Rerihov pokret u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji (original) (raw)

Koreni republikanizma u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji - osnivanje Jugoslovenske republikanske stranke 1920/ The Origins of Republicanism in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia – Founding of the Yugoslav Republican Party in 1920

Istorijska tribina mladih saradnika Instituta za noviju istoriju Srbije, Beograd 2013, str. 11-29.

Крајем јануара 1920. у Београду је група српских интелектуалаца, предвођена Јашом Продановићем и Љубомиром Стојановићем, основала Републиканску странку и заложила се за републикански облик новоосноване државе југословенских народа. Рад настоји да прикаже процес организовања српских републиканаца током 1919. и резултате њиховог рада који су се огледали у чину формирања Републиканске странке/ This basically bourgeois party, founded in January 1920 by some prominent intellectuals of the Kingdom of Serbia, fought above else for the change of the state constitution of the SCS Kingdom/Yugoslavia. Its two leaders had been working for the spread of republican idea even before the official founding of the party, not only in Belgrade but in the whole SCS Kingdom, and particularly in Serbia. They expected the larger part of the Independent Radical Party to plump for the republican form of government and federalism – which didn’t happen. Larger and more pugnacious part of independent Radicals sided with the newly-organized Yugoslav Democratic Party of Ljubomir Davidović that opted for monarchy and cen- tralized unitary state. Although disappointed by such development, Ljuba Stojanović and Jaša Prodanović didn’t falter in their resolve to spread the republican idea. They continued republican activities in 1919 that eventually resulted in founding of the Yugoslav Republican Party in January 1920. Made up of small number of respect- able intellectuals and famous scholars who were above all strong personalities, the party whittled away over time, but it lived on and preached the Gospel of republican freedom and democracy, even under the conditions prevailing under g personalities, the party whittled away over time, but it lived on and preached the Gospel of republican freedom and democracy, even under the conditions prevailing under the dictator- ship imposed by King Alexander Karađorđević in January 1929.

Srpski ekspresionizam, Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 1998

The monograph represents the European context of the Serbian expressionist movement and its specific periodization, genres, features, ballance between modernism and avant-guarde and prominent writers in poetry, prose and drama. This book is awarded with "Isidorijana" prize for literary theory and essay in 2000.

Party struggles in the Kingdom of Serbia from 1884 to 1887


Garašanin's Progressive Government proposed to the National Assembly, which was held in Niš in May 1884, to adopt amendments to several laws of a political nature after the demise of the Timok rebellion. These were the bills amending the law: on the press, on the associations and choirs, on the municipality, and on the gendarmerie. By adopting these repressive laws, the progressives practically prevented the work of political parties, reinforced police surveillance over the municipalities, and increased the gendarmerie forces further. The lost war with Bulgaria in 1885 marked the beginning of the political breakdown of the Progressives and King Milan, who was close to them, although they repeatedly disagreed with his political actions. However, their departure from the political scene did not begin immediately after the lost war, as many expected, but took another year and a half for the Progressives, and three years for King Milan. On the other hand, the Radicals began to belie...

Aktivnosti VMRO-a iz Albanije protiv Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca

Нови правци истраживања у друштвеним и хуманистичким наукама, тематски зборник радова, Ниш 2020, 2020

Сажетак: У раду се бавимо активностима македонске револуционарне органи-зације (ВМРО) у Албанији, тачније њеним деловањем са територије Албаније против југословенске државе током 1920-их година. Бавићемо се и везама маке-донског и албанског сепаратистичког покрета, као и активностима југословенске дипломатије усмереним на сузбијање македонског деловања у Албанији. Пока-заћемо да је македонска акција у Албанији представљала континуирани проблем југословенско-албанских билатералних односа, али и безбедносни изазов за југословенске власти. Истраживање је базирано на необјављеној архивској грађи из фондова Архива Југославије, објављеним изворима, штампи и историограф-ској литератури. Кључне речи: Краљевина СХС, Албанија, ВМРО, Косовски комитет, спољна политикa

Прилог истраживању борбе југословенских власти против покрета Збор у земљи и емиграцији 1944–1974

Историјски записи / Ecrits historiques, 2021, 3-4, 101-122

АBSTRACT: Тhe aim of this paper is to highlight some aspects of the struggle between the Yugoslav National Movement Zbor and the state security apparatus of Socialist Yugoslavia. It covers the period between the evacuation of the Movement's members from Serbia in 1944 and the assassination of Zbor's leader JakovLjotić in 1974. It describes the repression against the Movement's members and their families within the country as well as the covert operations aimed against the émigré organization of Zbor. The paper is based on unpublished sources from Serbian and Croatian archives, as well as some declassified documents of the CIA.

Pregled razvoja jevrejskih omladinskih organizacija u meduratnoj Jugoslaviji

Abstrakt: Članak govori o pregledu razvoja jevrejskih omladinskih organizacija u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji. Omladinske organizacije su formirane u svim pokrajinama. Njihov zadatak je bio da unesu duh modernosti u jevrejsku zajednicu i ubrzaju napore na razvoju nacionalne ideje. Rad jevrejskih društava je bio intezivan na polju sporta, kulture i na pripremama omladine za odlazak u Palestinu. Ključne reči: Kraljevina Jugoslavija, cionizam, jevrejska omladinska društva, sport, pozorište, omladinci, žene.