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The Nuclear Race in Middle East
ISSN 2348-3156 (Print) International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 2015
Abstract: For over the last decade, the international standoff over the Iranian nuclear program has captured world attention and posed significant challenges to regional security in the Middle East and beyond. Given Iran’s important geostrategic position and critical involvement in key Middle Eastern affairs, the July 14-2015. Declaration on a comprehensive nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 not only mitigates the risk of nuclear proliferation but also presents significant implications for the future order of the Middle East. Whether moving toward greater accommodation with regional states or pushing forward with its revolutionary policies that confront regional order, Iran’s role in the Middle East is now more important than ever and will be a critical subject of analysis, research, and discussion in the foreseeable future. Nuclear weapons are controversial and recent events have thrust Iran into the nuclear spotlight. These weapons in the hands of the fanatic regime in Tehran will grant them a membership card in the open nuclear club. They will become the ninth member, along with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, India, Pakistan, and North Korea. This would devastate the stability of nuclear nonproliferation in the world and drastically increase the risk of nuclear war by opening the floodgates through which Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others could flow. The Iranians, as well as other Islamic fanatics, have missile delivery systems and much of the knowledge required to develop nuclear weapons. Nothing can stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons this decade. This paper will explore the impact of the Iranian nuclear program on the Middle East. Therefore, the Relations between Iran and the West significantly deteriorated as a result of the 1979 Iran Islam revolution and the hostage crisis, but things got worse as Iran developed its nuclear programme. The strategic impact in the Gulf region of the nuclear agreement with Iran will hinge on the perceptions of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries as to whether or not it helps to curb Iranian “adventurism” and, especially, its support for destabilizing activities in the region. Keywords: Nuclear weapons, nuclear program, nuclear deterrence.
Looking Beyond a Nuclear-Armed Iran: The Major Implications of Nuclear Iran for the Middle East
Advances in Politics and Economics
Iran has pursued nuclear weapons for over four decades. The basic reasons for this quest have remained unchanged in the face of the most crippling sanctions. Almost three and a half years after Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Pact (JCPOA), Tehran officially announced that it has enriched uranium up to 60%, very close to the 90% suitable for nuclear weapons. Iran is highly likely to be the world’s next nuclear state. A nuclear-armed Iran will be emboldened to accelerate its aggressive activities in the region and act against its neighbors with little fear of retribution. Moreover, Iran’s network of proxies would adopt a more confrontational approach towards Israel. Besides, Iran’s politics of threat can have serious socioeconomic consequences for Israel.Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons could arguably set off a cascade effect, encouraging other major regional powers to move in the same direction. The West, particularly the United States, would seek to offset this risk by ...
Prospects for Peace: Iranian Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East
Nuclear proliferation theory is divided into two camps, pessimists and optimists. 1 Optimists argue the spread of nuclear weapons is a counter-balancing force that creates stability between states. In support of nuclear proliferation, optimists believe that aggressive state behavior is significantly ameliorated when faced with the prospect of a nuclear attack or nuclear annihilation. The presence of nuclear weapons reduces state incentives for either territory or political power, because short-term material gains may be obliterated with a nuclear counterattack. Consequently, regional stability is enhanced by nuclear proliferation, because states are truly faced with prospects for reciprocal eradication, leading to more amenable behavior in finding political solutions to inter-state disputes.
Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences, 2018
Few topics in international relations consistently attract as much academic and policy interest as nuclear proliferation. Literature on the subject tends to focus on the following questions: Why do states seek nuclear weapons? How do they acquire the components necessary to build them? What are the consequences of nuclear proliferation? Does nuclear proliferation change the balance of power? These issues will remain salient in the years to come as the Iranian nuclear weapon programme continues, heightening the crisis between regional leading states.
The Strategic Implications of a Nuclear-Armed Iran
Preface The strategic status of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the world and in the region and the Middle East, in particular, demands that we have a strong military capability. We will not ask for anyone's permission in order to strengthen our defense and military capabilities. Defending oneself and deterring others from committing aggression is the most important right of every country. --Mohammad Khatami, August 1998 Iran, driven in part by stringent international export controls, is acquiring the ability to domestically produce raw materials and the equipment to support indigenous biological agent production ... [Iran] could quickly advance their nuclear aspirations through covert acquisition of fissile material or relevant technology. --George J. Tenet, March 2000 Scholars and other specialists on Iran have argued about that country's political intentions and strategic ambitions since the overthrow of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and the establishment of the Islamic Repu...
IPRI Journal, 2012
Iran is on the centre stage of international nuclear politics as its nuclear programme is suspected to be weapons oriented. Its nuclear facilities face the threat of a strike from Israel or the United States. Economic sanctions have already been imposed on Iran to restrict the progress of its programme. Pakistan, already beset with problems as a front line state in the "war on terror" is naturally wary of any new conflict in its immediate neighbourhood. Pakistan supports the world community on its stand that Iran, as it has repeatedly asserted and assured, keeps its nuclear programme committed to peaceful purposes. However it is doubtful if a strike against its facilities can deter Iran from making a weapon if it is so determined. A nuclear armed Iran is a plausible prospect therefore. Pakistan and Iran have a history of cordial relationship since 1947. However, this relationship has not been as smooth since the Iranian revolution. With the world opposed to the Iranian weapon and the possibility of a nuclear Iran one day materialising Pakistan would need to tread very carefully as there would be risks as well as opportunities. This paper discusses the policy options for Pakistan if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon capability.