FRANCA'S QUIET MODERNISM: Acknowledging the maturation of Portuguese regionalist architecture in the interwar period. (original) (raw)

Introductory note—the emergence of Portuguese modernism: contributions to its cultural history

Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2017

DIX, Steffen; SILVA, Patrícia, "Introductory note—the emergence of Portuguese modernism: contributions to its cultural history" (2017). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 11, Spring, pp. 1-8. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 11 Introductory Note [Nota Introdutória] BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography / 1 BENJAMIN, Walter (1963). Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Edition Suhrkamp. BROOKER, Peter and Andrew THACKER (2005) (eds.). Geographies of Modernism: Literature, Culture, Spaces. Abingdon; New York: Routledge. DIX, Steffen and Jerónimo PIZARRO (2011). Portuguese Modernisms: Multiple Perspectives on Literature and the Visual Arts. Oxford: Legenda. FRIEDMAN, Susan Stanford (2015). Planetary Modernisms: Provocations on Modernity Across Time. N.Y.; Chischester, West Sussex: Columbia UP. _____ (2010). “Planetarity: Musing Modernist Studies”, in Modernism/modernity, vol. 17, n.º 3, September, pp. 471-­‐‑499. _____ (2008). “One Hand Clapping: Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and the Spatio/Temporal Boundaries of Modernism”, in Translocal Modernisms: International Perspectives. Edited by Maria Irene Ramalho and António Sousa Ribeiro. Bern; New York; Oxford; and others: Peter Lang, pp. 11-­‐‑40. _____ (2006). “Periodizing Modernism: Postcolonial Modernities and the Space/Time Borders of Modernist Studies”, in Modernism/modernity, vol. 13, n.º 3, special issue, “Modernism and Transnationalisms”, pp. 425–443. HOBSBAWM, Eric (1995). The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914–1991. London: Abacus. LAWRENCE, D. H. (1923; rpt. 1960). Kangaroo. New York: Viking. ROCHA, Clara (2013). “Modernist Magazines in Portugal: Orpheu and its Legacy: Orpheu (1915); Exílio (1916); Centauro (1916); Portugal Futurista (1917); Contemporânea (1915, 1922-­‐‑6); Athena (1924-­‐‑5); Sudoeste (1935); Presença (1927–38, 1939-­‐‑40 [1977]“, in The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines. Edited by Peter Brooker, Andrew Thacker, Sascha Bru, and Christian Weikop. Oxford: Oxford UP, vol. III, “Europe 1880-­‐‑1940“, pp. 413-­‐‑435. STEINMETZ, Sebald Rudolf (1912/1913). “Die Stellung der Soziographie in der Reihe der Geisteswissenschaften“, in Archiv für Rechts-­‐‑ und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, vol. 6, n.º 3, pp. 492-­‐‑ 501. WOOLF, Virginia (1966). Collected Essays. London: The Hogarth Press, vol. I. Bibliography / 2 Most recent publications about Orpheu CARDIELLO, Antonio, Jeronimo PIZARRO, and Sílvia Laureano COSTA (2015) (eds.). Nós, os de "ʺOrpheu"ʺ | We, the "ʺOpheu"ʺ lot. Lisboa: Boca – Palavras que Alimentam. DIX, Steffen (2015) (ed.). 1915: o ano do Orpheu. Lisboa: Tinta-­‐‑de-­‐‑china. JÚDICE, Nuno (2015) (ed.). Colóquio/Letras, n.º 190, Setembro-­‐‑Dezembro, “À Volta de Orpheu”. MAIOR, Dionísio Vila and Annabela RITA (2016) (eds.). 100 Orpheu. Viseu: Edições Esgotadas. MATANGRANO, Bruno Anselmi (2015) (eds.). 100 Anos da Revista Orpheu. São Paulo: Revista Desassossego 14. MOISÉS, Carlos Felipe (ed.) (2015). Orpheu 1915-­‐‑2015. Campinas: Unicamp. ORPHEU (2015). Fac-­‐‑simile edition. Edited by Steffen Dix. Lisboa: Tinta-­‐‑de-­‐‑china. ORPHEU (2015). Fac-­‐‑simile edition. Público. Lisboa. ORPHEU: revista de literatura (2015). Translated and edited by Ana Lucía De Bastos. Caracas: Bid & Co Editor. ORPHEU: revue trimestrielle de littérature (2015). Translated and edited by Patrick Quillier. Paris: Ypsilon Éditeur. PESSOA, Fernando (2015). Orpheu. Schriften zur Literatur: Ästhetik und Kunst. Translated and edited by Steffen Dix. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-­‐‑Verlage. _____ (2015). Sobre Orpheu e o Sensacionismo. Edited by Richard Zenith and Fernando Cabral Martins. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. _____ (2009). Sensacionismo e Outros Ismos. Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro. Critical edition. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-­‐‑Casa da Moeda. SAMUEL, Paulo (2015) (ed.). Orpheu e o Modernismo Português. Porto: Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida. SARAIVA, Arnaldo (2017). “O centenário e ‘inextinguível’ Orpheu”, in Colóquio/Letras, n.º 194, Janeiro-­‐‑Abril, pp. 180-­‐‑85. _____ (2015). Os Órfãos do Orpheu. Porto: Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida. SEPÚLVEDA, Pedro (2015) (ed.). Caderno do Orpheu. Lisboa: Revista Estranhar Pessoa 2. SOUSA, Rui (2011). Os Bastidores de Orpheu: visões dos do grupo a respeito do seu tempo e do seu projecto, Lisboa: CLEPUL. ZENITH, Richard (2015) (ed.). Os Caminhos de Orpheu. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal – Babel.