Doing philosophy in a grounded manner. Interview (2016) (original) (raw)
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A Spiritual Path of a Grave Digger
Teosofia, 2020
Heart (qalb) has a higher function than do other sensory organs such as eyes and ears have because heart is the executing part of the soul that changes human spiritual potentiality into actuality (Ansari, 2003). Spiritual actuality of heart such as mukasyafah is possible when it has achieved cleanliness and clarity. Sufism as a spiritual path offers several steps to clean and purify heart. This study explores the spiritual path that has been experienced by a grave digger in the form of mukasyafah towards the sound of complaints and pain from a grave. The data of this essay was gained from interviews with a grave digger in Kediri, East Java. This study concludes that the spiritual path traversed by the grave digger is, among other things, the path of heart which is exercised by the subject by giving help, alleviating sufferings of others, praying for the deceased, and being gentle towards his fellow people. The path of reason is passed by the subject by doing what he obtained from hi...
Acceptatie, professionalisering en innovatie. Persfotografie in Nederland
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In the 1950'sand 1960's, the Roman Catholic priest Han Fortmann (1912-1970) was the first to teach such not uncontroversial topics as the psychology and anthropology of religion at the Catholic University, at Nijmegen. However, through his newspaper articles and his radio broadcasts, his influence reached far beyond Academia. Articulating his own views and doubts on contemporary (Dutch) Catholicism, he became a popular figure, an icon almost of critical Catholicism. As this essay shows, both in his major study, Als Ziende de Onzienlijke (1964-1968) and in subsequent publications, he felt increasingly disenchanted with the cultural and moral-religious vitality of the western world. Consequently, he stressed the need for an exploration of and a dialogue with eastern religions, mainly Hinduism and Buddhism, to regenerate the life and culture of western man, to show him the way from the 'I' to the 'not-I'. His own research seems to have led him to accept that man...