On Regularity of Transition Probabilities and Invariant Measures of Singular Diffusions Under Minimal Conditions (original) (raw)
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Journal of Functional Analysis, 1996
We prove regularity (i.e., smoothness) of measures + on R d satisfying the equation L*+=0 where L is an operator of type Lu=tr(Au")+B } {u. Here A is a Lipschitz continuous, uniformly elliptic matrix-valued map and B is merely +-square integrable. We also treat a class of corresponding infinite dimensional cases where R d is replaced by a locally convex topological vector space X. In this cases + is proved to be absolutely continuous w.r.t. a Gaussian measure on X and the square root of the Radon Nikodym density belongs to the Malliavin test function space D 2, 1 .
Dirichlet regularity and degenerate diffusion
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2010
Let Ω ⊂ R N be an open and bounded set and let m : Ω → (0, ∞) be measurable and locally bounded. We study a natural realization of the operator m in C 0 (Ω) := u ∈ C(Ω) : u |∂Ω = 0. If Ω is Dirichlet regular, then the operator generates a positive contraction semigroup on C 0 (Ω) whenever 1 m ∈ L p loc (Ω) for some p > N 2. If m(x) does not go fast enough to 0 as x → ∂Ω, then Dirichlet regularity is necessary. However, if |m(x)| ≤ c•dist(x, ∂Ω) 2 , then we show that m 0 generates a semigroup on C 0 (Ω) without any regularity assumptions on Ω. We show that the condition for degeneration of m near the boundary is optimal.
On uniqueness of invariant measures for finite- and infinite-dimensional diffusions
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1999
We prove uniqueness of "invariant measures", i.e., solutions to the equation L = 0 where L = + B r on R n with B satisfying some mild integrability conditions and is a probability measure on R n . This solves an open problem posed by S.R.S. Varadhan in 1980. The same conditions are shown to imply that the closure of L on L 1 ( ) generates a strongly continuous semigroup having as its unique invariant measure. The question whether an extension of L generates a strongly continuous semigroup on L 1 ( ) and whether such an extension is unique is addressed separately and answered positively under even weaker local integrability conditions on B. The special case when B is a gradient of a function (i.e., the "symmetric case") is in particular studied and conditions are identi ed ensuring that L = 0 implies that L is symmetric on L 2 ( ) resp. L = 0 has a unique solution. We also prove in nite dimensional analogues of the latter two results and a new elliptic regularity theorem for invariant measures in in nite dimensions. 1 := 0). Then the restriction of (T t ) t>0 to L r ( ) is the unique strongly continuous semigroup on L r ( ) whose generator extends L. This generator is, in fact, the closure of (L; C 1 0 (R n )) on L r ( ). 6
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Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 2010
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Elliptic equations for measures on infinite dimensional spaces and applications
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2001
We introduce and study a new concept of a weak elliptic equation for measures on infinite dimensional spaces. This concept allows one to consider equations whose coefficients are not globally integrable. By using a suitably extended Lyapunov function technique, we derive a priori estimates for the solutions of such equations and prove new existence results. As an application, we consider stochastic Burgers, reaction-diffusion, and Navier-Stokes equations and investigate the elliptic equations for the corresponding invariant measures. Our general theorems yield a priori estimates and existence results for such elliptic equations. We also obtain moment estimates for Gibbs distributions and prove an existence result applicable to a wide class of models. J n,j q j ≤ C 1 |n/2| + 1 −r + C 2 |n/2| + 1 −r ≤ C 3 q n , since J n,j ≤ J r (1 + |n − j|) −r .
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