Some Notes of Islamic Scientific Education Development (original) (raw)

Haught, Golshani and the Scientific Viewpoint of State Islamic University in Indonesia

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2016

This article aims to examine the scientific view of the State Islamic University in Indonesia, namely, the concept of 'integration of science and religion'. The theory used is based on 'theology theory of evolution' of John F. Haught and theory of Islamic Science of Mehdi Golshani. State Islamic University such as UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Jakarta, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and other UIN, authorized open course, both of science humanities, social, technical and religious faculty. Referring to the Haught and Golshani"s views, there are three approaches in the development of Islamic science in UIN; First, science aims to find the meaning of Allah (ontological); second, dismantle and re-test the findings of the medieval Islamic scientists (epistemological); Third, utilizing science to build a better civilization (axiological). Thus, UIN"s existence in the future is largely determined by the success or failure of these institutions to develop the three areas of science Islam.

Integration of Religion and Science in the Indonesian State Islamic Universities

Metanexus Institute, 2005

It is said, as commonly accepted until now, that religion and science are two entities that cannot be integrated. Simply understood, religion produces "religious sciences" on the one hand, while science produces "secular sciences" on the other. Hence, religion and science are regarded as independent-they each have their own sphere in terms of what matters they approach, research methods, and truth criteria-until an institution integrates the two. For the later, in case of education in Indonesia, the Ministry of National Education is responsible for teaching the "secular sciences" such as physics, mathematics, biology, and so forth that produce skillful graduates without including any religious teachings, wheras the Ministry of Religious Affairs is responsible for teaching the "religious sciences" that produce "religious" graduates without mastery in a science and modern technology. The dichotomy of this education system in Indonesia dates back, if we were to name a scapegoat, to over three centuries of colonization that happened in Muslim countries, including Indonesia. In line with this dichotomy, it can be understood that the establishment and the rise of "Islamic Studies" in universities cannot be separated from the impact of colonialism. Generally speaking, the Islamic Studies deal traditionally with the science of Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir), the science of traditions (`ilm al-hadith), jurisprudence (fiqh), falsafah, and metaphysical theology (kalam), and excluding the natural sciences like astronomy, physics, and chemistry. In the classical period of Islamic civilization, there was no separation in mastering of religion and science. To be a religious man is to be a scientist at the same time as Ibnu Sina, al-Farabi, and many Muslim scholars of the golden age of Islam proved. More recently, some Muslim scholars have tried to introduce projects like Ismail al-Faruqi's "Islamization of Knowledge", Hossein Nasr's "Islamic Science", and Sardar's "Islamic Science". Following the ideas that were introduced by the Muslim scholars as mentioned above, the Indonesian Islamic scholars nowadays seek and formulate an ideal format to integrate science and religion in university's curricula. Three state Islamic universities in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Malang have existed to make this dream comes true. Besides seeking an ideal format for an Islamic university, there are also pragmatic reasons for integrating science and religion by establishing Islamic university. link:


Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (dulu Media Pendidikan: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam), 2014

This paper aims to reveal that this family of general (secular) scientific and religious scientific can be integrated into such a view of the epistemology of science as applied institute non-dichotomous state Islamic University or UIN. Basically is Law No. 12 in 2012 and the decision of the Director General of Islamic Education No. 3389 Year 2013 The method used is content analysis approach to the study of philosophy and Islamic education policy. The analysis showed that the Islamic colleges that have shaped the university can be in organizing educational and scientific development of both general and religious clumps. This is called the integration and interconnection (non-dichotomous) scholarly knowledge of Islam among the general sciences. Scientific form of integration is reflected in the naming of the faculty (eg. Tarbiyah and Teaching Science, Adab and Humanities, Faculty of Da'wa and Communication) and the distribution of subjects. In essence, in each course served at UIN containing core Islamic sciences, both normative and descriptive.

Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia*

Higher Education Policy, 1993

The most well known are those sponsored by the Yogyakartabased modernist Muhammadiyah movement that was influenced by Abduh's educational philosophy. There were similar developments in other parts of what was then the Netherlands Indies, most notably in Sumatra. The Hadrami Arab al-Irshad movement also established a modern educational system. Pesantren began to teach subjects other than religion in the 1920s. Organizations rooted in Javanese culture, especially Budi Utomo and Taman Siswa also established modern educational systems in the early twentieth century. The Dutch colonial government was less concerned with education than the British. Medical, technical, and law schools were not established until the 1920s. There were no universities in Indonesia at the time of independence in 1945, though a number of Indonesians had studied at universities in the Netherlands. Even basic education was limited. In 1945 the literacy rate among native Indonesians was less than 10 percent. The development of both Islamic and secular education systems is one of the greatest achievements of postcolonial Indonesia. The Indonesian Islamic higher education system is also located in a much older theological and philosophical discourse about knowledge and authority. Attempts to define the relationship between revelation and reason have shaped the historical monotheisms (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). These debates are the result of encounters between Hellenistic and Abrahamic traditions that predates the origins of Christianity and Islam by many centuries. The encounter between Hellenism and Judaism began at the time of Alexander the Great (356-323 BCE). Jewish, Christian, and Muslim thinkers have all wrestled with questions concerning reason and revelation, and especially how (or how not) to employ Aristotelian and Platonic thought in monotheistic revelationbased contexts. The Jewish philosopher Philo (20 BCE-50 CE) attempted to bring the revelations of the Hebrew Bible, Plato and Aristotle into a single philosophical system when Christianity was in its infancy and Islam had yet to appear. The Muslim Mu'tazilite 'Abd al-Jabbar (935-1025), Jewish philosopher Maimonides (1135-1204), and the Catholic scholastic theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) were all concerned with fundamental questions about reason and revelation and the place of Aristotelian logic in monotheistic theologies.


Azyumardi Azra is an Islamic thinker and reformer who is able to break down the barriers of bureaucracy, so he managed to transform IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta became UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Azra effort in menstrasformasikan IAIN to UIN opened it without criticism, the criticism comes from within and outside the campus lead. Criticism relates to IAIN characteristic, as well as changes IAIN to UIN. Then what is the trade mark UIN? The purpose of this study to reveal and analyze the Azra thinking about scientific paradigms and institutional as well as its implications on the development of UIN Jakarta. This research is a figure in the form of library research using qualitative methods. Mber Su primer is Azra and three of his books about education. A secondary source Adala h books, papers, the document is ntasi of welcome speeches Azra during his tenure Rector, SK Rector period Azra, documentation about Azra in mass media literature relevant, either in the form of books, papers, journals, dissertations, theses , theses, and so forth. To strengthen the research, the author makes some figures as a secondary source The research found: The first, 'Ilm means knowledge (knowledge), both sciences and sciences qur'aniyyah kauniyyah. Developing his require 'reintegration' in the sciences are derived from passages qur'aniyyah on the one hand and the sciences are derived from passages kawniyah on the other. Second, the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) is an integral part of the national education system can dikembang the concept With Wider Mandate, Changes IAIN to UIN in dasa paint a mixed picture is a demand history and in line with the teachings of Islam that is always demanded of his community to think, work kemanusiaa hard for the interest of n in line with the demands of the times. Third, Context scientific paradigm and its institutional is wanted to eliminate the dichotomy of science by building integrative scientific paradigm. And fourth, implikasi his was the stronger position and role, especially as a pioneer and driving force of the intellectual as well as the progress of the people (Muslims) with models of reintegration of science, so that UIN can be called as a center of excelent for scientific development in general and Islam in particular science.

The Islamic Religious Education Teaching and Using Scientific Approach


The current curriculum that the government considers to be the most capable to become the new outlook in the focus of educational references is the 2013 curriculum. In contrast to the previous curriculum, the 2013 curriculum in its implementation plan is claimed to provide solutions to the constrained progress of the Indonesian nation through a character that possesses a scientific approach so that the educational output will be in line with the expectations. The scientific approach consists of observing, asking, reasoning, experimenting and communicating. Viewed from the steps of a scientific approach, it would seem easier if this approach is applied in scientific subjects because it is indeed a frequently used step in science, such as observing objects, seeking information, reasoning, experimenting, etc. However, what if the application of this approach is applied to the subjects of Islamic Study. The results of the research are (1) The implementation of teaching and learning cond...

The Philosophy and Methodology of Islam-Science Integration: Unravelling the Transformation of Indonesian Islamic Higher Institutions


The transformation of Islamic higher education into State Islamic University (Universities Islam Negeri/UIN) necessitates the changing of scientific thoughts. Before this transformation, Islamic higher education 's core business is commonly concerned with the teaching of Islamic sciences, while UIN includes the instruction of general sciences, e.g., natural and social Sciences. In fact, the two (Islamic and natural-social science) should be integrated into the Islamic high education to establish a new integrated scientific paradigm. This study focuses mainly on the philosophy and the integration of science and Islamic methodologies in Indonesia. Based on the phenomenological qualitative approach, the current study critically examines Islam and science integration. Grounded on the study of three UINs, the article shows a novel paradigm that enables the integration of science and religion in those universities. Each university offers a specific character of the integration. UIN of...

Training of Understanding Science Perspective on the Quran for the Intelligence of the Young Generation of the Indonesian Nation

ICCD, 2021

Training is an educational activity to improve the ability and knowledge of a person or group of people. In this training activity, it was introduced to the millennial Muslim generation and recitation participants, regarding the development of Mathematics and Architecture in the Al-Quran. The development of Science and Architecture from time to time can be found in the Qur'an, so we can say that the Qur'an is multidimensional. Explanations and facts can be found in every dimension of human life, since the earth was created. This PPM material was obtained from the results of the study of the Qur'anic Science Perspective for the Intelligence of the Indonesian Young Generation. The method of implementing this dissemination is in two ways, namely, distributing questionnaires before and after the seminar and presenting research results. In the dissemination of the results of this study, it was carried out by showing the writings, readings, meanings of the verses of the Koran...

The Impact of IAIN to UIN Conversion towards the Development of Islamic Sciences and University Management in Indonesia


In the last one a half decade, there is a basic changing of the relation between religion and sciences construction. The appearance of the sinergity between religious and secular knowledge’s has caused many paradigm changes in developing Islamic knowledge’s tradition. The emergence of ‘Knowledges Tree’ concept, ‘integrative–interconective’ concept, Interdiscipliners study, and Integrated Twin-Tower are the new concepts of the development which have influenced the existence of IAIN/STAIN to UIN conversion. The most discussed issue is that Islamic sciences only focused on ortodoksi by empowering high traditions more than ‘ortopraksi’. From the mentioned issue, the conversion of IAIN/STAIN to UIN has raised. In that changing reality, the scientific development of UIN becomes more enthusiastic. The enthusiasm can also be seen through the institutional development. This study describes many big changes in four UIN. Those are UIN Jakarta, UIN Yogyakarta, UIN Makasar and UIN Pekanbaru. Alt...

Indonesian Islamic Education: Towards Science Development

Walisongo: Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan, 2015

Education as the root of civilization has an important role in preparing human resources toward the effort of developing sciences. Nowadays, Moslem in the world are are divided into two attitudes: resisting and refusing the development of sciences. Both of the attitutes are needed to bridge wisely. It meant no one is burdened in facing modern sciences by the ways of appreciating the modern sciences, applying them appropriately and learning from the history of the development of knowledge in the glory age of Islam. This article tried to confirm that science as a result of education, is not only the representation of civilization but also the demonstration of the high value of civilization. In Indonesia, the idea to reconstruct the model of Islamic education is getting stronger in accordance with the development of modern education. In this context, the clasical knowledge as heritance needed to be transformed into the modern one. Transformation is something unavoidable by the institutions of Islamic education. *** Pendidikan-sebagai akar peradaban-memiliki peran penting dalam menyiapkan sumber daya manusia menghadapi perkembangan ilmu. Saat ini, sikap umat Islam terbelah menjadi dua: menolak dan menerima perkembangan ilmu. Kedua sikap ini perlu ditengahi secara bijaksana. Caranya, merasa tidak terbebani dalam menghadapi sains modern dengan memberikan apresiasi dan menerapkannya secara benar. Di samping itu, dengan cara belajar dari sejarah perkembangan ilmu di masa kejayaan Islam. Artikel ini berusaha menegaskan bahwa ilmu pengetahuan sebagai buah dari pendidikan, tidak hanya menjadi representasi peradaban tetapi juga mampu menunjukkan tingginya nilai peradaban. Di Indonesia, gagasan untuk merekonstruksi model pendidikan Islam menguat seiring dengan perkembangan pendidikan modern. Dengan demikian, meskipun pengetahuan klasik merupakan warisan, namun perlu dilakukan transformasi ilmu yang selaras dengan dunia modern. Perubahan merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dihindari oleh lembaga pendidikan Islam.