Atmospheric mercury-a review * (original) (raw)

Atmospheric mercury in Norway: Contributions from different sources

Science of The Total Environment, 2006

The environmental loadings of national Norwegian mercury emissions compared to the loadings of atmospheric long range transported mercury have been estimated using national emission data and EMEP model data. The results indicate that atmospheric long-range transport to Norway is somewhat larger than the national Norwegian emissions of mercury. Atmospheric deposition of mercury has been studied using data from Norwegian monitoring programs on mercury in precipitation, mosses, natural surface soils, and lake sediments. Precipitation data show no significant time trend during 1990-2002, whereas moss samples show similar concentrations from 1985 to 1995, but a 30% decrease from 1995 to 2000. Concentrations of mercury in peat cores and reference sediments indicate that the current mercury levels measured in surface sediments, surface soils and mosses at background sites in Norway are substantially affected by long-range atmospheric transport. D

European emissions of atmospheric mercury from anthropogenic sources in 1995

Atmospheric Environment, 2001

Estimates of atmospheric emissions of mercury from anthropogenic sources in Europe in 1995 are presented with the information on emissions of both total mercury and its major chemical and physical forms. The 1995 anthropogenic emissions of total emissions were estimated to be about 342 tonnes, a decrease of 45% compared to these emissions in 1990. Combustion of fuels, particularly coal has been the major source of anthropogenic emissions contributing to more than half to the total emissions. The emissions from coal combustion have not changed significantly over the past decade. Major decrease has been estimated for emissions from industrial processes, particularly the chlor-alkali production using the Hg cell process. In 1995 the Europe emissions of anthropogenic mercury contributed about 13% to the global emissions of this element from anthropogenic sources. The anthropogenic Hg emissions in Europe were still higher than the natural emissions in the region, estimated to be about 250-300 tonnes per year. The accuracy of estimates of anthropogenic emissions of Hg in Europe in 1995 is considered to be between 25 and 50%. The most accurate seem to be the estimates for combustion sources, while the most incomplete data were collected and=or estimated for waste disposal. The emissions of gaseous elemental mercury contributed about 61% to the emissions of the total mercury, while the contribution of gaseous bivalent mercury and particulate mercury was 32 and 7%, respectively. #

Measurements of fractionated gaseous mercury concentrations over northwestern and central Europe, 1995-99

Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 1999

Although it makes up only a few per cent. of total gaseous mercury (TGM ) in the atmosphere, the fraction of oxidised (divalent) mercury plays a major role in the biogeochemical cycle of mercury due to its high affinity for water and surfaces. Quantitative knowledge of this fraction present in mixing ratios in the parts-per-1015 (ppq) range is currently very scarce. This work is based on #220 data for divalent gaseous mercury (DGM ) collected during 1995-99 in ambient air. Over the course of the measurements, the sampling and analytical methods were modified and improved. This is described here in detail and includes transition from wet leaching and reduction procedures to thermo-reductive desorption, the use of annular as well as tubular denuders and adoption of an automated sampling system. The concentration of DGM exhibited a strong seasonal behaviour in contrast to atomic gaseous mercury, with low values in winter and maximum values in summer. The DGM/TGM ratios were frequently found to be below the detection limit (∏1%) and in the range 1-5%. A trend of diurnal DGM patterns was observed and implies photolytically induced sources. Scavenging of DGM during rain events was also noticed.

Short-time variation of mercury speciation in the urban of Göteborg during GÖTE-2005

Atmospheric Environment, 2008

Mercury species samples for gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) with a temporal resolution of 5 min, 5 h and 20 min integrated measurements of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), and 24-h sampling of particulate mercury (HgP) at urban Femman and total gaseous mercury (TGM) at rural Rö rvik were conducted during the measurement campaign GÖ TE-2005 in Gö teborg, Sweden. Results showed that average concentrations for GEM, RGM, HgP and TGM were 1.96 AE 0.38 ng m À3 , 2.53 AE 4.09 pg m À3 , 12.50 AE 5.88 pg m À3 and 1.63 AE 0.19 ng m À3 , respectively. A reverse diurnal distribution pattern between GEM and RGM was observed, and early morning GEM concentration was elevated compared to daytime values which was likely due to activation of fossil fuel combustion, electric utilities, etc., by the formation of a nighttime inversion layer, less activity of GEM and reduced mixing. The subsequent decline and afternoon minimum were likely related to increase vertical mixing, photochemical reaction, and coupling with the coal combustion. However, the photochemical conversion from GEM during daytime and nocturnal behavior of ''sticky'' gases under higher relative humidity may result in strong diurnal cycles for RGM. Sampling site was heavily affected by anthropogenic sources from two distinguished wind sectors. One was ESE-SSW sector which was likely impacted by long distance transport from south highly industrialized region; the other was likely tied with local sources from N-NE sector.

Distribution of atmospheric mercury species in Northern Europe: final results from the MOE project

Atmospheric Environment, 2003

The mercury species over Europe (MOE) project was aimed at identifying sources, occurrence and atmospheric behaviour of atmospheric Hg species. Within MOE, emission measurements, ambient air measurements, process and regional-scale modelling and laboratory measurements were conducted. In this work, a summary of some of the main results is given. From the emission measurements, information on stack gas concentrations and emission factors for five coal fired power plants and three waste incinerators are presented. Results from field measurements of mercury species in ambient air at five locations in Northern Europe are presented. Examples from regional-scale atmospheric modelling are also given. The results emphasise the importance of information on Hg species for instance in emission inventories and measurement data from background sites. Furthermore, the importance of considering the role of the global cycling of mercury in future control strategies is emphasised. r

Worldwide atmospheric mercury measurements: a review and synthesis of spatial and temporal trends

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2010

A large number of activities have been carried out during the last decade in different regions of the world, including polar regions, aiming to assess the level of mercury (Hg) species in ambient air and in precipitation observing their variation over time and with changing meteorological conditions. Following the discovery of atmospheric are to the atmosphere, oceans and seas also play an important role. Currently, however, a coordinated observational network for Hg does not exist. There are a number of state and national programs that are collecting atmospheric Hg data but the parameters monitored, the locations of the monitoring sites and the methods employed may prohibit their utility in assessing Hg long-trend variations. The large increase in mer-20 cury emissions in fast developing countries (i.e., China, India) over the last decade due primarily to a sharp increase in energy production from the combustion of coal are not currently reflected in the long-term measurements of total gaseous mercury in ambient air and in precipitation data at several continuous monitoring sites in North Europe and North America. The discrepancy between observed gaseous mercury concen-25 trations (steady or decreasing) and global mercury emission inventories (increasing)

The Case for Atmospheric Mercury Contamination in Remote Areas

Environmental Science & Technology, 1998

Elevated levels of mercury in aquatic environments remote from industrial sources have been broadly attributed to longrange atmospheric transport and deposition of anthropogenic Hg. Evidence in support of this prevailing scientific viewsglobal biogeochemical Hg models, sedimentary archives of historic Hg fluxes, and geographic trends in soil Hgshave been challenged as being insufficiently rigorous to rule out the alternative explanation that natural geologic sources are the principal contributors of Hg in remote locations. In this review, we examine the weaknesses in interpretation and the choice of information that has been used to argue against atmospheric Hg contamination. Analytical advances in measuring trace levels of environmental Hg have greatly narrowed estimates of natural Hg fluxes, providing a clear measure of the relative magnitude of anthropogenic Hg emissions and deposition. Recent experimental results indicate that diagenetic processes cannot explain the mounting number of lake sediment and peat profiles showing substantial increases in Hg flux during the past century. Geologic sources of Hg may be important in specific localities but cannot explain corresponding geographic trends in soil Hg and industrial emission sources. Despite uncertainties in current understanding, there is a broad and geochemically consistent data base indicating that, over large regions of the globe, human-related Hg emissions have increased relative to natural sources since the onset of the industrial period.

Short-time variation of mercury speciation in the urban of G�teborg during G�TE-2005

Atmos Environ, 2008

Mercury species samples for gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) with a temporal resolution of 5 min, 5 h and 20 min integrated measurements of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), and 24-h sampling of particulate mercury (HgP) at urban Femman and total gaseous mercury (TGM) at rural Rörvik were conducted during the measurement campaign GÖTE-2005 in Göteborg, Sweden. Results showed that average concentrations for GEM, RGM, HgP and TGM were 1.96 ± 0.38 ng m−3, 2.53 ± 4.09 pg m−3, 12.50 ± 5.88 pg m−3 and 1.63 ± 0.19 ng m−3, respectively. A reverse diurnal distribution pattern between GEM and RGM was observed, and early morning GEM concentration was elevated compared to daytime values which was likely due to activation of fossil fuel combustion, electric utilities, etc., by the formation of a nighttime inversion layer, less activity of GEM and reduced mixing. The subsequent decline and afternoon minimum were likely related to increase vertical mixing, photochemical reaction, and coupling with the coal combustion. However, the photochemical conversion from GEM during daytime and nocturnal behavior of “sticky” gases under higher relative humidity may result in strong diurnal cycles for RGM. Sampling site was heavily affected by anthropogenic sources from two distinguished wind sectors. One was ESE-SSW sector which was likely impacted by long distance transport from south highly industrialized region; the other was likely tied with local sources from N–NE sector.

Five hundred years of anthropogenic mercury: spatial and temporal release profiles

Environmental Research Letters

When released to the biosphere, mercury (Hg) is very mobile and can take millennia to be 39 returned to a secure, long-term repository. Understanding where and when Hg was released as a 40 result of human activities allows better quantification of present-day reemissions and future 41 trajectories of environmental concentrations. In this work, we estimate the time-varying releases 42 of Hg in seven world regions over the 500-year period, 1510-2010. By our estimation, this 43 comprises 95% of all-time anthropogenic releases. Globally, 1.47 Tg of Hg were released in this 44 period, 23% directly to the atmosphere and 77% to land and water bodies. Cumulative releases 45 have been largest in Europe (427 Gg) and North America (413 Gg). In some world regions 46 (Africa/Middle East and Oceania), almost all (>99%) of the Hg is relatively recent (emitted since 47 1850), whereas in South America it is mostly of older vintage (63% emitted before 1850). Asia 48 was the greatest-emitting region in 2010, while releases in Europe and North America have 49 declined since the 1970s, as recognition of the risks posed by Hg have led to its phase-out in 50 commercial usage. The continued use of Hg in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) 51 means that the Africa/Middle East region is now a major contributor. We estimate that 72% of 52 cumulative Hg emissions to air has been in the form of elemental mercury (Hg 0), which has a 53 long lifetime in the atmosphere and can therefore be transported long distances. Our results show 54 that 83% of the total Hg has been released to local water bodies, onto land, or quickly deposited 55 from the air in divalent (Hg II) form. Regionally, this value ranges from 77% in Africa/Middle 56 East and Oceania to 89% in South America. Results from global biogeochemical modeling 57 indicate improved agreement of the refined emission estimates in this study with archival records 58 of Hg accumulation in estuarine and deep ocean sediment.

European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA) - Volume 5 Mercury as a Global Pollutant

Mercury may be one of the best-documented hazardous substances utilised by man. Still the uncovering of the global human impacts on the environment through the use and mobilisation of mercury cannot be considered complete. Recent mercury depletion events observed in the Arctic have opened the horizon to numerous new aspects on mercury fate and cycling in the environment. This chapter browses various aspects of the extremely complex cycling and fate of mercury in the perspective of mercury as a global pollutant and discusses some new emerging research fields in mercury.