High Intensity Proton Operation at the Brookhaven AGS Accelerator Complex (original) (raw)

High intensity performance of the Brookhaven AGS

Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366), 1999

The Brookhaven AGS provides 24 GeV protons for a multi-user program of fixed-target high energy physics experiments, such as the study of extremely rare Kaon decays. Up to 7~10'~ protons are slowly extracted over 2.2 seconds each 5.1 seconds. The muon storage ring of the g-2 experiment is supplied with bunches of 7x10" protons. Since the completion of the a 1.9 GeV Booster synchrotron and installation of a new high-power rf system and transition jump system in the AGS various modes of operation have been explored to overcome space charge limits and beam instabilities at these extreme beam intensities. Experiments have been done using barrier cavities to enable accumulation of debunched beam in the AGS as a potential path to significantly higher intensities. We report on the present understanding of intensity limitations and prospects for overcoming them.



The RHIC spin design goal assumes 2 × 10 11 proton/bunch with 70% polarization. As the injector to RHIC, polarized protons have been accelerated at the AGS for years to increase the polarization transmission efficiency. Several novel techniques have been applied in the AGS to overcome the intrinsic and imperfection resonances. The present level of accelerator performance is discussed. Progress on understanding the beam polarization behavior is presented. The outlook and future plan are also discussed.

Polarized proton acceleration at the Brookhaven AGS and RHIC

Proceedings of the 2003 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37440), 2003

The RHIC spin design goal assumes 2 × 10 11 proton/bunch with 70% polarization. As the injector to RHIC, polarized protons have been accelerated at the AGS for years to increase the polarization transmission efficiency. Several novel techniques have been applied in the AGS to overcome the intrinsic and imperfection resonances. The present level of accelerator performance is discussed. Progress on understanding the beam polarization behavior is presented. The outlook and future plan are also discussed.

Report of the High Intensity Protons Working Group

The availability and the quality of the "low" energy accelerators have always been a strong asset of our laboratory, and a convincing argument for the construction at CERN of a new accelerator at the energy frontier. LHC is not an exception, and its performance will strongly depend upon the characteristics of its injectors: it is crucial to optimize them for that role and to plan their improvement according to the foreseen needs of the collider. Moreover, other physics communities use the beams delivered by the injector complex, and their needs have also to be taken into account.

Operation of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accelerator Test Facility

1992 Linear Accelerator …, 1992

Early operation of the 50 MeV high brightness electron linac of the Accelerator Test Facility is described along with experimental data. This facility is designed to study new linear acceleration techniques and new radiation sources based on linacs in combination with free electron ...

AGS Polarized Proton Operation Experience in RHIC Run17


The imperfection and vertical intrinsic depolarizing resonancesin the Brookhaven AGS have been overcome by the two partial Siberian snakes in the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS). The relatively weak but numerous horizontal resonances are overcome by a pair of horizontal tune jump quads. 70% proton polarization has been achieved for 2.1E11 bunch intensity. Further gain can come from maintaining smaller transverse emittance with same beam intensity. The main efforts now are to reduce the transverse emittance in the AGS and Booster, as well as robust jump quads timing generation scheme. This paper summarizes the operation results in the injectors.

The High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility


The High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility at PSI routinely produces a proton beam with up to 1.4 MW power at a kinetic energy of 590 MeV. The beam is used to generate neutrons in spallation targets, and pions in meson production targets. The pions decay into muons and neutrinos. Pions and muons are used for condensed matter and particle physics research at the intensity frontier. This section presents the main physics and technology concepts utilized in the facility. It includes beam dynamics and the control of beam losses and activation, power conversion, efficiency aspects, and performance figures, including the availability of the facility.

Operation of the low-energy demonstration Accelerator: the proton injector for apt


We report preliminary test results for a 6.7-MeV, 100-mA cw radio-frequency quadrupole. During the time this structure was in design, fabrication, assembly, tuning, and installation, we tested a 75-keV proton injector, 350-MHz high-power RF systems, EPICS controls, diagnostics, beam stop, and other hardware in preparation for the 670-kW beam test. Initial LEDA RFQ beam operation has commenced. This paper summarizes work in the past year, concentrating on RFQ assembly, tuning, installation, high-power conditioning and initial beam operation. We will include summaries of injector tests, 1.25-MeV RFQ-beam tests, beam-transport and beam-stop performance, and cavity resonance control. The technology being developed in this first section of the APT (accelerator production of tritium) linac is also appropriate for several other applications, including the transmutation of waste and medical isotope production.

The brookhaven accelerator test facility

Nuclear Physics A, 1991

The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF), presently under construction at Brookhaven National Laboratory, is described. It consists of a 50-MeV electron beam synchronizable to a high-peak-power CO2 laser. The interaction of electrons with the laser field will be probed, with some emphasis on exploring laser-based acceleration techniques.