Exploring Students’ Fatigue: Is there a Relationship between Outcome with Effort and Performance?

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, 2023

Research on students' fatigue in universities may emerge as one of the interesting fields of exploration in higher education for some reasons. It is associated with unfavourable outcomes such as diminished engagement, achievement and motivation, which may result in dropout. By investigating the connection between students' effort and their outcome and performance, this study aims to shed light at identifying the perception of learners on burnout as the outcome of effort and how it might affect students' performance. The sample size consisted of 100 students of UiTM Centre of Foundation Studies from different programmes namely Engineering, Science, TESL and Law. The quantitative survey used in this study is adapted from the instrument of 5 Likert-scale pioneered by Vroom (1964), Campos,et.al (2011) and Pintrich & De Groot (1990), and comprises six sections: Demographic Profiles, Motivational Scales, Expecting Component, Affective Component, Burnout-Exhaustion and Burnout-Disengagement. A total of 40 items were employed in this survey. The findings reveal that there is significantly low relationship between outcome (burnout) and effort, effort and performance as well as performance and outcome (burnout), respectively. This study is believed to has further significant implication for both educators and learner if the practical consequences for reducing academic burnout and increasing students' selfdetermination are expanded.

The evaluation of scholar fatigue phenomenon and some factors that cause it on a group of teenagers from Iasi

Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues

Scholar fatigue should be carefully evaluated to be able to interfere when needed. Goals: the evaluation of differences/similarities regarding fatigue at pupils studying at different. High schools. Material and methods: the study was done on a group of 237 teenagers studying at 3 different high schools in Iasi: Sport high school (75 teenagers), Music High school (73 students) and Grammar School (89 students). The pupils had to fill in a questionnaire regarding the emersion of fatigue. The results were analysed using the Pearson CHI Square test. Results and discussions: in 45.99% of cases, students are often tired, the calculated differences being statistically significant for a p<0.01 (f=4, χ²=15.500), fatigue being often acknowledged by Grammar School teenagers. The phenomenon appears in the middle of the week (48.10% ,p>0.001 f=4, χ²=20.862) and at midday (43.03%, p<0.01, f=4, χ²=11.738). The statistically significant differences show a high frequency of positive answer...

Impact of Synchronous Class Attendance on the Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students

International journal of educational management and development studies, 2023

A proverb goes that education is the backbone of a nation. No nation can step up without educating the nation. Quality education is achieved by the better academic performance of the students. Indeed, the university is the tertiary education where the undergraduate students are enrolled to appropriate academic excellence that can be transformed to better the nation. There are a variety of positive and negative factors that affect the academic performance of undergraduate students. Here, this study endeavors to identify the success and failure factors influencing the academic performance of Rabindra University, Bangladesh. In doing so, this study is conducted based on primary data. Convenient and cluster random sampling method has been used. Two different questionnaires and opinionnaire are developed for both students and faculties as the instruments of data collection and the 4-point Likert scale of measurement is used to analyze the responses. The findings show that regular attendance, regular study, hard work, dedication & self-Confidence and Support by family members and others have a high impact on the academic performance of undergraduate students. On the other hand, insufficient effort in studying, lack of interest in the subject, the noisy and unfriendly environment in the institution influence inversely. This result will surely help the students, faculties and administration to design policies convenient for the education system of the university and the nation as a whole.

The evaluation of the scholar fatigue phenomenon and some causative factors in a group of teenagers from Iasi

Scholar fatigue should be carefully evaluated in order to interfere when necessary. Goals: the evaluation of the differences/similarities regarding fatigue in pupils studying at different high schools. Material and methods: the study was conducted with a group of 237 teenagers studying at three different high schools in Iasi: the Sport High School (75 teenagers), the Music High School (73 students) and the Grammar School (89 students). The pupils completed a questionnaire regarding the emergence of fatigue. The results were analysed using the Pearson CHI Square test. Results and discussions: in 45.99% of cases students were often tired, the calculated differences being statistically significant for a p<0.01 (f=4, χ²=15.500); fatigue was often acknowledged by the grammar school teenagers. The phenomenon appeared in the middle of the week (48.10% p>0.001 f=4, χ²=20.862) and at midday (43.03%, p<0.01, f=4, χ²=11.738). The statistically significant differences show a high frequency of positive answers for grammar school students. One of the factors favouring the appearance of fatigue was the low number of sleeping hours (6-7 hours in 75.94%). The calculated differences were statistically significant for a p<0.001 (f=4, χ²=21.716) and show a high frequency of grammar school teenagers who have little sleep. Conclusions: the appearance of fatigue is different for each high school, which demonstrates specific details of the various features of teenagers’ loads.

School Fatigue and the Factors that Influence IT


In this study, we will underline the phenomenon of school fatigue which has arisen in students from technical colleges. We interviewed 108 students from a technical college in Bacau and 91 students from Suceava. The young people completed a questionnaire with questions about the frequency of fatigue, passive resting and leisure (television and computer use). Fatigue is often present (34.17%), especially in students from Suceava, which suggests that there is a reduced sleep time per night (less than 7 hours). Most young people spend a lot of time in front of the TV screen (4-5 hours a day - 14.57%) and on the computer (4-5 hours a day - 20.10%), which exacerbates fatigue. In adolescents, current ways of spending leisure time should be carefully monitored, as there is a risk of excessive use, leading to the effects of overloading and computer addiction.


This study focuses on the level of study habits of engineering students in school and at home, the level of the factors that affects the study habits and practices of engineering students at home and in school and the primary output of the study is its implication to the programs of student activities of the College of Engineering. The descriptive type of research was utilized in the study. Results showed that majority of the respondents belongs to 17 years old, freshmen male Computer Engineering students. Engineering students have high level of study habits at home and very high at school. Factors affecting the study habits of Engineering students at home and in school are moderately serious. The course has significant difference in the problems encountered by engineering students in school. Students must always be encouraged by teachers and parents to make their college days productive through studying the lessons regularly and lessen the unnecessary activities.

Hubungan stres terhadap kelelahan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana

Intisari Sains Medis

Background: Stress can cause mental and physiological changes in a person's body, by activating the HPA axis and the autonomic nervous system. As a result, catecholamines and cortisol will be secreted and cause changes to the additional energy reserves by the body to deal with stressors and the emergence of introseptive stimuli. This energy can be depleted, causing a person to no longer have the energy to continue their activities, while introseptive stimuli cause fatigue and decreased motivation. Methods: This analytic observational study was designed in the form of a cross sectional study of questionnaire data to measure stress and fatigue, that is distributed to 300 students of education programs for doctors in 2 nd , 4 th , and 6 th semester of Faculty of Medicine Udayana University in 2018. General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12) and the 30 item Fatigue Questionnaire was used to measure stress and fatigue. Result: 262 samples met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23.7% of students experiencing stress, 1.1% experienced very high fatigue, 12.2% experienced high fatigue, 56.9% experienced moderate fatigue, and 29.8 % experience low level fatigue. Stress has a significant effect with a significance value is 0.000. Conclusion: Stress has a relationship with fatigue in students of the

Experimental Design of Class Characteristic Factors against Energy Expenditure , Mental Fatigue and Performance Using Anova Method


College which is highest level formal education has an academic activities and non-academic. Academic activity which is lectures activity is a mental activity because students are required to think and not doing physical activity. Lecturing activities are generally associated with class characteristic factors which included a courses difficulty factor, lecturer characteristics, and weight of credit. These three things are coexist, and researcher wanted to know whether those three things can affect the energy expenditure, the level of mental fatigue, and performance of the students. Data processing was performed using ANOVA method (Analysis Of Variance), normality test with AndersonDarling test, and homogeneity test by Levene's test. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of different of course difficulty levels, lecturer characteristics, and the weight of credit against energy expenditure, mental fatigue level, and performance level. Particular focus was placed...

Does Long Duration of the Degree Exhaust the Students? A Case Study of Government College University Faisalabad

This research study aims to examine the reasons behind the students' exhaustiveness that is due to long duration of the degree program. It is noted that those students who exhaust or tired from the long study hours are found less learner. The study focuses only on four year programs which are offered by Government College University Faisalabad. The sample consists of 50 students that are collected with the help of a questionnaire designed by the researcher. The convenience sampling technique is applied for the data collection. Student's exhaustiveness was taken as dependent variable while gender, distance, teachers' favoritisms and environment of the university are considered as explanatory variables. Bivariate and Graphical analysis is used for taking the significant results. This research helps us to understand the reason of students' tiredness.

The Impact of Stress on Student Tardiness and Subsequent Throughput Rate of Engineering Students: A Case Study

International Journal of Engineering Education

Stress is any change that requires a person to adjust to a new situation and is registered in the brain as a threat that causes a stress response in the body.`Student tardiness' is the term ascribed to students who suffer from tardiness, which is defined as the quality or condition of not being on time. Student tardiness is currently experienced in many higher educational institutions, contributing to poor academic achievements and subsequent low throughput rates. Tardiness is viewed as a construct, which is an abstract concept deliberately created to represent a collection of concrete forms of behaviour including stress or anxiety. The case study on which this article is based explored the relationship between stress or anxiety and tardiness of engineering students, establishing a direct correlation between stress or anxiety and the throughput rate of an engineering module called Design Project III. The empirical study incorporated an ex-post facto study involving a preexperimental/exploratory design using descriptive statistics. The results of this research were applied to three separate tests which indicated a statistically significant relationship between stress or anxiety and the final throughput rate (75%) of the module Design Project III. Moreover, the presence of a negative correlation indicates that a decrease in the negative aspects of stress or anxiety will result in an increase in the final throughput rate of the module, subsequently influencing the academic success of engineering students.