The future of tourism cities - editorial comments (original) (raw)

City & Tourism - Journal of City Tourism - English - Main topics.

City & Tourism - Journal of City Tourism, 2018

City & Tourism - Journal of city tourism : création d'une nouvelle revue sur la ville, ses mutations et son tourisme. Creation of a new journal on the city's changes and tourism. City & Tourism - Journal of City Tourism, 2018. Par Patrice BALLESTER\_DGxz2N-pTw? City & Tourism - Journal of City Tourism City & Tourism - Journal of city tourism © is a scientific journal of research and debate on the city and its tourism, the city and its leisure, the city and its changes. It is all about urban tourism, which has become the world's leading form of tourism by adding national and international tourists, business tourists and day-trippers according to conventional classifications. Currently, more than half of the world's population resides in the city. This trend and this phenomenon of residence of the world population shows no sign of a decrease in our century. Knowing that the prospective statistics estimate a planet populated of urban at 70% horizon 2050, such a scientific journal has become necessary to meet the challenges and stakes of a world, which is very often globalized by the cities. This proposal for a Journal is explained by the acceleration of the practice of the city break - city vacation - city trip - city tour which is spread widely on a worldwide scale. This review has a scientific committee, a professional committee, an editorial committee and correspondents. The scientific journal publishes original articles, special issues, book reviews, interviews and critical commentary on different formats (text, video, audio and image). As for the popularization of scientific research, it is a mission of the Journal, this through a resonance of articles in the professional and mainstream press. We have a YouTube, Instagram, Twitter account, a Twitch space for live event broadcasting, a Spotify podcast, and a blog Medium. City tourism is an object of identifiable scientific knowledge and part of the globalization process. Our scientific journal sees in "the nomadic planet" where humans go from city to city, a new theoretical framework to better understand the processes at work and understand our world. The aim of the Journal of City Tourism - City & Tourism © is to work on different themes that are meaningful and emulate in the field of research disciplines. We favor two complementary approaches that will allow us to give a precise portrait of the tourist city, a marketing approach (economic, communication, management, CSR, branding and governance) and a geographical approach (spatial, human, cultural and environmental).