A genre-based analysis of Indonesian research articles in the social sciences and humanities written by Indonesian speakers (original) (raw)

A Genre Analysis of Indonesian Research Article in the Social Sciences and Humanities Written by Indonesian Speakers

This study examines the discursive structures and linguistic features of research articles (RAs) written in Indonesian by Indonesian writers with the aim of exploring how Indonesian writers rhetorically describe their research methods in their RAs. The corpus for this study consists of 51 selected RAs published mainly in university-based social science and humanity journals in Indonesia. The seven-move structure (SMS) model for RA method sections was employed. The results showed that, first, the SMS model can capture broad communicative units or moves in the Indonesian RA method section but not smaller communicative units or steps. Second, in terms of the occurrence of moves and steps, the Indonesian RA method section is generally similar to the ones in English. Third, the use of discourse and linguistic markers is quite frequent in the Indonesian RA method sections. It is believed that Indonesian writers will not find it rhetorically difficult to write the method section of RAs in English as far as they are well informed of common linguistic features of English academic texts.

A Genre-Based Analysis on Discussion Section of Research Articles in Indonesian Written by Indonesian Speakers

International Journal of Linguistics, 2013

This study examines the genre of research article (RA) discussion section written in Indonesian by Indonesian writer aiming at exploring how Indonesian writers discuss their research findings in their RAs. The corpus for this study consists of 47 selected RAs published mainly in university-based journals in Indonesia from social science and humanity disciplines. Swales' eight-move structure (EMS) model of discussion section of RAs was employed for the data analysis. The results show that the EMS model is effective to use to analyze the move structure of the discussion section of Indonesian RAs; there is no significant difference between the move structures in the Indonesian RAs between different fields of discipline. The most noticeable differences occur in terms of the absence of Move 4 (reference to previous research findings) in the majority of the Indonesian RAs and the difference between the RAs in the same discipline in terms of the number of moves found. The difference in research practice and RA writing practice in Indonesia are the most possible cause of the differences in the move structure.

The Discourse Structure and Linguistic Features of Research Articles and Thesis Abstracts in English by Indonesian Academics

JELITA: Journal of Education, Language Innovation, and Applied Linguistics

Scholars and practitioners should be aware that writing a good and eye-catching abstract is significant but tough work. Scholars and researchers are challenged to produce an informative and persuasive abstract to be accepted then published in either national or international publication and they should know the current characteristics of abstracts written by the students or apprentice writers. The study aims at examining the comparison of discourse structure and linguistic features between English abstracts of research articles by Indonesian researchers and English abstracts of the thesis by Indonesian scholars. The corpus data were taken from 10 research articles abstracts of Indonesian researchers concerning English education published in ERIC and 10 thesis abstracts of the graduate program of English Education in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Thus, a genre-based analysis proposed by Bhatia’s move structure and Swales’ and Feak’s move structure will be used to investigate the d...

Rhetorical Moves and Linguistic Realizations of Research Article Abstracts by Indonesian Authors in Applied Linguistics Published in International Journals


The existence of abstract is compulsory within a research article (RA). Abstract is a summary or brief overview that describes entire content of RA. At a glimpse, abstract tells readers what the RA is all about and at the same time, it acknowledges readers and allows them indirectly to give pre-assessment about quality of the RA. This study aims to find rhetorical moves and linguistic features; tenses and voice forms of RA abstracts by Indonesian authors in Applied Linguistics published in international journals. Using content analysis method, sixty RA abstracts were extracted from two international journals; Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL) and TEFLIN journal, and examined based on their rhetorical move following five-move model by Hyland (2005) and Arsyad (2014) for fact-finding. The results reveal; 1) Move 2 (Aim/ Purpose), Move 3 (Method) and Move 4 (Finding/ Result) exist in total sixty RA abstracts, unlike Move 1 (Introduction) and Move 5 (Conclusion and Sugges...

Introduction in Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Articles : How Indonesian Writers Justify Their Research Projects


The introductory part of a research article (RA) is very important because in this section writers must argue about the importance of their research topic and project so that they can attract their readers’ attention to read the whole article. This study analyzes RA introductions written by Indonesian writers in social sciences and humanities journals. It focuses on how they justify their research topics and research projects. A corpus of 200 research articles written in Indonesian by Indonesian writers and published in Indonesian research journals was analyzed in this study. Following the problem justifying project (PJP) model suggested by Arsyad (2001), the analyses were conducted by using the genre-based analysis of text communicative purpose of ‘move’ and ‘step’. The result of this study indicates that Indonesian writers justify their research project by introducing the actual research topic, identifying the research problem, and reviewing the current knowledge and practices.

Indonesian Authors Writing Their Discussion Sections Both in English and Indonesian Research Articles

Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan

The study aims to investigate how Indonesian authors write their English and Indonesian research article (RA) discussion sections. There were 7 Indonesian authors who write 1 English research article and 1 Indonesian research article published in national accredited journals. The study executed rhetorical moves designed by Swales (1990) to be used here as the instrument. In general, the findings show that 7 Indonesian authors operate not too different rhetorical patterns of English and Indonesian RA discussion sections viewed from moves occurrences, completeness, and order of the move structures. Nearly all 7 Indonesian authors show 5 moves in the English RA discussion section consisting of statement of the results-(un)expected outcome-reference to previous research-explanation-deduction and hypothesis. They use 6 moves in the Indonesian RA discussion section consisting of statement of the results-(un)expected outcome-reference to previous research-explanation-exemplification-deduction and hypothesis. However, each author has his/her specific move structure seen from the moves order and moves frequency. The specific uses of move structure are explained with examples in the forms of sentences or phrases. Thus, the authors are in the position of having their rhetorical patterns suited the context and communities.


The main purpose of this study was to search for the occurrence of communicative and subcommunicative units and to identify the linguistic features commonly used by the authors to realize the communicative and subcommunicative units. Three groups of English RAs by Indonesian speakers were chosen for this study: 10 RAs from engineering science, ten from science and ten from medical science journals. This study used genre-based method to investigate the communicative units in the text by using Swales' CARS as a model. The results show that 1) only 11 out of 30 (36.66%) RA introductions have a 'niche establishment', 2) out of 11 RA introduction with a niche establishment none is of counter claiming type, and 3) the discourse markers often used in the niche establishment are of the contradictory type and the linguistic features used are of lexical negation and negation of the phrasal verb. The findings confirm those of previous relevant studies that discourse styles and linguistic features of English RA introductions by Indonesian speakers are different from the ones by English native speakers.

Genre Analysis of the Method Sections in Applied Linguistics Research Articles: A Cross-Linguistic Study

The Asian ESP Journal, 2020

The present study aimed to examine the rhetorical structure of the method sections of English and Persian research articles. To this end, 300 method sections were randomly selected from research articles published in established international English, Iranian local English, and Iranian local Persian journals in Applied Linguistics from 2010 to 2016. Following Lim’s(2006) model, we analyzed the articles for the generic patterns in the method section. Findings showed that the writers of Persian research articles used a significantly greater number of moves in developing the research method section than those of international and local English articles.Moreover, despite variations, there were similarities between international and Iranian local English journals in terms of utilizing moves and steps.

A Move Analysis of Research Article Introduction Written by Indonesian Authors: The Case of Soft and Hard Sciences


In scholarly international publication, the introduction is often seen by journal reviewers as the pivotal place to assess the contribution of the research. Therefore, genre analyses of research article introduction keep being concerned by many researchers of English for academic purposes to generate eligible models of writing introduction section. However, much is still less explored regarding the way NNES authors rhetorically organize the introduction across disciplines. This study seeks to compare rhetorical moves and steps of introduction between soft and hard science research articles. Eight research articles were collected from Indonesian authors. Swales’ (2004) revised model of Creating A Research Space was used in the top-down stage. The linguistic features of the moves were further scrutinized in the bottom-up stage. The findings showed that all introductions conformed to the model, exemplifying the three moves: Establishing a territory, establishing a niche, and presenting...

Ideas Pattern Manifested in Rhetorical Moves of English Language Teaching and Learning Research Articles Discussion Written by Indonesian English Academics


Ideas pattern manifested in the presentation of rhetorical Moves can be viewed as another angle to determine one’s rhetorical or thought pattern. Writing research report requires writers’ discourse competence to effectively present their argument and persuasive appeal particularly on the Discussion section of a research article. This can be realized through the presentation of Rhetorical Moves employed by writers. This qualitative study attempts to examine rhetorical Moves employed by Indonesian English academics in writing out English Language Teaching and Learning (ELTL) research articles. It also seeks to determine thought patterns of those writers as reflected in the rhetorical Moves used. There were 89 articles used as data source taken from 4 journals to be analyzed employing Swales’ CARS model (1990) on research article Discussion as parameter. It revealed that ELTL research articles Discussion written by Indonesian English academics employed 4 Moves consistently with 4 other...