Recensione: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Causa ed effetto, 2006 (original) (raw)
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solve outstanding empirical problems (for instance, the tendency of the rate of profit to fall); the character of Marx's empirical reasoning; or Marx's efforts to understand the historical origins of capitalism. Symptomatically, Murray treats the highly abstract first four chapters of Capital as the core of Marx's mature scientific practice, with no attention at all to the much more empirically detailed analysis provided later in Capital: Marx's analysis of the division of labour, machinery, the working day, and the process of primitive accumulation. Perhaps predictably, given its Hegelian orientation, Murray ignores the important work that has been done within 'analytical Marxism' in recent years on the topics discussed heree.g. work by
Ludwig Wittgenstein. Itinerario arquitectónico de un filósofo analítico
ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat, 2021
La condició arquitectònica i les seues connotacions en altres àmbits de la cultura, com el de la filosofia analítica, suposa repte divisible a través de la figura de l’intel·lectual de la Viena del segle XIX, Ludwig Wittgenstein. La seua dedicació obsessiva, tarannà manifest en qualsevol labor que ocupara el seu temps, derivaria, entre altres activitats, en una clara incursió en la professió d’arquitecte. La seua empremta queda exposada en un breu itinerari de la seua obra la qual queda perpetuada a través de la icònica casa Stonborough, construïda per a la seua germana a Viena. En ella culminarà una obra en la qual es testimonia el domini de la proporció espacial interior, la racionalitat i control sobre el detall arquitectònic portat a les seues últimes conseqüències. A partir de l’anàlisi de la seua obra mestra el Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921), que al costat de Ser i Temps de Martin Heidegger (1927) constitueixen els dos referents del pensament occidental del passat segle...
The 20th and 21st of May 2015 the celebration of the Fifth Symposium of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, consecrated to the contemporary uses of the philosophy of this essential thinker of the XXth century, took place in the Complutense University of Madrid. The congress was organized by Professor Ángeles J. Perona by commission of Stefan Majetschak, president of the International Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. Professor J. Perona leads a research team, whose members formed the organizing committee of the event and took on the majority of the debates coordination. This team has been working for two decades on the problem of rationality and its rules in different thinkers, but especially on the receptions of the Wittgensteinian legacy.
Wittgenstein resumed, 2021
Preliminary Remarks For about 25 years I investigated the philosophy of LW. Since 2005 I tried to be more independent. When in 2012 I was asked to contribute an article on LW to a reader on German philosophers of the 20 th century 1 , I took this as an opportunity for a résumé. The resulting book saw a 2 nd edition 2015 and then went out of print. Although I received no royalties for my contribution I did not succeed in regaining the rights in my text. The publisher only allowed me one offprint to put it on my web-site ( I am also not allowed to translate it. Because I did not stop learning and thinking about LW since and even published a new book on him on my web-site 2 , the following text is not a translation of the text from the German reader, but another treatment of its subject in the light of some new insights.
Nosso objetivo neste artigo e propor uma nova maneira de compreender o processo de analise de proposicoes proposto por Wittgenstein no Tractatus. O fio condutor de nossa apresentacao sera assumir que nessa famosa obra Wittgenstein adota, como procedimento de elucidacao do sentido de uma proposicao, a busca pela determinacao exaustiva e exclusiva de suas condicoes de verdade. Mostraremos que, motivado por essa busca, Wittgenstein e levado a propor um processo de analise que chamaremos aqui de "A grande Analise". O processo de analise proposto, no entanto, e bastante radical e tem como consequencia uma serie de desafios. Nossa estrategia sera a de, em primeiro lugar, oferecer uma explicacao de como esse processo poderia ser teoricamente implementado para, em seguida, extrair desse procedimento bastante radical suas diversas consequencias. Nosso interesse principal e mostrar como a pressuposicao desse criterio radical de elucidacao do sentido de proposicoes cria impasses e ge...