Preliminary data on the batrachofauna of the Kafa Biosphere Reserve (original) (raw)

Preliminary data on the batrachofauna of the Kaffa biosphere reserve

Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Biology, 2016

Герпетологические исследования проводились в Кафском биосферном заповеднике (Эфиопия, провинция Каффа) в период 2014-2015 гг. Нами найдено 16 видов земноводных, относящихся к семи семействам (19 видов, включая литературные данные). Из них-один вид новый для науки (Leptopelis sp.), четыре вида, известные по единичным находкам в Эфиопии (Afrixalus clarkei, Afrixalus enseticola, Hyperolius kivuensis, Phrynobatrachus inexpectatus), и семь видов, новые для фауны заповедника (Hyperolius kivuensis, Hyperolius nasutus, Hyperolius viridifl avus, Leptopelis ragazzii, Leptopelis sp., Ptychadena erlangeri, Phrynobatrachus inexpectatus). Уровень эндемизма среди Anura в Эфиопии очень высок. Из обитающих на территории заповедника 32 % видов-эндемики гор юго-западной Эфиопии. Библиогр. 8 назв. Ил. 1. Табл. 1. Ключевые слова: земноводные, Кафский биосферный заповедник, Эфиопия, эндемизм.

Field research of ecological parameters in Bakota bay area

Environmental safety and natural resources, 2019

Problem of hydrological research is conditioned by significant part of water reservoirs in landscape space of Ukraine. Nowadays there is an intensified natural and anthropogenic transformation in the local and regional levels of landscape. The problem that have scientific and economic significance is complex environmental assessment with creating of composite ecological indicators and research of hydrological ecosystems regularity. It this paper authors have determined regularities of the anthropogenic impact to ecological situation in the freshwater reservoirs of Ukraine. Also there were developed such scientific approaches as remote sensing methods, bathymetry, 3D-modelling of aquatic areas, water eutrophication researches. The theme of the paper is a review of the hydrological ecosystem field research. Research area is Bakota Bay in Dniester Canyon and adjacent territories. Main purpose of research is to evaluate potential reaction of environment to direct or indirect anthropogenic impact, as well as to solve problem of sustainable nature management according to expected state of environment. During the research of surface water in Dniester water area, a number of hydrophysical indicators have taken into account, as temperature fluctuations boundary, color, transparency, hydroacoustic and geomorphological data of the bottom relief in water area. Also some navigational hazards and sunken objects have determined. As a result of research, some scientific approaches and methods have reasoned. For researched local geosystem, the anthropogenic impact assessment is grounded on distributed in space in time environmental monitoring data. Specifically, it consists of the synthesis of contact and remote monitoring methods. Spatially-distributed nature of monitoring data allows using the power of actual GIS-technologies, which provide a large variety of multidimensional spatial analyst tools for various pollution factors evaluation. Authors insist that echolocation-based bathymetry is important method for solving problems of water resource management on researched area, which has international importance in the frame of planned Dniester Canyon hydro power cascade construction.

Status and perspectives of the studies on Bulgarian acarofauna


In Bulgaria by October 2011 have been recorded 1669 species of mites, belonging to 630 genera and 213 families (BerOn, 2011). For each family of mites, parasitic or affecting other animals or Man, is outlined the present status (with the main contributors) and the prospectives for its research further (including for the families and groups not yet recorded for Bulgaria). It is expected that less then half of the mites really existing in Bulgaria have been found so far. Specially emphasized is the need of new acarologists.


The article is dedicated to the publication of a burial construction – multi chamber catacomb from the medieval Alan necropolis Dargavs situated in the Republic of Northern Ossetia-Alania. The article contains scrupulous information about published burial complex, as well as the analysis of the funeral rite and grave goods.

Ichthyofauna of Tashlik Formation (Selandian) Near Luzanovka (Cherkasy Region)

Zbìrnik naukovih pracʹ Ìnstitutu geologìčnih nauk NAN Ukraïni, 2011

ИхтИофАУНА тАшлыкской сВИты (зелАНдИй) У с. лУзАНоВкА (ЧеркАсскАя оБлАсть) A. V. Bratishko, N. I. Udovichenko IchthyofAUNA of tAshlIk formAtIoN (selANdIAN) NeAr lUzANoVkA (cherkAsy regIoN) Наведено результати вивчення іхтіофауни з відкладів ташлицької світи у с. Лузанівка. Комплекс еласмобранхій налічує 20 форм та має датський вік. Припускається, що зуби перевідкладені з підстеляючих порід макартицької світи. За отолітами телеостей визначено 27 видів, серед яких переважають форми, відомі із зеландію Західної Європи. Лузанівський комплекс отолітів єдиний для палеоцену України. Відмічається значущість розрізу с. Лузанівка як геологічної пам'ятки. Ключові слова: зуби, отоліти риб, палеоцен, Лузанівка, Україна. Приведены результаты изучения ихтиофауны из отложений ташлыкской свиты у с. Лузановка. Комплекс эласмобранхий включает 20 форм и имеет датский возраст. Предполагается, что зубы переотложены из подстилающих пород макартитской свиты. По отолитам телеостей определено 27 видов, среди которых преобладают формы, известные для зеландия Западной Европы. Лузановский комплекс отолитов единственный для палеоцена Украины. Отмечена значимость разреза с. Лузановка как геологического памятника. Ключевые слова: зубы, отолиты рыб, палеоцен, Лузановка, Украина. The results of study of fish fauna from Tashlik Formation near Luzanovka village are given. The Elasmobranchia association consists from 20 species and was interpreted as of Danian age. Assumed, that teeth were redeposited from substratum of Makartit Formation. 27 species were defined in the collection of Teleostei otoliths. Among them are dominating species from Selandian of West Europe. Luzanovka ototiths association is singular for Paleocene of Ukraine. Importance of Luzanovka outcrop as Geological monument are noted.


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