Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang tidak dapat hidup sendiri karena dalam setiap perjalanan hidupnya akan terjadi hubungan antar satu sama lain. Tak dapat dipungkiri pula bahwa dalam menjalin hubungan



Matematika lebih sering dikenal dengan sifatnya yang empiris, yaitu sebuah sistem yang mempunyai peluang besar untuk benar, meskipun kepastian mutlak tidak akan pernah dapat dijamin. Matematika selama ini pula dianggap sebagai sebagai cabang ilmu yang tidak berhubungan dengan budaya. Budaya sendiri diartikan sebagai keseluruhan sistem berpikir tentang nilai, moral, norma, dan keyakinan manusia yang dihasilkan masyarakat hal ini lah yang menjadikan matematikan dan budaya terlihat kontras karena secara sederhana produk budaya disatu tempat dengan tempat lain dapat berbeda. Sedangkan dimanapun berada matematika memiliki karakteritik abstract, general, objective, formal, rational, theoretical, and is closely related to justification (Ernest dalam Suyitno, 2011).


Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar, 2019

Yoga is a spiritual way for the Hindu community that is taught in the relationship of teachers and students as a family. In tourism, yoga has been charged for training like a tourism business. Tourists who are interested in yoga to Bali continues to increase every year. Therefore, yoga has become a tourism service that has a form of service according to the tourism business. This is the gap between the ideal goals of yoga that aims for spiritual happiness, but is utilized for business purposes. This gap raises research problems regarding the form of yoga services, the perception of tourists and the commodification of yoga that occurs in Bali tourism. This study aims to identify the process of commodification of yoga, forms of yoga services and analyze the perception of foreign tourists towards the commodification of yoga in Bali tourism. This research conducted in the Ubud and Sanur Tourism Destinations is a qualitatively research with quantitatively descriptive analysis. Collecting data through non-participant observation, literature study and in-deep interviews. A survey of foreign tourists was also conducted to see the perception of foreign tourists. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively descriptive. This study uses the tourism product development theory approach, perception theory and commodification theory. With these theories, theoretical benefits are formulated to develop the concept of sustainable, community-based tourism. The practical benefit is to provide input for tourism businesses and the government to develop tourism development based on the potential of local communities. This research is a new research about yoga in tourism. Previous studies Ali-Knight and Ensor (2017) examined exploration of the potentials of yoga in the United Kingdom. Peterson et al. (2016) examine the career opportunities of yoga practitioners in tourism. Smith and Atencio (2017) examined the social groups of multicultural yoga lovers. These studies have not yet touched on the shifting concept of yoga in the tourism economy. The result of this research is the process of commodification from original yoga to physical, oriented tourism. The form is a yoga tourism product that has a health core, is in the form of a yoga package, and has additional facilities from quality hotels with discounted products. Foreign tourists' perception of yoga tourism is that yoga is a physical activity, oriented to the ability of management. Therefore, the commodification of yoga in Bali tourism is an agreement between sellers (yoga teachers) and tourists who enjoy yoga tourism in Bali. Keywords: Yoga, Services, Commodification, Bali Tourism


Indonesia merupakan bangsa dan negara dengan tingkat kemajemukan yang paling tinggi di dunia. Kemajemukan bangsa dan masyarakat Indonesia setidak-tidaknya meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut: Secara geografis, terdiri atas 13.667 pulau baik yang dihuni maupun yang tidak. Secara etnik, di Indonesia terdapat 358 suku bangsa dan 200 subsuku bangsa. Dilihat dari pemeluk agama, terdapat beberapa agama (yang diakui pemerintah) dan dipeluk oleh penduduk Indonesia yakni: Islam 88,1%, Kristen dan Katolik 7,89%, Hindu 2,5%, Budha 1%, dan yang lain 1%. Itu pun sebetulnya kurang akurat mengingat ada pula penduduk yang menganut agama tertentu yang diyakini kebenarannya oleh penganutnya, kedatipun tidak ada pengakuan resmi dari pemerintah, misalnya Konghucu, yang baru-baru ini saja diakui secara “malu-malu” sebagai agama. Secara latar belakang kultural, Indonesia dibangun atas dasar kultur Nusantaraasli, Hindu, Islam, Kristen dan juga Barat modern (lihat Soetapa 1991: 1-2). Dengan begitu etika setiap orang dari setiap daerah pastinya akan berbeda-beda. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap mobilitas sosial pada masyarakat. Serta akan sering terjadi pada daerah atau kota tujuan seperti Ibu Kota Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, dan daerah daerah besar lainnya. Jika dilihat dari segi pendidikan, fenomena tersebut terjadi dikarenakan para siswa atau mahasiswa yang merantau menimba ilmu di tanah orang. Contohnya seperti Yogyakarta yang menjadi salah satu yang paling dituju dalam menimba ilmu. Banyaknya sekolah-sekolah dan universitas terbaik atau terfavorit ada di Yogyakarta telah menjadikan Yogyakarta sebagai kota pelajar. Dengan begitu ada banyaknya orang orang dari daerah yang ada di nusantara maupun dari manca negara datang ke Yogyakarta dengan membawa kultur budayanya masing masing.


This study is aimed to analyse the relevance between Vastushastra and the concept in designing Joglo Yogyakarta by making a comparation between both of them and the further analysis is the identification of the matter that cause the relevant and irrelevant between them. The result of this study indicate that basically there are some relevances between Vastushastra and the concept in designing Joglo Yogyakarta on the cosmology concept, the effort to achieve the primary goal of life by creating and keeping the harmony with the nature, an effort in balancing the energy of nature, believing the influence of nature in human life, and the relevance in choosing the shape of the house (square shape). In the other side, the irrelevants are in choosing the orientation of the house and the room configuration. Those irrelevants caused by the creativity of Javanesse people, the influence of Islam and the condition of nature dan geographic.


Jurnal Pringgitan, 2020

The purpose of this paper is to describe the preferences of visitors to the service quality at Grhtama Pustaka Yogyakarta. The library has a function as a place of recreation that should be able to provide good services to visitors. The services provided must be based on visitor preferences when visiting and getting services. Visitor preferences for service quality that is tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Grhtama Pustaka as the largest library in Yogyakarta must be able to provide good services, as a form of support to become a place of recreation in Yogyakarta. The method in this research is a descriptive study, with a population of visitors to Grhatama Pustaka, selected by the probability sampling method with a simple random sample technique, by interviewing 118 visitors. The results of this study found that tourist preferences for services in Grhatama Pustaka in the tangible part are strong preferences for visitors to visit, while the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy factors in library services are good preferences for visitors who need library services. Furthermore, hospitality services are needed if the manager wants to make visitors make Grhatama Pustaka a choice of the recreation area.


This research aims to reveal Java philosophical values within traditional game in region of Yogyakarta, and to reveal its implementation in children's social life. This research utilized qualitative descriptive approach. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interview, and document study. The result is that there are values that can create children's character in traditional game, which one of them is ''togetherness''. Besides that, there is an important philosophy in traditional game such as egrang, gobak sodor, or sudhah mandhah, that ''the higher, stronger, or more you have or stand now, the bigger the challenge or obstacle you will faced''. Involvement from relevant parties are needed in preserving, socializing, and mainstreaming the value or the benefit of traditional game in social life.


Jurnal Sosiologi USK, 2019

This research aims to evaluate the problem of proper housing provision for Yogyakarta citizens. This is important to ensure the citizen's rights to be fulfilled and properly guaranteed. This study is descriptive quantitative research using the survey method and cross-sectional approach which aims to seize every variable. Data collecting is held online on 5-10 November 2018 via a google form. Property rights concept believe that every instrument must be guaranteed. But, this phenomenon makes low wages society loss their accessibility to access housing and risk of happening land conflict. The result of this research is that increasing housing demand in Yogyakarta was not relevant to the scarcity of land provision. On the other hand, this finding says that managing uninhabitable house did not have an adequate facility and expanding the slum area. The conclusion is housing policy in Yogyakarta until now was not successful, because many citizens did not have access to housing policy. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi masalah penyediaan perumahan layak bagi warga Kota Yogyakarta. Hal ini perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan hak atas warga terpenuhi dan terjamin dengan baik. Kajian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yang bertujuan mengukur setiap variabel. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada 5-10 November 2018 secara daring melalui google form. Konsep property rights meyakini bahwa segala instrumen harus menjamin kepemilikan individu. Namun, ternyata membuat masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah kehilangan aksesibilitas mendapatkan perumahan dan rentan konflik lahan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kebutuhan perumahan di Yogyakarta yang semakin meningkat tidak berbanding lurus dengan ketersediaan lahan yang terbatas. Hal ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa penataan Rumah Tidak Layak Huni (RTLH) tidak didukung oleh fasilitas umum yang memadai dan pemukiman kumuh yang semakin meluas. Pada akhirnya evaluasi dari kebijakan perumahan yang telah dilaksanakan di Kota Yogyakarta sampai saat ini masih terlihat secara parsial dalam arti kurang memperhatikan kebijakan di sektor lain

Mistisisme Yoga

Mysticism is understood as one of the practice of esoteric (secret) that aims to awaken the divine nature within oneself through yoga exercises. Yoga practices include moral training, physical training, mental training and spiritual training. When the yoga mysticism is a requirement by the public, there will be a polarization of spirituality movement regardless of his religion. Religion is a quest of mankind to God. Throughout the ages, mankind has always struggled in his quest for the secret and essence behind this life, and religion is a means or a connecting road and provides solutions to solve these problems.