Digital Image Watermarking: On the Enhancement of Detector Capabilities (original) (raw)

Digital image watermarking: An overview


During the last years, the world is rapidly becoming digital in many aspects. Among the most interesting of these aspects is multimedia. Many new technologies have come into our lives along with multimedia and one of the most recent is watermarking. Digital technology has offered users easy ways to create, process, and distribute digital assets. However, these facilities this may become disadvantages at the same time since it is also much easier to illegally copy and manipulate them.


— The expansion of the Internet has frequently increased the availability of digital data such as audio, images and videos to the public. Digital watermarking is a technology being developed to ensure and facilitate data authentication, security and copyright protection of digital media. This paper incorporate the detail study watermarking definition, concept and the main contributions in this field such as categories of watermarking process that tell which watermarking method should be used.

A Comprehensive Review on Digital Image Watermarking


The advent of the Internet led to the easy availability of digital data like images, audio, and video. Easy access to multimedia gives rise to the issues such as content authentication, security, copyright protection, and ownership identification. Here, we discuss the concept of digital image watermarking with a focus on the technique used in image watermark embedding and extraction of the watermark. The detailed classification along with the basic characteristics, namely visual imperceptibility, robustness, capacity, security of digital watermarking is also presented in this work. Further, we have also discussed the recent application areas of digital watermarking such as healthcare, remote education, electronic voting systems, and the military. The robustness is evaluated by examining the effect of image processing attacks on the signed content and the watermark recoverability. The authors believe that the comprehensive survey presented in this paper will help the new researchers ...

Digital Watermarking: Applications, Techniques and Attacks

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012

As information transmission technology progresses, the technology to protect data from unauthorized users also needs to be enhanced. Data can be plagiarized, modified, deleted etc without proper authentication and authorization. Various security mechanisms have evolved that enhances the security of digital media. Each technology to be applied successfully should ensure a balance between the three pillars of security; confidentiality, integrity and availability. Digital watermarking is one such technique. It is a mechanism to monitor the digital media with the help of information residing within the content itself. To put it simply, digital watermarking is embedding of information into source content that can be detected and extracted. Digital watermarking can be applied to media like text, audio, image, video etc. This paper provides a comprehensive idea behind this technology and its usage.

IJERT-Review Paper on Security Measures in Digital Watermarking

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2020 Watermarking is the technique in which digital data is hidden in carrier signal. Steganography is the process in which digital data (file, message, video etc.) is embedded within another file, message and video. Steganography secures the information from intruders whereas watermarking algorithms are used for keeping the watermark robust to attack. When the intruder wants to penetrate the signal and tries to remove the watermark then quality of the signal is degraded and it becomes useless. There are many area in which information hiding is required. Two type of attacks are there. First one is active attack in which the attacker changes the whole content. Second one is passive attack in which the attacker tries to guess the secured information by eavesdropping. This paper presents different image data hiding attacks.

Image Watermarking- a Review


Abstract: Watermarking is a relatively an active research field. The invent of internet resulted in new opportunities for the creation and delivery of content in digitized form. Different applications can be included that is electronic advertising, real time video and audio delivery and Web publishing. An important issue that arises in these applications is the protection of the rights. It has been recognized that current copyright laws are not sufficient for dealing with digital data. One technical way is law enforcement and copyright protection for digital media and practical is digital watermarking which is aimed to automatically embed and detect copyright infringement. There has therefore been significant recent research into “watermarking ” and “fingerprinting”. The idea is to detect copyright violators, unethical hackers doing cyber crime and the former to prosecute them.

Digital Watermarking : Techniques , Applications , Attacks


Due to the rapid evolution in internet technology and high speed networks the use of digital data has been increased. Digital data such as audio, video and images are easily created, copied, processed, stored and distributed among the users. To ensure security and protection of digital data new technology has been developed called as a digital watermarking. Digital watermarking is a technology which embeds additional information in the host image to ensure security and protection of the digital data without effecting original data. The purpose of digital watermarking is not to restrict use of digital data but it can be provide copyright protection and authentication against unauthorized uses. In this paper detail study of watermarking definition, concept and the main contribution of watermarking process in which watermarking should be used, features, techniques, Application, challenges and performance metrics of watermarking and comparative analysis of watermarking techniques are in...

Digital Image Watermarking For Intellectual Property Protection

In recent decade, as for daily progress of digital multimedia technologies and daily spread of communication in the world, there has been an increase in challenges, such as copyright protection for digital content providers. In order to combat this, several methods have been proposed. Perhaps the most popular of these is digital Watermarking method, which does not increase overhead, so it is better than Digital Signature or other methods. Generally, there are several kinds of digital Watermarking Method, such as visible, semi visible, and invisible. Invisible watermarking means to hide an identification code in a cover for exert ownership right that only admissible people can extract this data. But unfortunately, the invisible watermarks in the images can be easily distorted by code obfuscators which may break up all the strings and scatter them around the program. Other attacks such as code motion and loop transformations can be used to distort the watermarks. This article will survey a comprehensive definition, different kind of watermarking classifications and watermarking properties, and investigate a variety of possible attacks on watermarking.

Review Paper on Security Measures in Digital Watermarking

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2020

Watermarking is the technique in which digital data is hidden in carrier signal. Steganography is the process in which digital data (file, message, video etc.) is embedded within another file, message and video. Steganography secures the information from intruders whereas watermarking algorithms are used for keeping the watermark robust to attack. When the intruder wants to penetrate the signal and tries to remove the watermark then quality of the signal is degraded and it becomes useless. There are many area in which information hiding is required. Two type of attacks are there. First one is active attack in which the attacker changes the whole content. Second one is passive attack in which the attacker tries to guess the secured information by eavesdropping. This paper presents different image data

Digital Watermarking Classification : A Survey

One of most significant property of digital information is that it is in principle extremely easy to produce and distribute unlimited number of its copies. The actuality that an unlimited number of perfect copies of text, audio and video data can be illegally produced and distributed requires to study ways embedding copyright information and serial number in audio and video data Now a day's internet is an essential channel for digital assest, but it has been noticed that someone are misusing by building illegal copies and leaking the information which creates a bad environment in the field of software industry .It can be avoided by doing most excellent efforts using digital watermarking . As we have witnessed in the past few months, the problem of protecting multimedia information becomes more necessary and a lot of copyright owners are concerned about protecting any illegal duplication of their data or work. Some serious work needs to be performing in order to maintain the availability of multimedia information but, in the meantime the industry must come up with ways to guard intellectual property of makers, distributors or simple owners of such data [1]. Many approaches possible to protect visual data, digital watermarking is probably the one that has received nearly all interest. We know that stenography and watermarking are main facts of quick developing area in case of information hiding. Generally Watermarks are used where authentication or ownership is required. Watermarks are a good way by which anyone can confirm the ownership of multimedia. This paper attempts to first introduce digital watermarking as well as some of its necessary notions. It is followed by describing some applications of watermarking techniques.