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Judicial decisions as a source of law
Cuestiones Políticas, 2022
The article deals with the question of the legal nature and essence of the judicial acts of the Ukrainian courts as a source of law. It also analyzes the notion and characteristics of the sources of law according to academics. Particular attention is paid to the investigation into whether the decisions of the Ukrainian courts can be defined as a precedent and whether they have, in turn, binding force for all people. Therefore, the analysis of the legal nature of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Supreme Court, and the administrative courts was of interest. The study used general and special scientific methods, the basis of which is the application of the results of theoretical research and other generalized information on the sources of law in Ukraine. The authors conclude that these decisions have a different nature than the judgments of the common law system. Although some judicial decisions of Ukrainian courts tend to po...
This study will put present a preliminary methodological approach which could help solve this crucial theoretical and practical problem. The proposed approach is based on philosophy and theory of law, and focuses on the distinction between ‘sources’ and ‘forms’ of law in criminal procedure. In our view, the correlation between both may be useful to determine what constitutes case law in Ukrainian criminal procedure. The author takes the approach that the categories of ‘source’ and ‘form’ of law are not identical. Consequently, a ‘source of law’ is a certain legal phenomenon (in general) and as such, which creates regulation (ideas, conditions, circumstances, etc.). In turn, a ‘form of law’ is a concrete regulation of legal relations as a special type of social relations. The paper states that the case law is a source of law, and its form is specific court decisions that contain legal positions (new rule or interpretation). Thus, the source is case law as a legal phenomenon in general, while the form consists in the legal position contained in a particular court decision. In the author's opinion, in Ukrainian criminal procedure, only the practice of the Supreme Court can be a source of law (as a legal phenomenon in general), and the form is specific decisions of the Supreme Court, which contain legal positions (i.e., the conclusion on the application of a certain rule or even a new rule of settlement).
Constitutional and Legal History Works of Ukrainian Scholars in 2000-2015
Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa, 2018
The article is an extended version of the report prepared for the International Conference: "Constitutional History 2000-2015: New Research, New Ideas, New Perspectives", which took place at Jagiellonian University (Krakow) September 19-20, 2016. The results of the research activities of Ukrainian scholars-law historians-during 2000-2015 have been considered in the work. General data about historical-legal works issued during the analyzed period have been highlighted, statistical information has been presented. Data about the most significant centers for academic research into the history of state and law in different regions of Ukraine has been provided. The role and importance of the International Association of Law Historians in the development of historical-legal studies in Ukraine have been discussed. The author has considered the most substantial published works in the branch of constitutional and legal history issued during the analyzed period. Their general characteristics have been presented. Special attention has been dedicated to the research activities of scholars from Ivan Franko Lviv National University. Results of their research during the 2000-2015 time frame have been highlighted; principal academic works issued during the analyzed period have been described and characterized. Major tendencies and lines of historical-legal research in Ukraine have been outlined on the basis of the data studied.
Scientific component of the legal education in Ukraine
Knowledge and Performance Management, 2018
The training of law specialists in the context of the European integration processes should be based on educational standards and requirements both of the national legislation and international acts. In present conditions of dynamic development of social relations and, accordingly, the development and improvement of legislation, the scientific knowledge of legal phenomena becomes increasingly important both in practical activities (law-making and law enforcement) and in the process of training of specialists in the field of law. The knowledge of legal phenomena, categories, concepts and terms is a complex process of understanding the essence, content and structure of these phenomena in the process of scientific activity aimed at identifying the true characteristics of the surrounding social and legal environment in order to obtain the knowledge about these phenomena, their objective relationships and principles for their further use in practical legal activity (law-making and law en...
Juridical scientific and electronic journal, 2023
Case law is not recognised as an official source of law in Ukraine, as it is in most countries in the Romano-Germanic legal family, but the application of the law demonstrates the reverse. The aim of this scientific paper is to discover an acceptable mechanism for legal regulation and enforcement of Supreme Court case law as a source of law in the context of Ukraine’s eventual European Union membership. To achieve this, the experiences of member states such as Belgium, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic, all of which are part of the same legal family as Ukraine, were reviewed. The paper also focused on the Cour de Cassation / Hof van Cassatie in Belgium, the Hoge Raad in the Netherlands, and the Nejvy Soud in the Czech Republic in order to select the most acceptable approach for enhancing the national Supreme Court. The review of the legislation of all the countries that were chosen validated the concept that the supreme courts, in addition to dealing with justice, also universalise the country’s case law. However, the legal instruments in the possession of supreme court justices vary greatly depending on the peculiarities of each state’s domestic legislation. Following the study, the implementation of the Belgian experience appears to be difficult to apply in Ukraine, given the internal and unique features of its legal system, as opposed to the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, whose approaches have particular advantages and can thus serve as a guide in developing Ukraine’s own model on their basis. In the author’s view, the Supreme Court’s case law is a source of law as a phenomenon, but not all of its decisions should be regarded as such. It is vital to distinguish the most important decisions from the others and publish them separately (for example, in a special journal, as in the Czech Republic or the Netherlands). This way, it would become clear which Supreme Court decisions are a source of the law. Furthermore, this approach will assure that they have such status legally.
Analysis of Citation Patterns of Hungarian Judicial Decisions 1
To differentiate ‘civilian’ to ‘common law’ systems is a commonplace among lawyers. It is trite learning that precedents count for less in civilian legal systems than in those of the common law, and it has sometimes been doubted, whether they stand for anything much at all in civilian systems. The present work shows, the doubt to be groundless. Here it is shown that precedent counts for a great deal in civilian systems. The tendency to convergence between systems of the two types is a salient fact of the later twentieth century, although there remain real differences, some of great importance.3
Enforcement of decisions in Ukraine: prospects for the development of the legal institute
Access to Justice in Eastern Europe
Background: This legal analysis examines the current legislation in the field of legal regulation of some institutes of enforcement of decisions and draft l aws. It demonstrates modern trends in the development of legislation in this sphere and addresses problematic aspects related to the legal regulation of consolidated enforcement proceedings and legal regulation of the specifics of appeals against decisions, actions, or inaction of executors. The declared aim is to form a sustainable justice system in Ukraine, which fosters a peaceful and open society, ensures access to justice for all and creates effective, accountable institutions with broad participation on all levels. Scientific approaches to solving these problems are highlighted. Methods: To achieve the research goals , general scientific and unique methods of scientific research were applied, such as comparative-legal and semantic-structural methods, prognostic method and grouping, analysis, synthesis, and generalisation.R...
This paper analyzes the different methodological systems used in Bulgarian General legal theory. The choice of methodology is seen as a mean of achievement of the goals of legal education. I accept, that good legal education must prepare legal faculty graduates for the different social roles of modern jurists. In that connection the paper investigates the matter of the " non-legal " knowledge and gives an answer, if the legal education must provide social, political and philosophical knowledge to the students.
Chief Editor’s Note on the Russian Legal Ac ademia and Periodicals
Russian Law Journal, 2015
I would like to present you second issue of our Journal in 2015 (Vol. III) and continue to give sketches about the russian legal landscape. Legal academia is an important part of any legal system. there are different approaches towards legal academia as a source of law, but in common law, as well as in civil law systems, it plays a crucial role. globalization and legal harmonization change legal academia's landscape very much throughout the world. As unique as it may be, national jurisprudence is influenced by other countries and by comparative research. Jurisprudence has national frontiers, because legislation is unique in every country and could not be the same in two different states. despite the fact of harmonization and reception it always has differences. the legal science is usually followed by legislation or, on the contrary, legislation is followed by legal academia. In any case, they couldn't exist separately. In the global era legal academia could operate effectively only if it functions in an open framework. Legislation is being harmonized and legal academia is also following this cooperation. Jurisprudence of different countries influences each other. Comparative legal research became one of the most important methods of law drafting. In these circumstances, the main challenge is the language. what is the language of communication between different legal systems? the answer is obvious. despite the resistance of the continental European legal academia, the language of international communication became English. It is the modern lingua franca of any international cooperation, including jurisprudence. we could discuss advantages or disadvantages, but it is fact. therefore, national legal academia has to communicate in English, if it wants to operate in an open framework. Many of European countries have already understood this trend and use English not only in the legal research, but also in education. when we speak about russian jurisprudence, its main problem is its isolated nature. It is often reduced to an exchange of students, delegations and jointly