Maya Mayblin. Gender, Catholicism, and Morality in Brazil. Virtuous Husbands, Powerful Wives (original) (raw)

Book Review: Gender, Catholicism, and Morality in Brazil: Virtuous Husbands, Powerful Wives. Maya Mayblin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2010.

Gender, Catholicism, and Morality in Brazil is a beautiful ethnography that deserves to be read widely. Mayblin gracefully evokes her main theme: the moral challenges of marriage in Brazil's rural Northeast. Unique among scholars on this subject, she offers a sustained consideration of how Roman Catholicism shapes gender relations, morality and power. And this is why the ethnography is important, even necessary. Indeed, Catholicism has limited presence in Brazilianist and Latin Americanist anthropology today, despite its continued cultural relevance. Mayblin's research should thus be a catalyst for a long-needed debate about Catholicism, sociality and culture in Latin America. And such a debate may very well have implications for how we research the relationship between religion, sociality and culture more generally.

Sexualidad y religión: Crónica de una rebelión esperada

Inti Revista De Literatura Hispanica, 1982

La dinámica que condiciona el comportamiento de los personajes de Crónica de una muerte anunciada revela fuerzas subterráneas que desde tiempos remotos separan al hombre de la mujer, sexual y socialmente. La naturaleza de este condicionamiento es consecuencia de una doble tradición androcéntrica: una civil, que genera leyes orgánicas que perpetúan las expectativas de un sistema patriarcal, y otra eclesiástica, complementaria de la anterior, que se ciñe a las exigencias de la doctrina de una Iglesia oscurantista. Para librar a este pueblo de este lastre de doble filo, García Márquez elabora una historia cuyo correlato paródico del cristianismo cuestiona seriamente los mecanismos de la relación entre los sexos, la arrogancia masculina que se ha apoderado de un falso privilegio y el lastimoso estado de inferioridad al que se ha sumido a la mujer. Al sopesar estas esferas de valores enajenantes, el autor concluye que tal situación va en detrimento tanto del hombre como de la mujer, y que necesariamente conduce a la tragedia. En este sentido, Crónica busca un nuevo principio que redima y humanice a ambos polos en una relación más armónica.

Women and Religion in Contemporary Brazil

Brill Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil, eds. Bettina Schmidt and Steven Engler., 2016

This is the page proofs from my chapter in the Brill Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil. This chapter surveys the significant roles that women have played in a variety of Brazilian religions. Brazilian women, like their North American and European counterparts, participate in organized religious activities and institutions in greater numbers than men. Despite this fact, there is little scholarship on women's roles in contemporary Brazilian religions. This chapter takes a preliminary step towards that goal, drawing on the existing scholarship as well as census and other survey data to offer a wider view of women and religion in contemporary Brazil. It focuses on Catholicism, the Pentecostal movement, Umbanda and Candomble, and the newer religions of Santo Daime and the Valley of the Dawn. Women’s religious lives often are closely linked to those arenas in which women traditionally hold authority or control access to knowledge: the home, family, childcare, the physiology of the female body, and domestic life in general. Women’s religiosity is, therefore, different from men’s just as women’s social lives and experiences are different from men’s.

CARBAJO NÚÑEZ M., «Revitalizing religious life today: Ethical challenges and leadership», in Carthaginensia 71 (2021) 147-165


Abstract: This paper explores the possible ways of animating religious life in a time marked by sociocultural change and vocational crisis. It seems that a part of the Consecrated have their prophetic soul sickened, that they have lost the capacity of hoping and dreaming (1st part). However, Pope Francis reminds them that this is a time of hope and new prophecy. Therefore, they need the audacity and creativity of their founders to retake the core of their own charism and find the way of incarnating it today through a deep structural transformation (2nd part). More precisely, religious life needs inspiring leadership (3rd part) and a greater attention to fraternal life (4th part). Keywords: Religious life, Vocational crisis, Leadership, Ethical challenges, Digital era. Sumario: Este artículo estudia los posibles modos de animar la vida consagrada en un tiempo marcado por el cambio sociocultural, la crisis vocacional y el aumento de la edad media de los religiosos. Se diría que una parte de los religiosos tienen enferma su alma profética, que han perdido la esperanza y la capacidad de soñar (1ª parte). Sin embargo, el Papa Francisco les recuerda que éste es un tiempo de esperanza y nueva profecía. Por tanto, necesitan la audacia y la creatividad de sus fundadores para retomar el núcleo del propio carisma y encarnarlo en la situación actual, afrontando una profunda transformación estructural (2ª parte). Más concretamente, los religiosos necesitan un liderazgo inspirador (3ª parte) y una mayor atención a la vida en fraternidad (4ª parte). Palabras clave: Vida religiosa, Crisis vocacional, Liderazgo, Desafíos éticos, Era digital.


Vibrant, 2014

"Religion" and "ethnicity" occupy a central place in the history of anthropological thought. Brazilian anthropology is no exception. In recent years, the political use of the concept of "culture" has led us to rethink our use of these terms and concepts; once comfortably distinct, they have now become blurred genres (Geertz, 1983). One symptom of this change is the fact that the essentialist idea of culture has become an instrument of identity self-affirmation, and has become part of the legal language of rights. Thus, various actors – social movements, nation spokespersons, activists, government officials and intellectuals in general – constitute a complex arena of debates. The categories of "religion" and "ethnicity" take on new meanings in the languages of interculturality, codes, and disputes over identity present in the most diverse arenas: the "natives" – and the State – can now, more than ever before, deal with the "things" of anthropology.

Objectivity and subjectivity in Religious Studies in Brazil

Most postgraduate students of religious sciences in Brazil are natives. Some are activists of different religious denominations. For them, embed in question the dogma of its own religion is a challenge. The text analyzes the problems resulting of the fieldwork in religion considering the litigations from the contact between the researcher and the group evaluated. The Humanities were getting further apart from the objectivity perspective and, now, recognize the role of the subjectivity. In our particular field, not only does the investigator have their own views about the religious realm, but also the studied person has their own religion, as well as their own opinion about their religion, about the other's religion, and also about what they think might be the religion followed by the scientist. Our native people are not naïve spectators, nor are they mere subjectivities; nor are they subjects, void of autonomous thoughts; nor projections of our own minds.

Actas del Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea 1 (2007)


PLANTEAMIENTO Con motivo del 1100 aniversario de San Rosendo, evangelizador de las tierras gallegas, el Obispado de Ourense y el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia, convocaron el I Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Religiosa «Arquitecturas de lo sagrado: memoria y proyecto». El encuentro estuvo dedicado a debatir la incidencia de la liturgia como programa en el espacio de culto, y a reflexionar sobre el espacio sagrado a través de algunas de las obras más significativas de la arquitectura religiosa contemporánea. Por sus peculiares características programático-espaciales, las iglesias son edificios que reflejan muy bien el contexto en el que nacen. No es necesario referirse a tiempos demasiado lejanos para constatar el importante papel que los edificios sagrados han desempeñado en el desarrollo de las comunidades. Sin ir más lejos, tanto en la Europa posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial como en la posguerra española, la relación entre la sociedad y la ciudad ha estado caracterizada por la presencia integradora de los edificios de culto y, en concreto, de los centros parroquiales. En una realidad multicultural sometida al cambio constante como la nuestra, el valor de estos lugares vuelve a tener una importancia significativa, colmatando con su cercanía y sencillez el vacío dejado por otras instituciones. Por otra parte, como todo lo que está sometido al paso del tiempo, el edificio sacro siempre tiene necesidad de actualizarse. Tras el azaroso periodo que siguió al Concilio Vaticano II, conviene preguntarse si siguen siendo las iglesias lugares de adoración y de culto, o si tienen otro significado. Si hemos olvidado su dimensión trascendente para centrarnos en la social. O incluso hasta qué punto la investigación arquitectónica y la praxis litúrgica tienen una repercusión real en la renovación tipológica de las iglesias. ¿Qué sugieren los liturgistas y qué proponen los arquitectos contemporáneos? ¿Qué repercusiones espaciales tendrá el reciente Motu proprio «Summorum pontificum»? El I Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura Religiosa «Arquitecturas de lo sagrado: memoria y proyecto» fue un buen momento para reflexionar sobre las nuevas perspectivas que se abren a la arquitectura religiosa en el futuro más inmediato.

Interview with Pará Association for Scholars of Religion (Brazil) - (in IJLAR 2018)

Interview with Suellen de Fátima Pereira Bahia and Anderson Ferreira Costa, from Pará Association for Scholars of Religion (Brazil), 2018

Associations for the study of religion (Religionswissenschaft) normally are concerned with the development of research on religions. This is a fact internationally observed in the history of the discipline, revealing its almost exclusively academic bias. In northern Brazil, however, the Pará Association for Scholars of Religion (or BACREPA,^ the Portuguese acronym) presents another perspective. In Brazil, the undergraduate courses in the study of religion were created to supply the demand for docents to teach religious education in public schools. This demand was created by a change in the religious education conception of Brazil, which now seeks distance from the catechetical and proselytizing origins of this school subject. Soon after the creation of the Pará undergraduate course in the study of religion, Pará scholars of religion noticed the need to unite themselves through a formal association to promote their careers and guarantee their jobs. This group has been very successful locally, and they are today a reference for others scholars of religion all over Brazil. In this interview, Suellen de Fátima Pereira Bahia and Anderson Ferreira Costa talk about their actions and political views regarding the study of religion in Pará. Bahia is the executive secretary of ACREPA, and Costa is the executive director of ACREPA. Both of them hold a licentiate degree in the study of religion from the State University of Pará.