Assimiler, transformer, transmettre le savoir médical: la chambre d'anatomie à Genève (XVIe - XVIIIe siècles) (original) (raw)

Une brève description de la domus anatomica de Copenhague par Thomas Bartholin (1662)


En 1662 le medecin danois Thomas Bartholin publie une breve description de la « maison d’anatomie » de Copenhague ; il s’agit d’un document exceptionnel qui montre le theâtre anatomique lui-meme et ses « coulisses » avec leur amenagement et leur fonction. L’auteur dresse egalement l’inventaire d’importantes collections anatomiques (hommes et animaux) reunies au premier etage de la maison ou constituant son musee personnel.

L'Hôpital général de Genève de 1780 à 1798: quelques indices de médicalisation


The médicalisation of a hospital can be considered in several ways. This study covers the two last decades of the 18th century of the General Hospital of Geneva. In a first part it analyses the space alotted to sick and healthy people, respectively. The internal organization of the hospital discloses the criteria used for selection. The second part analyses the population of patients with respect to age, duration of hospitalization and, if recorded in a meaningful way, the diseases. The majority of patients were under 30 years old and had a stay of less than 30 days. A third aspect of médicalisation studied is the role played by various groups of personnel. It shows that the administrators allowed but a limited autonomy to the physicians and surgeons, yet tried to hire high-ranking medical personnel which in turn contributed to the modernization of the hospital.

Gymnastes médicales, masseurs, physiothérapeutes. Généalogie d’une profession (Suisse romande 20e siècle)


Physiotherapy is now the third largest health profession in demographic terms after nursing and medicine. However, its inclusion in the medical field, its therapeutic role, or the uniformity of the related social group have not always been obvious. Based on this observation and the desire to contribute to a still modest body of historical research, this thesis presents the history of physiotherapy in the 20th century. It focuses on the professional group, the economic activity and the cultural phenomenon, as they are deployed during this period in Western Switzerland. It gives prominence to the question of diversity, as defined by the sociology of professions. The prologue informs the reader about the conceptions of this activity and how it is transformed through legal regulations since they came into force (from the interwar period) until the mid-1960s. In fact, there are multiple statutory definitions, because of the sovereignty of the cantons in this matter. This entails or reveals singular developments, the results of sometimes diverging political or professional thinking. The central part of the thesis is devoted to the women and men who practice physiotherapy, or rather some of the therapeutic modalities that finally constitute it, over a period that runs from 1890 until the 1960s. This panorama also highlights the hybridisation of the body cultures they claim. The epilogue examines physiotherapy from the moment it assumes a more "established" identity in Switzerland. It relates the attempts to harmonise the profession from the late 1960s onwards, underpinned by physiotherapists’ more massive entry into hospitals, the exponential increase in the workforce and the adaptation of their professional education.

La myologie de Johannes Van Horne et Marten Sagemolen quatre volumes de dessins d'anatomie du Siècle d'or retrouvés à la Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de santé (Paris)


En 1656, à Amsterdam, Rembrandt peignait sa deuxième leçon d’anatomie. Au même moment, à Leyde, dans cette Hollande du Siècle d’or bouillonnant de nouveautés artistiques et scientifiques, le professeur d’anatomie Johannes Van Horne et le dessinateur Marten Sagemolen travaillaient à un grand atlas d’anatomie des muscles en couleur, sans équivalent à l’époque. Bien qu’elle soit restée inédite, la valeur de cette entreprise fut reconnue par des sommités de l’Europe savante. Puis ces dessins furent, étonnamment, perdus de vue au cours du XVIIIe siècle. Quatre grands volumes, contenant 253 dessins, systématiquement réalisés et organisés en plusieurs séries et constituant une large partie de cet atlas d’anatomie, viennent d’être identifiés dans la collection de la BIU Santé. La bibliothèque dévoile ainsi un nouveau trésor, avec lequel les historiens de la médecine et des sciences devront désormais compter, et qui devrait aussi exciter la curiosité des historiens de l’art.