A SoC design flow based on UML 2.0 and SystemC (original) (raw)
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A SoC design methodology involving a UML 2.0 profile for SystemC
Abstract In this paper, we present a SoC design methodology joining the capabilities of UML and SystemC to operate at system-level. We present a UML 2.0 profile of the SystemC language, exploiting the MDA capabilities of defining modeling languages, platform independent and reducible to platform dependent languages. The UML profile captures both the structural and the behavioral features of the SystemC language, and allows high level modeling of system-on-a-chip with straightforward translation to SystemC code.
A UML 2.0 profile for SystemC: toward high-level SoC design
Abstract In this paper we present a UML 2.0 profile for the SystemC language, which is a consistent set of modeling constructs designed to lift both structural and behavioral features (including events and time features) of the SystemC language to UML level. The main target of this profile is to provide a means for software and hardware engineers to improve the current industrial Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC) design methodology joining the capabilities of UML and SystemC to operate at system-level.
Improving SoC design flow by means of MDA and UML profiles
We tackle the problem of improving the SoC (System on a Chip) design flow in order to provide a modeling framework which allows exchange, reuse and integration of IP (Intellectual Property) models. In this paper, exploiting the MDA capabilities of defining modeling languages platform independent and reducible to platform dependent languages, we present a UML profile for the Sys-temC language. Furthermore, we discuss the advantages of high-level modeling SoC components in the style of UML using the SystemC design primitives, rather than designing at a lower level by means of coding. This work has been partially supported by the project Tecniche e metodologie di progetto, documentazione, verifica e validazione per i sistemi di IP (Intellectual Property) at STMicroelectronics.
Integrating the SysML and the SystemC-UML profiles in a model-driven embedded system design flow
Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 2012
Modern embedded systems development, due to systems complexity and multifaceted nature, requires flexible high-level design techniques and notations. In this context, model-driven approaches are gaining popularity, both in industry as well as in academy, since they offer a high degree of abstraction and provide a common framework for the design, simulation and configuration management of complex heterogeneous systems. Moreover, a great variety of languages have been emerging as customization (or profiles) of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for the embedded system and System-on-Chip (SoC) domains.
Proceedings of the 5th ACM international conference on Embedded software - EMSOFT '05, 2005
In this paper we present a UML 2.0 profile for the SystemC language, which is a consistent set of modeling constructs designed to lift both structural and behavioral features (including events and time features) of the SystemC language to UML level. The main target of this profile is to provide a means for software and hardware engineers to improve the current industrial Systems-on-a-Chip (SoC) design methodology joining the capabilities of UML and SystemC to operate at system-level.
Automatic SystemC Code Generation from UML Models at Early Stages of Systems on Chip Design
In this paper, we present our approach for automatic SystemC code generation from UML models at early stages of Systems On Chip (SOC) design. A particularity of our proposed approach is the fact that SystemC code generation process is performed through two levels of abstraction. In the first level, we use UML hierarchic sequence diagrams to generate a SystemC code that targets algorithmic space exploration and simulation. In the second level of abstraction, messages that occur in sequence diagrams are implemented using UML activity diagrams whose actions are expressed in the C++ Action Language (AL) included in the Rhapsody environment from which a full SystemC code is generated for both simulation and synthesis.
UML in an Electronic System Level Design Methodology
The interest in System-On-Chip (SoC) design using the Uni- ed Modeling Language (UML) has been growing signican tly during the last couple of years. In this paper we would like to present a methodology that aims to address embedded systems design issues at multiple levels of abstraction and to support a function/architecture codesign process. Our approach integrates UML with high-level
UML2.0 Profiles for Embedded Systems and Systems On a Chip (SOCs)
Journal of Object Technology, 2009
Recent embedded systems and SOCs design is confronted with the problem of the socalled productivity gap. In order to cope with this problem, authors emphasize on using UML as a system level language, so higher level of abstraction is achieved. However UML in its current form has not yet achieved the maturity necessary to enable its efficient use within current embedded systems and SOCs CAD environments. Consequently a proper tuning of UML to the specificities of such systems has became mandatory. To meet this requirement, many UML profiles have been proposed by both academia and industry. On the other hand enhancements included in UML2.0 has increased UML opportunities to model embedded systems. UML2.0 is qualified to be a component-based which is more suitable for hardware modeling. In this paper we review and compare the most known UML2.0 profiles for embedded systems and SOCs. For each profile, we try to show its defined stereotypes and the corresponding design flow if it exists. We use some objective criteria to highlight the benefits and the pitfalls of each profile.
SysML and Systems Engineering applied to UML-based SoC design
UML-SoC 2005, 2005
Abstract. UML is gaining increased attention as a system design language. This is confirmed by several reported experiences and current standardization activities such as the SysML initiative, which extends UML toward the Systems Engineering domain. This paper ...
UML 2 and SysML: An Approach to Deal with Complexity in SoC/NoC Design
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
UML is gaining increased attention as a system design language, as indicated by current standardization activities such as the SysML initiative and the UML for SoC Forum. Moreover the adoption of UML 2 is a significant step towards a broader range of modeling capabilities. This paper provides an overview of the impact of these recent advances on the application of UML for SoC and NoC development, proposes a modeldriven development method taking benefit of the best techniques recently introduced, and investigates the design of power efficient systems with UML.