Square-Root Families for the Simultaneous Approximation of Polynomial Multiple Zeros (original) (raw)
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 1987
A measure of efficiency of simultaneous methods for determination of polynomial zeros, defined by the coefficient of efficiency, is considered. This coefficient takes into consideration (1) the R-order of convergence in the sense of the definition introduced by Ortega and Rheinboldt (Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables. Academic Press, New York, 1970) and (2) the number of basic arithmetic operations per iteration, taken with certain weights depending on a processor time. The introduced definition of computational efficiency was used for comparison of the simultaneous methods with various structures.
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Carstensen, C. and M.S. PetkoviC, On iteration methods without derivatives for the simultaneous determination of polynomial zeros, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 45 (1993) 251-266. Several algorithms for simultaneously approximating simple complex zeros of a polynomial are presented. These algorithms use Weierstrass' corrections and do not require any polynomial derivatives. It is shown that Nourein's method is, actually, regula falsi for Weierstrass' corrections. Convergence analysis and computational efficiency are given for the considered methods in complex and circular arithmetic. Special attention is paid to hybrid methods that combine the efficiency of floating-point arithmetic and the inclusion property of interval arithmetic.
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