Cercetări recente privind ultima incintă romană fortificată de la Capidava/ Recent research concerning the last fortified Roman precinct from Capidava, Cercetări Arheologice, XXII, București, 2015, 23-40 (8 pl.) (original) (raw)

In order to construct a „Belvedere” tower as part of the restoration project from Capidava, an extensive archaeological research was undertaken in 2015 by opening an initial excavation surface of 6 × 6m, conventionally referred to as S I (Pl. II/1–2), comprising the limits of its foundation. At the same time, from the beginning, two extensions of S I have been projected, namely S II (6 × 2m) and S III (3 × 2m), meant to provide a 15m cross-section, perpendicular on the ditch of the late fortlet and to research this defensive structure in the respective area where it was little known at the time. Among the 7 different archaeological contexts (Pl. III), three walls have been found, discovered in contexts 5 and 6, conventionally referred as Z1, Z2 and Z3. The three walls can be attributed to the occupational levels from the 5th c. AD for Z1 and Z2, respectively 5th–6th c. AD for Z3. On this occasion, there have also been researched elements of the 7th c. fortlet (late castellum), identified on the ground by a defence ditch preceded by a wide berm and by a poorly built stone wall. The ditch is locally preserved at a maximum depth of 1.5m versus the maximum height of the berm; it has a “V” shape with equally inclined slopes, with a maximum opening of approx. 6m; the berm has a currently preserved height of approx. 0.3–0.4m versus its base construction level (a level clearly determined by the dismantling of Z3) and a maximum width of 7.22m; the stone wall that precedes the berm is 0.7m wide with a preserved height of aprox. 1m. KEY WORDS: fortlet, defence ditch, African red slip ware, berm, dolia. CUVINTE CHEIE: castellum, șanț de apărare, ceramică ștampilată africană, bermă, dolia.