Reliability and validity of the Thai version of the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale – Second Edition in clinical samples (original) (raw)
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Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2015
The self-report version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) has been developed to overcome the limitations of the clinician-administered version, which needs to be executed by trained personnel and is time consuming. The second edition of the Y-BOCS (Y-BOCS-II) was developed to address some limitations of the original version. However, there is no self-report version of the Y-BOCS-II at the moment. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the developed Thai self-report version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale-Second Edition (Y-BOCS-II-SR-T). Patients and methods: Y-BOCS-II-SR-T was developed from the Thai version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale-Second Edition (Y-BOCS-II-T). The Y-BOCS-II-SR-T, the Y-BOCS-II-T, the Thai version of the Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (FOCI-T), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Pictorial Thai Quality of Life (PTQL) instrument were administered to 52 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients. Internal consistency for the Y-BOCS-II-SR-T was calculated with Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α), and the factor analyses were completed. Pearson's correlation was used in determining convergent and divergent validity among the other measures. Results: The mean score of the Y-BOCS-II-SR-T total score was 20.71±11.16. The internal consistencies of the Y-BOCS-II-SR-T total scores, the obsession subscale, and the compulsion subscale scores were excellent (α=0.94, α=0.90, and α=0.89, respectively). The correlation between each item and the Y-BOCS-II-SR-T total score showed strong correlation for all items. Confirmatory factor analysis with model modification showed adequate fit for obsession and compulsion factor models. The Y-BOCS-II-SR-T had strong correlation with the YBOCS-II-T and the FOCI-T (r s .0.90) and weaker correlation with the HAM-D, PHQ-9, and PTQL (r s ,0.60), which implied good convergent and divergent validity. Conclusion: The Y-BOCS-II-SR-T is a psychometrically sound and valid measure for assessing obsessive-compulsive symptoms.
Reliability and Validity of the Thai Version of the Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory
The Scientific World Journal, 2015
This study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of the Thai version of the FOCI (FOCI-T), which is a brief selfreport questionnaire to assess the symptoms and severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Forty-seven OCD patients completed the FOCI-T, the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Pictorial Thai Quality of Life (PTQL). They were then interviewed to determine the OCD symptom severity by the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale-Second Edition (YBOCS-II) and depressive symptoms by the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), together with the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and the Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scales (CGI-S). The result showed that the FOCI-T had satisfactory internal consistency reliability on both the Symptom Checklist (KR-20 = 0.86) and the Severity Scale ( = 0.92). Regarding validity analyses, the FOCI-T Severity Scale had stronger correlations with the YBOCS-II and CGI-S than the FOCI-T Symptom Checklist. This implied the independence between the FOCI-T Symptom Checklist and the Severity Scale and good concurrent validity of the FOCI-T Severity Scale. Our results suggested that the FOCI-T was found to be a reliable and valid self-report measure to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms and severity.
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2014
The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) is regarded as the most acceptable tool for measuring obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom severity. Recently, the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Second Edition (Y-BOCS-II) was developed for better measurement. The study reported here aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Thai version of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Second Edition (Y-BOCS-II-T). Patients and methods: The original version of the Y-BOCS-II was translated into Thai, which involved forward translation, synthesis of the translation, and back translation. Modification and cross-cultural adaptation were completed accordingly. The developed Y-BOCS-II-T, together with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, was administered to 41 patients who had a primary diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The patients then completed the Pictorial Thai Quality of Life instrument and Patient Health Questionnaire. Lastly, the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and the Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scale (CGI-S) of all patients were blindly rated by another experienced psychiatrist who was not the interviewer. Results: The mean total score of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Second Edition-Severity Scale (Y-BOCS-II-SS) and the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale-Second Edition-Symptom Checklist (Y-BOCS-II-SC) were 18.44 (standard deviation =10.51) and 15.85 (standard deviation =9.58), respectively. The Y-BOCS-II-T had satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha =0.94 for the Severity Scale, and Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 =0.90 for the Symptom Checklist). Inter-rater reliability was excellent for both the Y-BOCS-II-SS and Y-BOCS-II-SC. Factor analysis of Y-BOCS-II-SS items revealed a twofactor component associated with obsession and compulsion. The Y-BOCS-II-SS correlated highly with the CGI-S and GAF (r =0.75 and −0.76, respectively), but the Y-BOCS-II-SC correlated moderately (r=0.42 for CGI-S; r=−0.39 for GAF). The Y-BOCS-II-SS and Y-BOCS-II-SC slightly to moderately correlated with the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Patient Health Questionnaire, and Pictorial Thai Quality of Life, which might indicate the comorbidity depression and its effect on quality of life. Conclusion: The Y-BOCS-II-T is a psychometrically reliable and valid measure for the assessment of both severity and characteristics of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Thai clinical samples.
Molecular Psychiatry, 2006
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) encompasses a broad range of symptoms representing multiple domains. This complex phenotype can be summarized using a few consistent and temporally stable symptom dimensions. The objective of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS). This scale measures the presence and severity of obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms within six distinct dimensions that combine thematically related obsessions and compulsions. The DY-BOCS includes portions to be used as a self-report instrument and portions to be used by expert raters, including global ratings of OC symptom severity and overall impairment. We assessed 137 patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of OCD, aged 6-69 years, from sites in the USA, Canada and Brazil. Estimates of the reliability and validity of both the expert and self-report versions of the DY-BOCS were calculated. The internal consistency of each of the six symptom dimensions and the global severity score were excellent. The interrater agreement was also excellent for all component scores. Self-report and expert ratings were highly intercorrelated. The global DY-BOCS score was highly correlated with the total Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale score (Pearson r = 0.82, P < 0.0001). Severity scores for individual symptom dimensions were largely independent of one another, only modestly correlated with the global ratings, and were also differentially related to ratings of depression, anxiety and tic severity. These results indicate that the DY-BOCS is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing multiple aspects of OCD symptom severity in natural history, neuroimaging, treatment response and genetic studies when administered by expert clinicians or their highly trained staff.
Integrating behavioral theory with OCD assessment using the Y-BOCS/CY-BOCS symptom checklist
Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2012
The symptom checklists of the adult and child versions of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS/CY-BOCS) have been used in research to identify distinct obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptom dimensions or subtypes. However, at present, the symptom checklist does not clearly correspond to the cognitive-behavioral model of OCD, which places central importance on the functional relationship between obsessions and compulsions. In the current paper, we propose a theory-based symptom checklist administration procedure designed to integrate information about symptom topography and function. Implications of this procedure for research, pharmacological treatment, and cognitive-behavioral treatment are discussed.
Development and psychometric evaluation of the Yale–Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale—Second Edition
Psychological Assessment, 2010
al., 1989) is acknowledged as the gold standard measure of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptom severity. A number of areas where the Y-BOCS may benefit from revision have emerged in past psychometric studies of the Severity Scale and Symptom Checklist. Therefore, we created the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale-Second Edition (Y-BOCS-II) by revising the Severity Scale item content and scoring framework, integrating avoidance into the scoring of Severity Scale items, and modifying the Symptom Checklist content and format. One hundred thirty treatment-seeking adults with OCD completed a battery of measures assessing OCD symptom severity and typology and depressive and anxious symptomology. Interrater and test-retest reliability were assessed on a subsample of participants. The Y-BOCS-II showed strong internal consistency for the Symptom Checklist (Kuder-Richardson-20 ϭ .91) and Severity Scale (␣ ϭ .89). Test-retest and interrater reliabilities were both high (intraclass correlations Ͼ .85). Confirmatory factor analyses did not show adequate fit with previous models of the Y-BOCS. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor solution generally consistent with the Obsession and Compulsion Severity subscales. Construct validity was supported by strong correlations with clinician-rated measures of OCD symptom severity and moderate correlations with measures of worry and depressive symptoms. Taken together, the Y-BOCS-II has excellent psychometric properties in assessing the presence and severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Although the Y-BOCS remains a reliable and valid measure, the Y-BOCS-II may provide an alternative method of assessing symptom presence and severity.
Psychometric analysis of the Yale-Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale Second Edition Symptom Checklist
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2010
The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) was recently revised to address several clinical and conceptual issues. The resultant measure, named the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale-Second Edition, consists of two primary scales: the Severity Scale and the Symptom Checklist. Although the Severity Scale has been the subject of a comprehensive psychometric analysis, no data have been reported on the psychometric properties of the Y-BOCS-II Symptom Checklist (Y-BOCS-II-SC). Accordingly, in the present study, clinician ratings on the Y-BOCS-II-SC for 130 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) were examined on a number of validity and reliability indices. Partially consistent with past factor analytic studies of the Y-BOCS Symptom Checklist, the Y-BOCS-II-SC yielded four factors representing symmetry/ordering, contamination/washing, hoarding, and sexual/religious/aggression dimensions; checking rituals cross-loaded with other dimensions. Generally, the Y-BOCS-II-SC dimensions were internally consistent and rated stably across raters and over a short interval. The Y-BOCS-II-SC symptom dimensions showed good convergence with self-reported obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and were at best moderately associated with divergent measures (e.g., OCD symptom severity, depressive symptoms, and symptoms of anxiety). Overall, the Y-BOCS-II-SC shows good psychometric properties; we highlight several domains in which the Y-BOCS-II-SC may have clinical and research utility, as well as several areas for future study.