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XIII. yüzılda yaşamış bir mutasavvıf olan Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rûmî’nin tasavvufî düşünce ve anlayışı evrensel ölçüde yaygındır. Bugün Doğu’dan Batı’ya tüm dünyada bir “Rumî Fenomeni” ile karşı karşıyayız. 2007 yılı Mevlânâ’nın doğumunun sekiz yüzüncü yılı olması sebebiyle UNESCO tarafından dünyâ düşünce tarihinin önemli unsurlarından kabul edilerek, barış, sevgi ve hoşgörü adına “Dünyâda Mevlânâ yılı” olarak ilan edilmiştir. Varlığı en iyi şekilde anlayıp yorumlayan ve insanlığa sunan Mevlânâ, insanlığın dînî, ahlâkî, ilmî ve içtimâî birçok açıdan oldukça fazla açmaz ve sıkıntılarının olduğu modern dünyada bu problemlere çözüm önerileri sunabilecek insanın kendisini bulabileceği yaklaşımlar ortaya koyacak bir rehberdir. XIII. yüzyıldan günümüze kadar gelen bu rehberlik günümüzde dinler ve kültürler arasında bir köprü olarak evrensel bir boyut kazanmıştır. Sekiz asırdır eser ve düşünceleri ile inanç ve kültür dünyamızda yaşayan Mevlânâ Celâleddîn Rûmî, global manada tüm dikkatleri üzerine çekmiş ve tefekkür dünyâ-sında haklı bir şöhret ve önemli bir mevki edinmiştir. Dünyanın çok farklı bölgelerinden insanlar Mevlânâ aracılığı ile İslâm’ı tanıyarak müslümanlığı tanımakta ve tercîh edebilmektedir. İslâm dünyası ise, sevgi, hoşgörü ve samîmîyet dolu bir dînî yaşantı ve rûhî zenginlik için onun eserlerini ve düşüncelerini anlamaya çalışmaktadır. İslâm Tasavvufu’nun evrensel bir figürü ve İslâm düşüncesinin köşe taşlarından biri olan Mevlânâ’nın eserlerini ve hayatını göz önünde tutarak kimliği ve fikirlerine kapı aralamaya çalışacağız. Rumi who lived in the 13th century still holds a great fame in the world. Today, we face a “Rumi phenomenon” both in the East and the West. According to our findings, Rumi and his works can work like a guide in order to produce solutions for the social, personal and moral problems of the modern world. Through his works man can find himself and the real purpose of life. This article endeavors to uncover his universal ideas as well as his personality as one of the main representatives of Sufi thought. His spiritual guidance today gained a new momentum and he became a central figure between different cultures, functioning as a bridge of love and tolerance among them. In the last 8 centuries, his works and thoughts attracted a global attention and he attained a high place in the human thought. In addition to this, many people get to know Islam by means of Rumi’s works and at times they even become Muslims. In the Muslim world, people benefit from his books greatly learning how to lead religious life in sincerity, tolerance and moderation. This article attempts to open a door to his works and his universal personality.

Role of mysticism in socio-political milieu of sub-continent: An historical review

Islam is a religion, which is second only to Christianity in size and is prevalent in all corners of the world. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) (CE 570 – 632) who was born in Makkah in Arabia and was to become ‘the seal of the prophets’ founded it. After revelations from God (Allah), Muhammad went on to preach the religion of the one absolute God. In his final sermon Muhammad (PBUH) summarized the core of Islam thus: "Belief in One God without images or symbols, equality of all the Believers without distinction of race or class, the superiority of individuals being based solely on piety; sanctity of life, property and honor; abolition of interest, and of vendettas and private justice; better treatment of women; obligatory inheritance and distribution of the property of deceased persons among near relatives of both sexes, and removal of the possibility of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few." The religion started in Makkah, Arabia in 7th Century CE, although God’s revelation. "Islam" is an Arabic word that includes the concept of submitting to the will of God, thereby achieving peace and security. To become a Muslim you need only utter the words, ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’, in front of witnesses and you have become a Muslim, influenced by Koran which is not, like the Bible, a collection of books of widely different dates and by many different hands. It is a volume of discourses delivered by Muhammad (PBUH) during the last twenty years or so of his life.


Sufism is the mystical tradition which is intimately related to the ascetical and spiritual of aspect of Islam. It has a rich and long history with different religious, cultural, social and political currents and forces at work. In Islam, Sufism is often ed the 'religion of the interior' as opposed to the 'religion of the exterior' which is living in accordance with the demands of the Islamic law (sharia), jurisprudence (fiqh) and Hadith (tradition). In this article my concern is to examine how Sufism is a mystical way to God-experience in Islam, with some background information about the movement and critical observations of general nature.

Contemporary Bosnian Sufism. MA Thesis

The Sufis of Bosnia bridge the divide between Islam and the West by teaching the Qur"anic concepts of peace, including tawhid (unity with all) and respect towards others.