Why I Resigned from the Political Instability Task Force (original) (raw)

A review of 2016: The Chaff from the Wheat: A year of National Security Strategic Failures

Perpetual war As the year 2016 winds down, the period of perpetual war within the Middle East has spilled over into Europe, and other parts of the Occidental world, with significant numbers of displaced refugees from war ravaged countries, such as the Syrian refugees, numbering in the millions. Such a dramatic mass movement of people along an epic biblical proportions can only be considered as a dramatic global event. Along with this epic mass movement of displaced persons which has gone hand and hand with the psychological and emotional baggage of post traumatic stresses of people who have felt the raw emotions of conflict. What also seem to have followed the fleeing masses is the violence as well. Acts of terror seems to accompanied the hapless victims of warfare and intermingled with their number are the potential terrorist elements seeking a window opportunity to seek out targets of opportunities within Europe, and other considered Kafir regions of the Occidental globe, in order to carry out their terrorist acts in the name of their religion, and, moreso, in seeking out vengeful strikes, by activated sleeper cells, or a lone wolf, against the Coalition of the Willing member nations. With these terrorist acts being being committed and the rationale for these violent actions may be considered justified by the perpetrators, as reciprocal retaliatory strikes, against the Coalition of the Willing member nations who, in turn, have committed acts violence and conflict against their own people and former homelands. Explaining this outrageous justification to innocent victims in civilian communities within Europe and elsewhere seem to be considered as nothing short of committing acts unreasonable evil against innocent people. It is unfortunate for the Syrian refugees after having to flee their homelands only to be considered as likely terrorist suspects from within European Union countries. The bringing home the war seems to be a relevant moot for National Security strategists decision making processes, which are sorely tested to their limits in teasing out the obvious chaff intermingled with the wheat. This vetting and exclusion process will be susceptible to obvious systemic overload, and with this systemic overload, will obvious result in some systemic failures which will allow for terrorist elements to slip through the net and through immigration screening processes or the radicalisation of the local population to enjoin with the violent cause of the Global Jihadi narrative. A National Security perspective​. From a National Security strategy perspective, what seems to be apparent is the level of terrorism activity which seems to have increased in frequency with an escalated level and scope of violence in order to spread the nihilistic message of social discord and disharmony to throughout Europe and elsewhere. At the heart of the paroxysms, and the perpetual war footing, from within many Middle Eastern countries is the twofold problems of failed states who have just suffered regime change through paroxysmal conflict whether it through an Arab Spring coup, or through an invasion from the Coalition of the Willing Forces, or through an Islamic invasion force such as the Islamic State which has caused the