Handbook of Near-Infrared Analysis, 2nd ed., Revised and Expanded. Practical Spectroscopy Series Volume 27 Edited by D. A. Burns (NIR Resources) and E. W. Ciurczak (Purdue Pharma LP). Dekker: New York. 2001. xv + 814 pp. $225.00. ISBN: 0-8247-0534-3 (original) (raw)
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Fourier Transform Spectrometry with Fourier Analysis of the Interferogram as Just an Optional Tool
ACS Omega
Fourier transform spectrometers replace the traditional dispersive frequency analyzer by a Michelson interferometer. The spectrum is the Fourier transform of the interferogram constituting the raw output. The method is a primary tool for chemical analysis because it has decisive advantages over the dispersive one for analyzing infrared electromagnetic radiation (Fourier transform infrared, FTIR). A new procedure for dealing with the raw interferometric output of the instrument, not needing Fourier transformation and having additional advantages, is put forward here. It rests on recent advances in the theory of the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation yielding first principles analytic expressions for the Fourier transform of the spectral lineshapes, which can be fitted directly to the experimentally measured interferogram. The relevant physical information, as the integrated intensities of the electronic transitions and their net energy release, not affected by Stokes shifts, is readily obtained in the fitting procedure. Ulterior analysis of the spectra, introducing phenomenological standard interpolation functions to deconvolute and integrate peaks, becomes unnecessary. Both methods, standard FTIR and the one outlined here, demand little computer time and can be used simultaneously with synergistic effects.
Fourier transform mass spectrometry: Current status
Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 1989
Indicative of the rapidly increasing acceptance of the technique is that these comprehensive reviews included 74 references for the first 9-year period and 225 references for the second 3-year period. Interest in FTMS (also known by synonymous term FTICR, for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance) continues to mount. For example, three monographs devoted to FTMS were published since the last review (3-5); two of these were special issues of well-recognized journals (3,4). In an effort to keep this review tractable, the present summary is being written less than three years after the previous one. As before, it is intended that this review be as comprehensive as possible, with emphasis on applications of FTMS. Thus, theoretical developments will be mentioned, but not reviewed in detail. Publications in the field are proliferating so rapidly that a few may be missed; should that be so, it represents only the difficulty in keeping up, rather than the reviewer's decision to omit anything. The period covered here is from October 1985 through May 1988. Once more, basic familiarity with the principles of the ion cyclotron resonance phenomenon and FTMS instrumentation and theory are assumed. Recent introductory reviews cover both theory (6-8) and analytical applications of FTMS (9-ll), in addition to its application in a microelectronics service laboratory (12). Three excellent reviews emphasize FTMS applications for study of ion-molecule reactions and include discussion of instrument design and operational characteristics (13-15). Two other articles review the general characteristics and capabilities of dual-cell FTMS (16,17). The present review considers recent instrumental development first, including chromatography-FTMS combinations. Following that, Section IV is devoted to a summary of recent ion-molecule reaction studies, including positive and negative ion chemistry in addition to investigations using FTMS for the study of clusters. Photodissociation and various analytical applications are discussed in Sections V
Far-infrared high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer
Applied Optics, 1987
Design and performance of a high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer for laboratory molecular spectroscopy in the 8-200-cm'1 region are discussed. A folding of the beam path is used to obtain the maximum path difference of 4 m with a mirror stroke of 1 m. The measured linewidth of 0.0019 cm-1 is in agreement with the expected theoretical resolution.
Fourier transform mass spectrometry: Recent instrumental developments and applications
Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 1986
several custom-built instruments; detailed descriptions and specifications are found in the literature (29-33). A. Separate sourcelanalyzer configurations Perhaps the single greatest limitation of FTMS as originally implemented was the incompatibility of high gas-load sources and chromatographic interfaces with single-region cells. As Eq. (1) indicates (8), resolution, mlAm, is directly proportional to the time constant for time domain signal decay, 7, z Br mlAm =rn