The Long-Term Development of Water Bodies in the Context of Land Use: The Case of the Kyjovka and Trkmanka River Basins (Czech Republic)/ Dlouhodobý vývoj vodních ploch v povodí Kyjovky a Trkmanky v kontextu využití krajiny (Česká republika) (original) (raw)
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European Countryside, 2015
The paper deals with the macrostructural and microstructural landscape changes in six selected microregions in Moravia and eastern Bohemia. Changes of the landscape macrostructure were evaluated based on the statistical data from 1845, 1948, 1990 and 2013. Changes of the landscape microstructure were compared on the base of old maps, aerial images and field experiences. According to the available data the area of an arable land was the largest in 1845. Since then it has been decreasing -more in mountain areas, less in lowland ones where it was replaced by forests, grasslands and urban areas, depending on the vegetation period, physical character and vicinity of urban centres. Results show that the microstructure recorded great changes during the communist period: large expanses of fields, irrigation and drainage measures, windbreaks, non-rural buildings in the countryside. Contemporary changes are connected mostly with urbanisation of the landscape. Souhrn: Příspěvek se zabývá změnami makrostruktury a mikrostruktury krajiny v šesti vybraných mikroregionech Moravy a východních Čech. Makrostruktura krajiny byla hodnocena na základě statistických dat za léta 1845, 1948, 1990 a 2013. Změny krajinné mikrostruktury byly srovnány na základě starých map, leteckých fotografií a zkušeností z terénu. Orná půda zaujímala největší plochu v roce 1845. Od té doby jejich rozloha klesá -více na vrchovinách, méně v nížinách. Orná půda je nahrazována lesy, trvalými travními porosty a urbanizovanými územími v závislosti na období, fyzickogeografickém charakteru území a blízkosti urbánních center. Z výsledků srovnání vyplývá, že mikrostruktura zaznamenala velké změny v komunistickém období tvorbou rozsáhlých lánů polí, zavlažovacích a odvodňovacích opatření, větrolamů, nerurálních budov na venkově. Současné změny jsou spojovány hlavně s urbanizací krajiny.
The long-term development of water bodies is investigated in this article using the cases of two river basins with similar natural conditions: the Kyjovka and Trkmanka River Basins in the Czech Republic. Using old topographic maps, land use development was assessed and the analysis of driving forces of land use changes was carried out. The essential land use changes in these areas are connected with the processes of agricultural intensification and urbanisation. The largest area of water bodies was recorded in both river basins in 1763. In the second half of the 19th century, the disappearance of most water bodies in the two basins was significantly affected by the above-mentioned driving forces. After World War II, some of the water bodies in the Kyjovka River Basin were restored and new ponds were established. In contrast, no significant water bodies were restored in the Trkmanka River Basin.
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