this research is the opening of settlements of Kent proto-type. Currently, basic researches are carried out by experts from A. Margulan Institute of Archaeology (Almaty) and Karaganda State University. On the territory of Central Kazakhstan numerous burials of Begazy-Dandybay culture are known. More than 130 burials from more than 30 cemeteries were studied. Based on the size and characteristics of the construction the burials are divided into two main groups. The first group is the most numerous and combines small burials. These are the graves of the ordinary population. Often these are small stone boxes, enclosed by square or circular fence. The second group comprises large burial structures, where the representatives of ruling elite were buried. We know 18 such monuments, they are called mausoleums. These mausoleums can be met in cemeteries Begazy, Dandybay, Sangyru-1, Bugyly-3, Aibas-Darasy and others. Numerous imported vessels were found in mausoleums. Different weapons and jewelery were revealed as well. The tombs are located in places where there are deposits of copper ore. Perhaps, one of the sources of clan leaders’ wealth was control over the extracted ore and metal distribution. Begazy-Dandybay culture can be characterized by menhirs set in the vicinities of the large mounds. A. Margulan found about 100 menhirs, most of which could be preserved. The settlements are an important category of monuments of Begazy-Dandybay culture. At least 48 settlements of this culture are now known in Central Kazakhstan. Archaeological excavations were carried out on majority of them. The most numerous group No.1 can be represented by settlements the area of which is about 0,5 hectares. Settlements of the group No.II are characterized by their larger sizes, their area is 7–20 thousands m2, which hosted from 10 to 30 buildings. Qualitatively different settlements are proto-urban settlements, which have from 40 to 100 buildings and their area is Arman Z. Beisenov, Victor V. Varfolomeev, Aibar Kassenalin BEgAZy-DAnDyBAy MonuMEnts In CEntrAl KAZAKhstAn ABstrACt 188 from 3 to 30 hectares (Myrzhyk, Bugyly I, Shortandybulak, Kent). Conventionally, they are called settlements of Kent type. In addition to the size, number of buildings, presence of industrial metals Kent settlement blocks have a high density of findings made of bronze, bone, stone, ceramics. In this respect, the materials of the Kent settlement are important. Only in the excavation area No.6 with the area of 612 m2 7012 artifacts were found. These are 59 bronze items, 208 objects of bone and horn, 6 ceramics and 158 stone objects. The rest 6582 are presented by fragments of pottery vessels. Three imported chronological groups of pottery and small complex ceramic fragments are allocated. The cultural layer of the excavation in the excavation No.6 is the second half XIV–XI cc. BC. Two categories of dishes were distinguished in the monuments of Begazy-Dandybay culture: substrate and superstrate. Substrate type includes dishes of the group I. In another way, this is type of Sargary dishes. People of Begazy-Dandybay culture used them daily. On the basis of the three chronological subgroups of ceramics three stages in the history of Begazy- Dandybay culture were allocated: early, middle – Kent, and later – Dongal. In addition to this, local ceramics in large settlements and cemeteries of the ruling elite includes superstrate, i. e. imported kitchenware. In the category of imported pottery prevail dishes originating from the territory of Andronov cultures of West Siberia (groups IV–IX). A very small number of dishes similar to ceramic of Central Asian cultures of Namazga VI time (Group II and III) was revealed. Archaeological materials characterize Begazy-Dandybay culture as an association with a highly developed economy based on cattle breeding, industry, exchange of goods. Judging from the available materials rather strong connections were primarily developed with the agricultural centers of Central Asia, tribes of Western Siberia, Southern Ural. It is a society for the conditions of arid steppes which was highly developed socially. The processes of class formation and the formation of an early form of statehood took place in the society. Begazy-Dandybay culture was the forerunner of culture of the early Iron Age. It has influenced the process of development of many cultures of the early Saka era in the regions of Kazakhstan. On the basis of complex materials the date of Begazy-Dandybay culture in the second half of the II millennium BC – X cc. BC was justified.