Concept of Smart Village and it’s Impact on Rurbanization

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2018

According to census 2011 data, 69% of rural population or 833 million people lived in rural areas, against 31% or 377.1 million people in urban people that's why very huge importance to smart village in India. India is a country dominated by villages. So that developing India it must to develop villages first, because of lack of communication problem in villages they do not have central communication system. Smart Village is a concept adopted by national, state and local governments of India, as an initiat focused on holistic rural development, derived from Mahatma Gandhi's vision of Adarsh Gram(Ideal Village) and Swaraj (Self Reliance) Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Samsad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) on 11 October 2014, Gandhi's birthday, in addition to Smart Cities" and "Digital India", as a development programme for India. The Parliamentarian's Model Village Scheme main goal is for each Member of Parliament and Minister to adopt a rural village and develop it into a model by 2019. The vision of SAGY is an integrated village development plan, encompassing Personal, Human, Social, and Economic dimensions.


Human society is developing with rapid momentum and achieved various successes for making its livelihood better. The civilization is witness for various changes related to it’s the development through different catalysts like industrial development, green revaluation, science and technology, etc. The present era is augmented on Information and Communication Technology. This technology has proved its potential in various sectors of development in urban and rural landscapes. Urban areas are seems to more inclined to accept and adopt Information and Communication Technology due to advantages of literacy and better infrastructure as compared to rural areas. Due to such suitable situations of urban landscapes good amount of success of this technology is visible in the form of smart cities and better livelihood of residing human beings. But the problems, consequences and opportunities in urban areas are different for effective utilization of Information and Communication Technology for sustainable development of rural masses. The present research article discusses about rural development in developing world for the up-liftment of livelihood of the rural masses and to take a ‘look ahead’ at scientific developments and technologies that might be influential over the next 10 -20 years. The driving motivation behind the concept on “Smart Village” is that the technology should acts as a catalyst for development, enabling education and local business opportunities, improving health and welfare, enhancing democratic engagement and overall enhancement of rural village dwellers. The “Smart Village” concept aims to realize its goal through providing policymakers with insightful, bottom –up analyses of the challenges of village development

Smart village a case study of kolavada village

Gujarat State has been marching from "Swarajya to Surajya" through implementation of various community and welfare schemes of rural development. It is necessary that Gram Panchayats perform their duties and responsibilities by more programmes and selfgovernance, work as per their expectations with certain goal and with foresight for social, human, economic and personal development and become committed to increase citizen services, create atmosphere of healthy competition. As a result, the villages would become prosperous and smart, migration from villages toward cities would decrease. In this project to providing This facilities to funded by government for his various scheme Planning for the new village to existing village. The Gujarat Government to various program and scheme for smart Village. Our integrated design is a way forward to be deal with the Demographic deficit & also achieve the goals of inclusive growth. In this project providing facilities for Sanitation, Solid waste management, Sawchtta.

An Analytical Study of Gandhian Concepts on Rural Development and India's Development Policy

The concept of development has become important as newly independent countries have tried to develop themselves following their perception of development. To discuss various strategies of development, various approaches have been evolved. Among them Gandhian approach to development is important. He has stressed upon the 'small industry small city model'. According to this model, the decentralized production system should be acceptable as such system creates opportunities of jobs for rural unemployed youths. Gandhi has said for development of India, rural development is very essential. For realizing his dream Gandhi has said to establish Panchayat, consisting of five members, possessing certain qualifications. For rural development Gandhi has projected 'Trusteeship theory'. The ideal village of Gandhi is self-dependent republic. The prerequisites of the establishment of this village are well-lighted, well-ventilated house, clean roads, well for villagers' purpose, schools etc. To him, ideal village based upon panchayaty democracy and RamRajya are almost identical. Good governance demands respect for human rights, rule of law, strengthening of democracy, promoting transparency and capacity in public administration. The responsiveness of the state and its institutions to the needs and aspirations of the people, and inclusive citizenship are imperative to good governance. Democracy depends upon the equality of all human beings, their right to participate in social and political transformation and the right to development, to live in dignity. Panchayat Raj is a system and process of good governance. Villages have always been the basic units of administration in India since ancient times. The Gram Sabha can become the cornerstone of the whole Panchayat Raj institutional setup , thereby the Indian democratic system. So in this paper focus is on Gandhian concept of Panchayat Raj. This is useful to development of India. So in 21st century this concept becomes powerful in the Nation.


In a world that grows steadily more angry and frightened -the rage and the fear mutually reinforcing each other -it is hard to look back to Mahatma Gandhi's kind of leadership without a desperate sense of loss. He loved the poor without hating the rich. He loved the great traditions of Hindu culture without hating the Muslims. He loved his country's liberty without hating the British. He saw evil, misery and injustice as doing even greater harm to the oppressors than to the oppressed. So he loved his "enemies" with compassion and sought radical change by non-violent means since violence harms the man who uses it as much as, if not more than, the one who suffers it."

Smart Village: A new dynamic to end rural urban gap and move towards sustainable development for all

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 2021

Smart rural development is one of the best criteria to achieve Sustainable Development, there are 60,000 villages in India, where the condition of some of the villages are extremely miserable with no access to water, food and employment. With advancement in technology and bringing in green technology India has made few of its villages developed and constructed them as smart village with 100 % energy security, water access, pucca house, internet connectivity, empowering women, installation of RO, better jobs and government schools which have introduced computer learning. With this smart village development it has reduced the migration rate and brough back the people who went to the urban sector in such of better standard of living and employment. Smart village is a private public partnership model. Smart rural village will help to eradicate poverty, hunger, educated everyone, smart villages have seen an up gradation in the number of students. With sustainable development and smart te...


In this project we tend to describe our integrated design in a way forward to deal with the demographic deficit and also achieve the goals of inclusive growth. It is replicable and can be used to design and develop villages in other parts of the World. India being a rural-dominated country, the smartness conception isn't even considered the rural areas. All square measure's that don't seem to be classified as geographic area are thought-about as geographical region. Number of villages in India are approximately 6,38,588. According to 2011 census, village area has population of 68.84%, whereas city area has population of 31.16% only. In the Indian context, villages are the lifeline of the nation. Hence, for the development of the country the targeted should lean to the grass root level, which suggests that the main focus areas ought to be the Indian village. There is a huge amount flit of the people from villages to city or town, there are many villages in India with spirited population. So the main aim to develop the villages by offering basic and needful amenities, education, employment generation activities, modern technology etc. The aim of Mahatma Gandhi is "The best, fastest way is to build up and started from the foundation. Every village has to become a selfsufficient. This does not require manful solution. It requires assertive, supportive, intelligent work. The idea of smart village in the present day is more important to being stable in comparison with other developed country. A village having smart and active participation of people in various activities need to developed village as smart city. A smart village will not only bring only big infrastructure, Internet connection, smart transportation to the rural lands, but will also provide support to sustainable agricultural practices.

Indian Villages-Context, Issues, Options and Strategies for Rational Development

Published as part of the book titled- Making Villages Great Places to Live and Work, 2023

Villages remain critical and relevant for orderly, rational and realistic development of any urban areas in general and nation as a whole in particular. Housing large population; producing raw material for the industry to process; providing food, dairy products and vegetables essential for human living; housing large manpower ; offering largest market for consumption and production; having close proximity with nature; housing compact development and numerically being large in numbers, villages remain critical and valuable for eradicating poverty, generating employment, minimizing problems of cities/towns and launching nation on the path of fast trajectory of growth and development. Despite holding distinct advantages on the canvass of national development, still villages find little room in the agenda defined for promoting planned development of human settlements and largely remain marginalized in the options put in place for planned development. There is tendency to forget that villages are settlements, housing human beings and today’s village are going to be towns of tomorrow, so accordingly they need to be rationally planned, developed and managed by equipping with all basic amenities and services essential for human living. Villages need respect, support and attention for empowerment and development

Significance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India

Over 69% of Indian population that live across 0.6 million villages represent a significant part of Indian Society. However, little has been planned and invested in villages as compared to the urban areas. The fact that villages share only a little less than a quarter of the India’s GDP tells us about the lost potential. The sheer numbers are enough to hold as a good argument for planning and dedicated research and investment in this sector. In an effort to empower these rural communities for living with their potentials and contributing positively to the national economy, the creation of the smart villages would not only affect the future of settlements but also force significant changes in the lifestyle in the rural areas. Investigating the elements of the character of the villages and sense of belongingness to the community, this research aims to develop a framework for providing necessary education on the impacts on the vernacular characters of the place while promoting developm...