The Intercultural Education And The New Social Reality Of The Value Dimension (original) (raw)
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Interculturalism and education
An educational paradigm assumed at the level of a social system requires a clear image in which the relationship between inter-culture and education is obvious. So, the analysis of mechanisms that makes this relationship possible generates a scientific foundation at conceptual – theoretical level. More, an educational reality is reflected in the communicational society level precisely through the explanatory dimension of the used strategies in the instructional activities. The specific modalities of argument, as this idea, express that the initiated activities by the actors involved in this approach do nothing but to highlight a number of social responsibilities whichever the interculturalization process acquires meaning and significance. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship between interculturalism and education requires taking into consideration the pragmatic nature of the social structure
Culture and Education Cultura y Educación
First steps towards intercultural education in Vietnam: exploring primary education teachers’ level of intercultural competence (Primeros pasos hacia una educación intercultural en Vietnam: explorando la competencia intercultural de los maestros de primaria), 2021
Improving teachers’ intercultural competence is one of the keys for successful implementation of intercultural education. This paper explores Vietnamese primary education teachers’ level of intercultural competence as one of the first steps towards intercultural education in this country. The ISS-15 questionnaire was used to collect data from 70 teachers working in different schools and English centres in Hanoi City. Data were analysed through descriptive statistics: one-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results show homogeneity although teachers’ backgrounds and working contexts are varied. Teachers show high degrees of interaction engagement and enjoyment as well as respect for cultural differences. However, their levels of interaction confidence and attentiveness are moderate. Our conclusions suggest that teachers need to develop their intercultural competence (IC), especially in terms of practice skills. They demand to implement intercultural education (IE) in Vietnamese schools, as well as to help citizens realize its outstanding role for the necessary socioeconomic changes of the country nowadays. Mejorar la competencia intercultural de los educadores es una de las claves del éxito para la puesta en práctica de una educación intercultural. En este artículo se explora el nivel de competencia intercultural de los docentes de primaria en Vietnam como un primer paso hacia la implementación de una educación intercultural en el país. Se utilizó el cuestionario ISS-15 para recabar datos de 70 docentes de diversas escuelas y centros de inglés en Hanoi. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadísticos descriptivos: un ANOVA unidireccional y la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Los resultados revelan homogeneidad a pesar de la diversidad de las distintas procedencias del profesorado y de los diversos contextos educativos. Los docentes muestran un alto nivel de implicación en la interacción y de disfrute de esta, así como respeto por las diferencias culturales. No obstante, sus niveles de confianza y atención en la interacción son moderados. Nuestras conclusiones sugieren que el profesorado necesita desarrollar su competencia intercultural (CI) particularmente en términos de habilidades prácticas. Los docentes demandan la puesta en práctica de una educación intercultural (EI) en la educación escolar vietnamita, así como el apoyo a los ciudadanos para desempeñar su extraordinario papel en los cambios socioeconómicos necesarios para el país en la actualidad.
ABSTRACT: The professional skills demanded of social workers by contemporary society must unavoidably include the capacity to apply knowledge, to know how to act and acquire the appropriate new competences for listening and taking care of people coming from different cultures. With regard to the training of future generations of social workers it must be remembered that they will have to deal with an increasingly globalized society and face the new demands placed upon the profession by the presence of a greater number of people migrating to Italy in increasingly greater numbers. Teaching experimentation carried out as part of the degree course in Social Work at the University of Palermo over the last ten years has already been moving in the direction of integrating, first of all, an awareness of the need for professional, trans-cultural knowledge and, consequently, also urgently planning and providing an improvement for the future generations of professionals. From this experience a teaching approach is being developed that consents the integration of an academic education with transcultural skills and achieve greater effectiveness precisely by paying more attention to the diversity of the lives of the subjects in the caring relationship. Training in intercultural skills may lead to two objectives: ensuring the quality of care for the migrant population, in terms of equal opportunities and non-discrimination; transmitting a sense of security to social workers in dealings with the migrant population, whilst reducing stress and limiting erroneous behaviour. The intercultural quality of social services, with the possibility of carrying out cross-cultural social work, will enhance services for migrants (e.g. assistance for social integration, protection of cultural specificities, prevention of violence and discrimination); it will also bring about the rejuvenation of indigenous communities, by reassuring its wary citizens and transforming the whole concept of citizenship, in the social rather than legal sense. KEYWORDS: Social work; migration; intercultural competences; professional training RESUMEN: Las herramientas profesionales de los trabajadores sociales requeridas por la sociedad contemporánea deben inevitablemente incluir la capacidad de aplicar el conocimiento, de saber cómo actuar y de adquirir nuevas competencias apropiadas para escuchar y para atender a las personas provenientes de diferentes culturas. En relación con el entrenamiento a las futuras generaciones de trabajadores sociales, se debe recordar que tendrán que negociar con una sociedad cada vez más globalizada y afrontar las nuevas demandas hacia la profesión, por la presencia de un número de inmigrantes en Italia en cifras cada vez más altas. La experimentación didáctica llevada a cabo como parte del curso de grado en Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Palermo, en los últimos diez años, ya se ha estado movilizando hacia la integración, en primer lugar, de una conciencia de la necesidad del conocimiento profesional trans-cultural y consecuentemente, como urgentemente, de una planeación y provisión del mejoramiento para las futuras generaciones de profesionales. A partir de esta experiencia se ha estado desarrollando un modelo de enseñanza que permita la integración de una educación académica con las herramientas trasnsculturales y el logro de mayor eficacia, prestando precisamente mayor atención a la diversidad de las vidas de los sujetos en la relación de ayuda social. Entrenar en herramientas interculturales puede conducir a dos objetivos: asegurar la calidad de la atención a la población inmigrante, en términos de brindar igualdad de oportunidades y no-discriminación; transmitir un sentido de seguridad a los trabajadores sociales para generar acuerdos con la población inmigrante, mientras se reduce el estrés y los comportamientos erróneos limitantes. La calidad intercultural de los servicios sociales, con la posibilidad de llevar a cabo un trabajo social transcultural, mejorará los servicios para los inmigrantes (e.g. asistencia para la reintegración social, protección de las especificidades culturales, prevención de la violencia y de la discriminación); igualmente, traerá consigo el rejuvenecimiento de comunidades indígenas, tranquilizando a sus ciudadanos cautelosos y transformando el entero concepto de ciudadanía, en un sentido social más que legal. PALABRAS CLAVE: Trabajo social; inmigración, competencias interculturales, entrenamiento profesional
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
Vector oriented at a certain stability level and set up by state, has a direct impact over the social and cultural environment development and changes within this environment. In this respect, some of the most significant issues arisen in the context of globalization in poly-cultural Russia became difficulties of implementing the Western states programs on interpersonal relationship regulation within a poly-cultural society. In this respect a non-standard approach should be adopted and specificity of dealing with more than one hundred diverse cultures and ethnic groups should be considered. This requires a full-scale research of any possible ways to settle the poly-cultural society organization issue, this society being based on tolerance and mutual respect principles. The results of investigations performed obviously show that a complex solution is needed to create new patterns of communication and sustainable cooperation between different cultures, taking into account the multitude of distinct features and ways of settlement. 2782 educational policy should be set up with a view to organize and define certain admissible individual behavior patterns within a poly-cultural society.
Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje, 1994
This volume belongs to a series of four put together from the presentations to the lst Conference fo r Socio-Cultural Research held in Madrid in September 1992. We hope that the presentation of these works, which were selected from many and grouped into four volumes by the general editors, and edited for each volume by colleagues present at the conference (A. Rosa and J. Valsiner; J.V. Wertsch and J.D. Ramirez; N. Mercer and C. Coll; A. Alvarez and P. del Rfo), may make a contribution in defining with greater accuracy what the socio-cultural approach is today at an international level. The number and variety of colleagues who attended the Conference and the impetus that this approach is beginning to have worldwide makes it difficult to ignore its importance as a movement or as a "culture" within science. The very polyphony and dynamism also make it difficult to defi ne the theoretical, methodological and applied assumptions of this approach in fixed terms because researchers from very different academic traditions fe el part of it. la perspectiva sociocultural imernacional que se dio cita en Madrid en 1992, no trataba ramo de sustiruir unos axiomas por otros, cuamo de establecer un debate abierto y explfcito sobre todos esas "culturas" de la ciencia, sobre esos supuestos, con frecuencia aceptados a ciegas y raramente sometidos a discusi6n. Confiamos en que las fuerzas de muchos otros puedan venir a reforzar este empefio nada racil e imposible para unos pocos, de meta-ciencia y meta-cultura. la historia que hacemos con nuestra actividad podrfa muy bien ser un fa ctor de alglin modo relevance en el cambio hist6rico del hecho humano que, desde demro y desde fuera, roca vivir a los investigadores.
Esi Marius-Costel Interculturalis m and Education
An educational paradigm assumed at the level of a social system requires a clear image in which the relationship between inter-culture and education is obvious. So, the analysis of mechanisms that makes this relationship possible generates a scientific foundation at conceptual – theoretical level. More, an educational reality is reflected in the communicational society level precisely through the explanatory dimension of the used strategies in the instructional activities. The specific modalities of argument, as this idea, express that the initiated activities by the actors involved in this approach do nothing but to highlight a number of social responsibilities whichever the interculturalization process acquires meaning and significance. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship between interculturalism and education requires taking into consideration the pragmatic nature of the social structure. Zusammenfassung Ein pädagogisches Paradigma auf der Ebene eines sozialen Systems...
In present study the author examines the problem of development of social competence as a key competence of the person. There is a growing role of intercultural contacts, so the sociocultural problem becomes more urgent. In particular the article addresses to the problem of sociocultural knowledge formation and its cultural, linguacultural, socio-psychological, sociolinguistic, linguistic, informational and communicational aspects as maturity of sociocultural knowledge indicates the development of social competence. An experiment was conducted during the study. It was concluded that sociocultural knowledge makes the development of social competence possible. Keywords Sociocultural knowledge, sociocultural competence, dialogue of cultures, linguistic identity