Knowledge-intensive collaborative decision support for design processes: A hybrid decision support model and agent (original) (raw)
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A Decision-making Help Tool in Innovative Product Design
Journal of Decision Systems, 2010
The aim of this article is to show how ergonomics allows the detailed specifications for a decision-making help tool in innovative product design to be produced. The first part describes the context, both industrial and scientific, of such a study. In part two, we will explore current knowledge and the theoretical models relating to design activity and the taking of design decisions. Part three describes the empirical study undertaken for the design of the 3D Child virtual reality tool. Having explained our methodology for the gathering and analysis of data, we set out the needs of future users in respect of the help with decisionmaking expected from the 3D Child software and finish with the collaborative aspect intrinsic in decision-making. In the next part we deal with the data available from published sources and that collected in the field. In conclusion we insist on the importance of validating these data in actual usage contexts, by setting out our approach to the work. 2 Journal of Decision Systems. Volume ? -No. ?/? RESUME. L'objectif de cet article est de montrer en quoi l'ergonomie permet de produire les spécifications détaillées d'un outil d'aide à la prise de décision en conception innovante de produits. La partie introductive dépeint le contexte aussi bien scientifique qu'industriel d'une telle étude. Dans la partie 2, nous explorons les connaissances actuelles et modèles théoriques relatifs à l'activité de conception et à la prise de décision en conception. La partie 3 relate l'étude empirique menée dans le cadre de la conception de l'outil de Réalité Virtuelle 3D Child. Après avoir expliqué nos méthodologies de recueil et d'analyse de données, nous exposons les besoins des futurs utilisateurs en ce qui concerne l'aide à la prise de décision attendue du logiciel 3D Child, en terminant par l'aspect collaboratif intrinsèque à la prise de décision. Dans la partie suivante, nous confrontons les données issues de la littérature et celles recueillies sur le terrain. En conclusion, nous insistons sur l'importance de valider ces données en contexte réel d'usage, en exposant nos perspectives de travail. KEYWORDS: innovative design, decision-making help tool, needs, ergonomic approach. MOTS-CLES: conception innovante, outil d'aide à la décision, besoins, approche ergonomique.
Collaborative Decision-Making in Product Design: An Interactive Multiobjective Approach
Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2013
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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2006
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International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 2006
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Design for manufacturing: application of collaborative multidisciplinary decision-making methodology
Engineering Optimization, 2007
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A Decision Support Ontology for collaborative decision making in engineering design
2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2009
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A fuzzy configuration multi-agent approach for product family modelling in conceptual design
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2011
Product modelling is an essential issue in the configurable product design. Many attempts have been made for modelling the configurable products. However, most of conducted research considers the configurable product modelling as an arrangement problem of a predefined set of components into a valid product structure. This paper considers configuration not only as a structural problem but also as a collaborative design problem. Product configuration must consider explicitly different actors and their perspectives influencing simultaneously the design of configurable products. Solving product configuration problems requires collaboration of actors from multiple distributed views. Therefore, from process and product point of views, engineering design of configurable products can be assisted by multi-agents systems. Following up this consideration, this paper proposes a Fuzzy Configuration Grammar based agents to assist collaborative and distributed design for configuration. Based on the distributed fuzzy models, fuzziness of interactions during the collaborative and distributed design for configuration, a computational approach for product configuration is developed. Modelling and implementation of an agent-based system, called G-APIC (Grammars based Agents for Product Integrated Configuration), is presented.