2017 "Scorched Earth" (original) (raw)

Terrecotte figurate, 2011

L. Brecciaroli Taborelli ed., Oro pane e scrittura. Memorie di una comunità "inter Vercellas et Eporediam", Roma 2011, pp. 177-182

Il bianco imperfetto 2019

Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, 2019

According to Author's opinion, from a historical point of view, a thorough analysis of the evolution of Cesare Lombroso's theories denies any direct connection between Lombrosian criminology and the so called "scientific racism" of the Twentieth century, at the origin of eugenic policies and mass extermination by European totalitarianism. The paper highlights the considerable differences between Galton and Spencer's social Darwinism and Lombrosian concept of "evolutionary degeneration", which will influence the Italian eugenics model in the first half of the Twentieth century. The Author also recalls the marginalization of Italian criminology during Fascism, due to the strong hostility by sectors of the political regime and Catholic Church towards a "Jewish-inspired materialist" discipline. The origin of the anthropological hierarchy of human "races" must be sought precisely in the Enlightenment matrix of contemporary European culture.

Il Sale Della Terra


La narrazione del mondo vissuto dall'Uomo alla ricerca del Dualismo Natura/Uomo, con la speranza diinfluenzare la Coscienza.