Learning tools for virtual educational environment – implementation and solutions (original) (raw)

Virtual Learning Environment for Open Online Learning

EDEN Conference Proceedings, 2019

Digital networked society is learning in various platforms, in different ways and at selected time and pace. What are the preferences of members of digital and networked society for the learning platforms? What resources should be used to better fulfil nowadays learner expectations? And how higher education institutions are preparing for that? These are the main research questions of this research. In order to answer the research questions, the theory analysis and quantitative research were performed. The results of the research findings of the preferred learning ways and requirements for virtual learning platform of the online learners who speak Lithuanian are discussed in the paper.


Educational Resurgence Journal Vol. 3, Issue 6, July 2021 , 2021

Now a days, whole world has shifted towards new normal i.e., study from Home and work from home. The recent situation has converted almost all the offline classrooms to virtual classrooms. The virtual classroom helped the educators and learner’s community across the world to adapt to the current challenging conditions. Learners and teachers learned and taught from the comfort of their homes using different virtual classroom technologies. In current scenario, all educational institutions have accepted virtual classrooms as the new normal way of teaching learning and educators are making each and every possible effort to keep educating learners as best as they can. They are sharing their best possible synchronous and asynchronous teaching learning strategies to increase learner’s engagement during virtual learning process. One of the prime challenges for educators is to keep the learners engaged and enthusiastic in the classroom and attentive to the subject matter that is being imparted. To engage with learners in an Online classroom, it is imperative to shift the way of learning and thinking so as to adapt to innovative methods of teaching and learning.

Virtual Educational Environment for Studying Purposes

Cherkasy University Bulletin: Pedagogical Sciences

Introduction. Nowadays the system of future engineers training is entering the new stage of its development and new horizons are opening-connected with formation of teaching pluralism, developing of new teaching ways and methods, which lead to the appearance of new approaches to training process due to the necessity of novel technologies implementation that should support students motivation for lifelong learning and stimulate their creativity. E-learning, mlearning, interactive e-books, virtual learning realities-such neologisms integrate to all spheres of education constantly, and engineering training is not an exception. Purpose. The aim of the paper is to specify the main methodological and psychological principles of virtual educational environment creation and implementation. Results. Essential features of the "virtual learning environment" concept are described and fundamental properties of virtual learning environment which is used in the educational process are given. Originality. The major pro and contra arguments of these novelties utilization for the educational purposes in the process of training are observed in the paper on the example of virtual gamificated learning environment creation. Conclusion. Pedagogic system which corresponds to the virtual learning in the artificial environment, should be considered as situational, because the features of its application are determined each time by the specific conditions of training and that virtual educational situation that exists only in this area, at this time, between specific subjects and objects of education. The necessity of the special didactics development for virtual learning environments is obvious. It is necessary to create and implement virtual learning environments for every

Challenges and Opportunities in Virtual and Electronic Learning Environments

economic progress in the ICT (Informational and Communicational Technologies) supported world of atypical teaching and learning methods, as well as the learning environments, has been rapidly developing recently. At the same time, students’ roles and their characteristic way of life can mainly be followed by different controlling and assessing systems. The author has brought ICT-based methodic opportunities and technical supports that are inherited in electronic learning environment into focus in this study, considering the solutions employed for the conveying, practising and controlling of new information and knowledge. In the era of educational systems, which seem to be reformed on a daily basis, besides educational and teaching functions, one should pay increasing attention to the results of students and graduates. The reason is that this determines the opportunities they will have to continue their studies or their chances of establishing themselves in a job. The results obtained are naturally not only issue in the learning environment or teaching methods, but they can firmly be influenced by numerous different factors like learning habits, ways of learning, and attitudes.

Virtual Learning in Higher Education

Anglisticum Journal, 2016

The information society undoubtedly is considering certainly new forms of communication, interaction and knowledge construction. Therefore, our universities can't be located on the outskirts of the information revolution and, to this propose, our societies must make available information systems of high quality that can be implemented in institutions of higher education, adequately investing in ICT to be at the forefront of this revolution, and thus obtaining their benefits. In this article we will exhibit important aspects to be considered in the virtual teaching, some variants taking into account and that involve a different methodology for the incorporation of teaching in virtual environments and an approximation of the pedagogical model allowing achieve quality in the process of teaching and learning in the same. Undoubtedly ICT have transformed classic universities, complementing traditional teaching. Therefore, higher education institutions must meet ambitious conditions which involve constant renewal, to achieve the incorporation of these technologies generate creative and innovative educational processes. So universities will become learning organizations they have to determine what changes are needed, and to make it happen these institutions themselves should be assessed, taking into account the most common features of learning organizations, and then decide how these characteristics could be catered for its transformation. Virtual learning in higher education The notion of working in a virtual environment involves an activity or a set of related activities that require effort and are aimed at the achievement of one or more objectives, multiple actors can be involved in multiple roles, operating with various methods and tools, creating different artifacts that will contribute to the achievement of the common goals (Spector and Wang, 2002, p.2).

International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments (Springer International Handbooks of Education)

Springer eBooks, 2006

However, the very genesis of e-learning as based on human collaboration in knowledge work and innovation, can be traced to the development of network communication in the late 1960s, with the invention of e-mail and computer conferencing over packet-switched networks in 1971. Historically, these technological innovations introduced an unprecedented opportunity whereby people could communicate and collaborate despite differences in time and place, and they became key to a social, economic, and especially educational paradigmatic shift. The telecommunications revolution both enabled and required fundamentally new forms of societal and economic activity, leading to the knowledge economy. The resultant demands and opportunities impacted and transformed education. The 1980s and 1990s represented a period of intense innovation and expansion in e-learning and networking throughout public schooling as well as in tertiary, professional, workplace, and adult education. The 21st century thus unfolded with new attitudes toward e-learning, and the emergence of new pedagogical models, technological affordances, and mindsets. A paradigm shift became apparent, subtle yet ultimately profound. A fundamental shift in understanding of the very nature of learning and hence the definition, design, and delivery of education characterized the late 1990s and early 21st century, and this shift became civilizational and global as educators and learners worldwide adopted networked e-learning. This chapter addresses that paradigmatic shift. It begins by presenting an overview of the history of online education as a context and framework for understanding the state of the art of e-learning today, especially the use of network technologies for collaborative learning. The chapter outlines how the early pioneers contributed to the educational paradigm change and how the theory and practice of learning has been advanced into new learning theories and models, modes of delivery, instructional roles, instructional designs, and learning processes and outcomes. The goal of the chapter is to provide an overview of the highlights of the early days of e-learning, a sense of the accomplishments, the challenges, and the adventure. The author recognizes that there are many more dots to be added and linked into creating a comprehensive history. I apologize to the many individuals, teams, and projects omitted. Let us keep working at documenting our history. The field and its future deserve it.


By tradition, learning programming in a traditional manner is not an insignificant mission and is often linked with many difficulties. In addition, there are many shortcomings in teaching and learning programming in the traditional method in classroom. Therefore, many classic colleges and universities in the Turkey have been forced to embrace distance education on account of the shifting demographics of the student population. However, on-line distance education is a new subject area in Turkey's universities. Today, there are new ways in learning program as such using virtual learning environments, evolving programming environments and software programs and applications. The information technology exists for this application providing for computer-based instruction or asynchronous and synchronous learning networks. The virtual learning environment is system constructed through internet which incorporates a number of same virtual models for tests, home works, classes, classrooms, and academic fields. These provisions are creating the "virtual campus"(Stenerson, 1998). It is this technology that supports on-line communications between learners and instructors and supports them to develop portrayals and descriptions of the solutions they are up to. There have been countless methods established to support distance education. However, as each institution has distinctive principles and special needs, a unique system designs must be developed that is designer for the institution. Virtual learning environments are a key to some of the problems of providing a reliable learning environment. Universities in Turkey came across many problems such as lack of finance and physical interaction, and risks to network environment when it is considered giving a real, physical specialist laboratory to teach computer networking. However, we resolved most of our troubles by developing and practicing some techniques. This study is presenting Distance Education Elements, its components and tools. Moreover, it also focuses on Virtual Learning Environments and its advantages and disadvantages for the learners and the teachers. It also offers the timeline of virtual learning environment in the world and Turkey; and the reader will see Distance Education Elements, its components and tools.


In a traditional style, learning always believed to be classroom teaching and face to face educating. But technological development and ICT revolution offered several other possibilities and newer modus of learning. Covering its long way, learning burgeon as virtual from traditional in a pragmatic way. Virtual learning creates a classroom magic and ambience with technological approach. Present paper discusses parturition of virtual learning from traditional learning and their approaches. It also presents quality issues for learning virtually. The paper also discusses software for virtual environment and their selection criteria for customization and implementation.

Learning strategies and the possibilities of virtual learning environment

The paper focuses on the differentiation of learning strategies into the following categories according to their functions: cognitive, metacognitive, affective and social. Learning strategies can be further classified according to their goals; e.g. strategies aiming to identify the subject matter to be learned, to distinguish one subject matter from another, to cluster information to facilitate learning, practising strategies, using mnemonic devices to remember things, etc. With regard to this, in a virtual learning environment, it is desirable to distinguish between primary and supportive strategies. Primary strategies include summarising, concept maps, mind maps, message formulation. Supportive strategies focus on affecting motivational and executive functions, which can also be implemented in a virtual learning environment.Theoretical basis for the issue of learning strategies will be illustrated with specific examples of e-learning courses and supplemented by students´ opinions on efficiency of these strategies.

A Study of Virtual Learning Environments


This paper analyzes several features of virtual learning environments. These tools are basic for new models of education because their basic idea is to reduce the number of hours face-to-face in the classroom and to promote remote individual work. This is the main purpose of the new European models given by the Bologna process. Four studies have been made. First of them, shows level of popularity of each environment according number of entrances in two web searchers. From this previous study, we have chosen the most popular environments and we will give the details of their features and main differences between them. We are going analyze existing environments to create online learning communities and so, promoting online learning. Next, we will show a study this type of educational social software. This study involves a questionnaire to some lecturers of our university, Polytechnic University of Valencia. Our analysis presents most important results. Then, we have studied the virtual learning environments used in the Spanish universities. It will show us which of them are more used in Spain. Finally in the last part of the paper, we will show a performance evaluation of the two main environments.