Toccate e ricercari per tastiera nella Germania meridionale tra Cinquecento e Seicento: una sintesi di diversi influssi stilistici, in I suoni ritrovati. Atti del convegno - Monzuno (BO), 8 agosto 2008, a cura di Fabiana CIampi, Lucca LIM, 2016 (original) (raw)

La discussione ortografica tedesca a met\ue0 del Novecento: le Stuttgarter e Wiesbadener Empfehlungen


The twentieth century has been for the German orthography a period of several studies and discussions which gave scientific foundation to the 1996 spelling reform. There were plenty of public and private initiatives which, by involving an constantly increasing number of writers into the debates, tried to simplify the spelling to a more rational regulation. This essay focuses on the discussion in the late Fifties and especially on two reform projects: the Stuttgarter (1954) and the Wiesbadener Empfehlungen (1958). Despite their deeply different historical background from that of the recent successful reform, these projects are of fundamental interest for contemporary studies, since they give a picture of the dynamics, the ideas and the proceedings that led to the new spelling norm