Carbon dioxide biofixation and biomass production from flue gas of power plant using microalgae (original) (raw)

The use of microalgae for assimilation and utilization of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel-fired power plant flue gas

Energy Conversion and Management, 1995

Absract-The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, primarily as a result of the combustion of fossil fuels, has been linked to potential global climate change. Capture and utilization of the carbon dioxide by microalgae has emerged as a promising technology to help reduce emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants. Microalgae are of particular interest because of their rapid growth rates and tolerance to varying environmental conditions. We are currently conducting experiments on the growth of microalgae exposed to simulated flue gas, This technology is envisioned for open raceway cultivation ponds as a low cost implementation strategy. Coupling the production of fuel or commodity chemicals with the use of flue gas carbon dioxide as a microalgal nutrient is envisioned to be a cost-effective method of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide contributed to the atmosphere by fossil fuel-tired power plants.

A Review on Microalgae to Achieve Maximal Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Mitigation from Industrial Flue Gases

Global climate change and atmospheric CO 2 levels are increasing in the last decades mainly due to the rise in anthropogenic emissions. Point source emissions of CO 2 from power plants during industrialized process accounts much for this increase. An attractive approach for offsetting emissions is direct biofixation of CO 2 from flue gas through microalgae. Flue gas is fully utilized as resource to cultivate microalgae in order to moderate anthropogenic effect on our climate and for steer microalgal resource management towards innovative applications of microalgal biomass compounds. Treated and untreated flue gas into current discharge standard contains CO 2 , NO x , SO x , particulate matter, halogen acids and heavy metals. All these compounds are considered to better steer and engineered flue gas-fed microalgal cultures. This review gives an overview of effect on photochemical, physiochemical and hydrodynamic process on the performance of microalgal-CO 2 fixation and biomass production. It is important to select suitable microalgae strains having a high growth rate, high CO 2 fixation ability and being easily cultivated on large scale to gain high biomass yield and valuable by-products to offset the costs of carbon mitigation.

Microalgae Cultivation in Pilot Scale for Biomass Production Using Exhaust Gas from Thermal Power Plants

Energies, 2019

Exhaust gases from thermal power plants have the highest amount of carbon dioxide (CO2), presenting an environmental problem related to a severe impact on ecosystems. Extensively, the reduction of CO2 from thermal power plants has been considered with the aid of microalgae as a cost-effective, sustainable solution, and efficient biological means for recycling of CO2. Microalgae can efficiently uptake CO2 and nutrients resulting in high generation of biomass and which can be processed into different valuable products. In this study, we have taken Nephroselmis sp. KGE8, Acutodesmus obliquus KGE 17 and Acutodesmus obliquus KGE32 microalgae, which are isolated from acid mine drainage and cultivated in a photobiological incubator on a batch scale, and also confirmed that continuous culture was possible on pilot scale for biofuel production. We also evaluated the continuous culture productivity of each cultivate-harvest cycle in the pilot scale. The biomass of the cultivated microalgae wa...

A review on microalgae to achieve maximal carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation from Industrial flue gases.pdf

Global climate change and atmospheric CO 2 levels are increasing in the last decades mainly due to the rise in anthropogenic emissions. Point source emissions of CO 2 from power plants during industrialized process accounts much for this increase. An attractive approach for offsetting emissions is direct biofixation of CO 2 from flue gas through microalgae. Flue gas is fully utilized as resource to cultivate microalgae in order to moderate anthropogenic effect on our climate and for steer microalgal resource management towards innovative applications of microalgal biomass compounds. Treated and untreated flue gas into current discharge standard contains CO 2 , NO x , SO x , particulate matter, halogen acids and heavy metals. All these compounds are considered to better steer and engineered flue gas-fed microalgal cultures. This review gives an overview of effect on photochemical, physiochemical and hydrodynamic process on the performance of microalgal-CO 2 fixation and biomass production. It is important to select suitable microalgae strains having a high growth rate, high CO 2 fixation ability and being easily cultivated on large scale to gain high biomass yield and valuable byproducts to offset the costs of carbon mitigation.

The possibility of using carbon dioxide from biogas in the production of microalgae biomass


The use of biogas originating from the methane ferm entation process is one of the most promising methods for the production of renewable energy. The study aimed to determine the possibilities of using biogas from anaerobic digestion of dairy wastewater to intensify the prod uction of microalgae biomass. The tested culture was Chlorella sp., which originated from the Baltic Algae Culture Collection. The research was conducted in t wo variants to determine the inhibitory effect of hydrogen sulphide on the growt h of microalgae biomass. The results confirmed the possibility of the effici ent use of the carbon dioxide contained in the biogas to increase the productivit y of Chlorella sp. Tests performed in the present research confirmed CO2 rem oval of more than 80% in all variants (with raw biogas, desulfurized biogas, nd with CO2).

The utilization of microalgae as an agent for converting CO2 to O2 in a photosynthesis reactor to mitigate CO2 emissions

Gravity : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Fisika

A closed photobioreactor design has been fabricated, aimed to determine the basic concept for microalgae Chlorella vulgaris development. This study employed a flat-plate type with dimensions of 16x20x25 cm with the effectiveness of 3000 ml culture media and two 20 watt 220 volt tungsten halogen lamps, which were placed on the right and left sides of the reactor with a light intensity of 1000 lux. This study employed two photobioreactors, type-I without CO 2 supply and type-II with CO 2 supply as much as 25%. The initial cell density of Chlorella vulgaris culture was 14,694 x10 5 cells/ml; then observations were made every day using a Haemocytometer. O 2 concentration data were collected every day 3 times with irradiation time of 1, 6, and 9 hours using the O 2 gas sensor (KE-50 type). The determination of the O 2 concentration value in the photobioreactor on the 3 rd day was 0.69%.

Engineering Management of Gas Turbine Power Plant Co 2 for Microalgae Biofuel Production


Fossil fuel accounts for over 80% of the world`s primary energy, particularly in areas of transportation, manufacturing and domestic heating. However, depletion of fossil reserves, frequent threats to the security of fossil fuel supply, coupled with concerns over emissions of greenhouse gases associated with fossil fuel use has motivated research towards developing renewable and sustainable sources for energy fuels. Consequently, the use of microalgae culture to convert CO 2 from power plants flue gases into biomass that are readily converted into biofuel offers a window of opportunities to enhance, compliment or replace fossil-fuel-use. Interest in the use of microalgae biomass for biofuel production is high as it affords the potential for power plant CO 2 sequestration-(1kg of dry algae biomass uses about 1.83kg CO 2). Similarly, its capacity to utilise nutrients from a variety of wastewater, sets it apart from other biomass resources. These outlined benefits all emphasis the need for extended R&D efforts to advance commercial microalgae biofuel production. The paper is aimed at investigating the environmental performance of the microalgae biofuel production process using LCA.

Microalgae as a Means for Converting Flue Gas Co 2 Into Biomass with a High Content of Starch

The microalga Chlorella vulgaris grown photoautotrophicaly was used as a biocatalyst, which is able to convert carbon dioxide produced during municipal waste incineration into a valuable biomass. The utilization of the flue gas containing 10-13% (v/v) CO 2 and 8-10% (v/v) O 2 for a photobioreactor agitation and CO 2 supply was proved to be convenient. Using of a simple additional treatment of the flue gas prior to the cultivation enables to produce biomass, which satisfies all the European foodstuff legislation limits for contaminants. However, the attitudes of consumers towards foodstuff produced on waste cannot be neglected; therefore the exploitation of the biomass in the production of bioethanol was also considered. The relative amount of the starch in the biomass of Chlorella vulgaris can be enhanced by appropriate cultivation conditions. When the microalgal cultures were grown under light saturation conditions about 30% of dry weight (DW) presented starch. Limitation by phosph...

Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae using industrial flue gases for biodiesel production

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015

In the present study, an attempt has been made to grow microalgae Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlorella vulgaris and Botryococcus braunii in mixotropic cultivation mode using two different substrates, i.e. sewage and glucose as organic carbon sources along with flue gas inputs as inorganic carbon source. The experiments were carried out in 500 ml flasks with sewage and glucose-enriched media along with flue gas inputs. The composition of the flue gas was 7 % CO 2 , 210 ppm of NO x and 120 ppm of SO x. The results showed that S. quadricauda grown in glucose-enriched medium yielded higher biomass, lipid and fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) (biodiesel) yields of 2.6, 0.63 and 0.3 g/L, respectively. Whereas with sewage, the biomass, lipid and FAME yields of S. quadricauda were 1.9, 0.46, and 0.21 g/L, respectively. The other two species showed closer results as well. The glucose utilization was measured in terms of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) reduction, which was up to 93.75 % by S. quadricauda in the glucose-flue gas medium. In the sewage-flue gas medium, the COD removal was achieved up to 92 % by S. quadricauda. The other nutrients and pollutants from the sewage were removed up to 75 % on an average by the same. Concerning the flue gas treatment studies, S. quadricauda could remove CO 2 up to 85 % from the flue gas when grown in glucose medium and 81 % when grown in sewage. The SO x and NO x concentrations were reduced up to 50 and 62 %, respectively, by S. quadricauda in glucose-flue gas medium. Whereas, in the sewage-flue gas medium, the SO x and NO x concentrations were reduced up to 45 and 50 %, respectively, by the same. The other two species were equally efficient however with little less significant yields and removal percentages. This study laid emphasis on comparing the feasibility in utilization of readily available carbon sources like glucose and inexpensive leftover carbon sources like sewage by microalgae to generate energy coupled with economical remediation of waste. Therefore on an industrial scale, the sewage is more preferable. Because the results obtained in the laboratory demonstrated both sewage and glucose-enriched nutrient medium are equally efficient for algae cultivation with just a slight difference. Essentially, the sewage is cost effective and easily available in large quantities compared to glucose.