German Desires (original) (raw)

Forty-Sixth Annual Conference German Studies Association

The end of the Renaissance: old chronologies and new identities in the thought of Erwin Panofsky, 2022

Panel: Emigration and Immigration in Austrian and German Culture (3): Latin America, Heimat, Film September 15–18, 2022 Houston, Texas

47th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Montréal, Canada, October 5–8, 2023

Here is the information about our panel: The German Victory in the West 1940 10/8/23, 2:00 PM–3:30 PM Suite 722 Le Centre Sheraton, Montréal, Québec, Canada Moderator: Winson Chu, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Commentator: Julia Torrie, St. Thomas University Papers: 1940: Germany Wins World War I Raffael Scheck, Colby College 1940 and the French Prisoners of War: A Strange German Victory Fabien Théofilakis, University of Paris 1 Vertrauensmänner: Nazi Intelligence in France after the French Defeat of 1940 Benedetta Luciana Sara Carnaghi, Durham University