The new data on Rhabdiasoidea (Nematoda) of the fauna of the Ukraine (original) (raw)

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Rhabdias agkistrodonis (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae): morphology, distribution and specificity Cover Page

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New data on the morphology of some far-eastern species of rhabdochona (nematoda: rhabdochonidae), as revealed by sem observation Cover Page

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Review of Rhabdiasidae (Nematoda) from the Holarctic Cover Page

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The Nematode Genus Rhabdias (Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae) from Amphibians and Reptiles of the Nearctic Cover Page

Видовое разнообразие гельминтов диких животных на особо охраняемых природных территориях Центрального региона России (2016 год) SPECIES DIVERSITY OF HELMINTHES OF WILD ANIMALS ON ESPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL TERRITORIES OF THE CENTRAL REGION OF RUSSIA (2016)

One of the most important factors in the development of prevention of helminthiasis in the wild are the methods of evaluation of different types of land according to the degree of risk of infection in these animals. It is based on a detailed study of the biological characteristics of parasites and hosts, providing their contact in the external environment to find opportunities to limit or interrupt it. Wild animals of different species living on natural sites as well as domestic animals are susceptible to many infectious diseases. There were contagious, fungous and parasitic diseases registered in game animals and birds. Parasitic diseases in wild animals can manifest themselves as single cases or affect large groups of animals on large territories that is to become epizootic. Helminthological examinations by K.I. Skrybin method were conducted on 7 head (2 elk and 5 dappled deer): elks- 1 male 4-5 year of age, hit by a car in Uralskaya street of Moscow (Yauzsky forest-park); 1 elk male 1,5 year of age, called Alyoshka (Elk biostation) and dappled deer – 4 females 1,5-3 years of age, teared to pieces by dogs, one year old male. The helminths fauna of wild animals was dominated by nematodes. IE by helminths came up to 100%, of which the larger part was represented by intestinal Strongylata.

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Видовое разнообразие гельминтов диких животных на особо охраняемых природных территориях Центрального региона России (2016 год) SPECIES DIVERSITY OF HELMINTHES OF WILD ANIMALS ON ESPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL TERRITORIES OF THE CENTRAL REGION OF RUSSIA (2016) Cover Page

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Helminths of wild ungulates living in different regions of Belarus Cover Page

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Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser, 1955) (Nematoda, Rhabditida) - new species for entomopathogenic fauna of Bulgaria Cover Page

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Findings of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Rhabditida, Steinernematidae) in Nature Reserves in Ukraine Cover Page

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New Data Regarding the Helminth Fauna of Wild Ruminants in Primorsky Krai Cover Page

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Helminth fauna of roe deer (Capreolus Capreolus) in Ukraine: Biodiversity and parasite community Cover Page