La presenza della riflessione filosofica nella società italiana di oggi (original) (raw)

Pensare la dignità oggi. Una rassegna filosofica

Il Rasoio di Occam, 2014

Per affrontare il concetto della dignità umana è innanzitutto necessario compierne la genealogia. Tenendo in considerazione le contraddizioni che hanno attraversato storicamente la formulazione del concetto si può specificare meglio infatti il modo in cui oggi si continua a parlarne. Per ultimare il percorso si proporrà poi una rassegna di autori o di linee di pensiero che, in senso affermativo o in senso critico, caratterizzano il dibattito contemporaneo.

Riflessioni filosofiche in biblioteca

Rivista "IBC" XXVII, 2019, 4, 2019

Considerazioni sulle Biblioteche in occasione della rassegna "Che cosa fanno oggi i filosofi?" ed. 2019/20 dedicata alla morale contemporanea vista da autorevoli filosofi insieme a grandi autori antichi e moderni. Con un ricordo di Remo Bodei.

Pensando. Una riflessione filosofica sul pensiero

The study of thinking has necessarily to be of interest to man, who is the natural bearer. A fortiori, such an analysis cannot be left aside by philosophers. This paper aims to produce an explanation of the phenomenon of thought, which is not limited to the area of philosophy: I shall attempt, albeit briefly, to take into account other research methods, namely that of psychology. By considering both ancient and modern theories about the meaning and nature of the activity of thinking, I shall define the thought as an unstoppable activity that accompanies man throughout his life. Keywords: Thought – Philosophy – Psychology – Plato – Dewey

Filosofare alla fine dei tempi. Riflessioni agambeniane

This work focuses on the apocalyptic nature of Giorgio Agamben's philosophical works. The dialogue with Agamben is full of references to St. Paul's letters, Kafka's literary works and Benjamin's messianism. This work tries to define the criteria of the kairological time, considered as a section of the chronological time which deactivates the discretionary mechanism, along the same lines as St. Paul's lessons, which reformulate the distinction between Jews / non‐Jews. In this diacritic strategy lies the secret of any future philosophy, that is profanation, meant as the abolition of any sacred limit and the return to a human use.

Dialogo e pratica filosofica di comunità

Logoi (, II, 6/2016), 2016

What characterizes a ‘philosophical practice of community’? In this essay, Antonio Cosentino – reinterpreting the Socratic tradition, beyond the metaphysical urgency – puts the basic elements of dialogic relationship in the meeting, in the shared ability to ‘deconstruct and reconstruct meanings’ and to open research beyond well known answers. Indeed, only those elements are capable of transforming the exchange of thoughts in an activity that builds the society and so in a ‘practice’ of philosophy. Therefore, the dialogue has a pragmatic dimension and destination; it is capable to overcome its very competitive dimension and become a ‘shared act’, very different from other forms of communication.