Quantum Mechanics and the Measurement Problem Introduction (original) (raw)

QUANTUM PHYSICS Need for quantum physics: Historical overview

 About the end of 19 th century, classical physics had attained near perfection and successfully explains most of the observed physical phenomenon like motion of particles, rigid bodies, fluid dynamics etc under the influence of appropriate forces and leads to conclusion that there is no more development at conceptual level.  But some new phenomenon observed during the last decade of 19 th century which are not explained by classical physics. Thus to explain their phenomena a new revolutionary concept was born which is known as Quantum physics developed by many outstanding physicists such as Planck, Einstein, Bohr, De Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Born, Dirac and others.  The quantum idea was 1 st introduced by Max Planck in 1900 to explain the observed energy distribution in the spectrum of black body radiation which is later used successfully by Einstein to explain Photoelectric Effect.  Neils Bohr used a similar quantum concept to formulate a model for H-atom and explain the observed spectra successfully.  The concept of dual nature of radiation was extended to Louis De Broglie who suggested that particles should have wave nature under certain circumstances. Thus the wave particle duality is regarded as basic ingredient of nature.

Wave mechanics, from Louis de Broglie to Schrödinger: a comparison

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science II, 2021

Erwin Schrödinger's work on wave mechanics started in late 1925, stimulated by his study of Louis de Broglie's thesis. It is well known that in his initial attempts to formulate a quantum theory of the atom Schrödinger tried to develop a relativistic theory, following de Broglie's ideas, and only afterwards he looked for a non-relativistic wave equation. It is straightforward to derive the wave equation corresponding to de Broglie's phase waves. both in the relativistic and nonrelativistic realms. In the case of his relativistic attempt, Schrödinger did indeed follow a simple approach, using de Broglie's theory. In the non-relativistic approach, he attempted to produce an independent derivation of the wave equation, following several different lines, instead of using de Broglie's results in the classical limit. This paper analyses Schrödinger's derivations of the wave equation, showing the differences and similarities between his theory and de Broglie's. It will be shown that, although it is formally possible to derive the wave equation from de Broglie's theory, there is an incompatibility between the two theories: it would be impossible to make any sense of de Broglie's ideas in the case of the rigid rotator, for instance. Schrödinger's approach was, in this sense, independent and incompatible with de Broglie's theory, and it could be easily applied to many different physical situations. This heuristic value of Schrödinger's wave equation is another very important distinction between the two theories, since de

The Origins of Quantum Mechanics


A variety of speculations about the nature of quantum mechanics and wavefunction collapse. A number of “key principles” are set down; these must surely hold true. Holding onto these, a variety of mathematical effects are explored, to see if or how they might be appropriate for describing QM, and its relationship to

Quantum theory

Quantum theory is the theoretical basis of modern physics that explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level. The nature and behavior of matter and energy at that level is sometimes referred to as quantum physics and quantum mechanics.

Quantum Mechanics, 1895-1913

The period 1895-1913 represents a watershed in the history of modern physics. i Indeed, experimental and theoretical work within the physics community during this time culminated in a new perspective on the structure of matter and the way that physicists viewed the world. ii The existence of a structured subatomic world was confirmed and classical theories were found deficient in fitting the new evidence. New theories were proposed to explain relationships between new phenomena. New models of the atom were constructed and shaped as metaphors for modern perspectives on the subatomic world. Methods, experiments and theories developed during these decades marked the beginning of a shift from classical theories of matter toward quantum mechanics. The new questions, along with the increasing lure of science during that time, helped transform the physics establishment. Scientists worked to contradict media and public reactions associating atomic physics with elixirs, poisons and doomsdays. Throughout the world, the thought of probing the atomic world inspired visions of both hope and fear. Historically, these developments reflected the complex interaction between cultural, economic, intellectual, technological and factors that underlie modern science.