Combined approach to strategy building of operator as a polysystemic company (original) (raw)
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Харченко В. А. Особливості застосування системного підходу до управління підприємством [Текст] / В. А. Харченко // Теоретичні і практичні аспекти економіки та інтелектуальної власності = Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Economics and Intellectual Property : збірник наукових праць : у 2-х вип. / ПДТУ. - Маріуполь, 2012. - Вип. 1, Т. 2. - С. 242-246.Обґрунтовано необхідність та особливості застосування системного підходу до управління промисловим підприємством у сучасних умовах здійснення фінансово-господарської діяльності.Обоснована необходимость и особенности применения системного подхода к управлению промышленным предприятием в современных условиях осуществления финансово-хозяйственной деятельности.There have been grounded the necessity and peculiarities of systematic approach to industrial enterprises management in the modern conditions of financial and economic activity
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The Use of Matrix Methods in the Strategic Analysis of Diversified Companies
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Factors of Investment Strategy Are in System Increase to Competitiveness of Enterprise
Eastern Europe: economy, business and management, 2021
In the modern turbulent terms of manage enterprises constantly take part in competitive activity. For that, not to become an outsider at the market any enterprise must be competitive and begin to think of by strategy of the development. The aim of this work is research of basic factors of investment strategy enterprises that assist the increase of competitiveness of enterprise directly. On such conditions acquire actuality there is forming of investment strategy of enterprise and increase of competitiveness of enterprise through expansion of volumes of investment activity, use of new various types of financial instruments and non-material assets. The article analyzes the investment strategy as an important component of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. The investment attractiveness, which is the basis for creating an investment strategy, is characterized, its factors that influence the development of investment attractiveness are considered. The work is based on the ...
Assessment of synergies in forming of cluster organizational structures
Economic Annals-ХХI, 2016
Introduction. Effectiveness of territorial and industrial clusters is defined with regard to the ability of companies to generate synergies from cooperative relationships. The article is aimed to resolve the problem of the creation an optimal cluster system of companies to get synergies. Purpose. To create a method for evaluating the relative synergy effect and construct schemes to establish optimal relationships between the companies of the cluster in order to ensure maximum synergies. Methods. The calculations are the sequence of the following steps: identification of factors of synergy which can be quantified; calculation of the matrix of relative synergy indicators of the companies on the basis of the defined factors; calculation of the overall synergy effect from the cooperation of the companies taking into account all the factors and their coefficient rankings; establishment of ranking of various options for cooperation; construction of the scheme for optimal synergy relationships between the companies within the cluster. Results. The authors have developed a method of calculation of various synergy factors for leather companies, among which are: cooperation in the field of repair service equipment; joint procurement of raw materials; joint promotional activities, advertisement, exhibitions, etc.; cooperation in research development; sharing of infrastructure. Conclusions. The optimal scheme of cooperation areas was built on the basis of the calculation in order to generate the greatest synergies.