Surgical support for gastric adenocarcinoma (original) (raw)

Supportive Cancer Care


Une étude pilote :s oins de support par auriculothérapie en oncologie Ap ilot study: supportive care in cancer using auriculotherapy Yves Rouxeville 1 ,T huy Huyen Nguyen 2 ,J o ë lle Egreteau 3 ,S ire Christian 4 1. Médecin retraité,e nseignant d'auriculothérapie 2. IDE, DUPRAC 3. Médecin Oncologue au GHBS 4. Chef de service d'Oncologie au GHBS

Prevalence and importance of nodal micrometastasis in patients with gastric adenocarcinoma

Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2004

Micrometastasis is a microscopic (less than 2 mm) deposit of malignant cells separated from the primary tumor. The incidence and importance of occult perigastric lymph node involvement were analyzed in 26 pNO patients using the prospective method. The occult lymph node involvement was detected by immunohistochemical method using the anticyto-keratin 8/18 antibody. Prevalence of clinically significant occult lymph node involvement (Mi+) was statistically significant, and found in 38.5% of pNO patients. Out of tumor characteristics analyzed as possible predictors of occult lymph node involvement, the histological grade (GH) and the involvement of lymphatic vessels within gastric wall (pLl) had significant effect on the respective evaluation. The patients with histological grade 3 and 4 had occult lymph node involvement more often than those with grade 1 and 2 (p<0.05). More than 60% of pL1 patients had occult lymph node involvement LN (Mi+). Due to high prevalence of micrometastati...

Gastrectomie Laparoscopique Pour Cancer : Faisabilité et Sûreté

I l est techniquement possible de réaliser par laparoscopie l'ensemble des interventions proposées aux patients ayant une tumeur gastrique : gastrectomie distale, gastrectomie totale ou gastrectomie polaire supérieure. Les études provenant de centres experts concluent que la laparoscopie, dans ces indications, est aujourd'hui faisable et sûre avec des résultats oncologiques à long terme comparable à la voie classique. Toutefois ces publications sont hétérogènes et la grande majorité provient du Japon, posant le problème de la transposabilité des résultats (épidémiologie des cancers différente en Occident).

Clinicopathological features and outcomes in patients undergoing radical resection for early gastric cancer with signet ring cell histology

Journal of visceral surgery, 2015

The signet ring cell histology is regarded as an independent predictor of poor prognosis in advanced gastric adenocarcinomas, but its biologic behavior in early gastric cancer remains highly controversial. Our objective was to compare the clinicopathological features and outcomes in patients undergoing curative resection between SRCs and non-SRCs histologic types of early gastric cancer. Clinicopathologic features and the overall survival rates of 334patients with early gastric cancer undergoing D2 curative resection from January 1994 to December 2008 were retrospectively reviewed and compared according to the histologic type. Clinicopathologic features were comparable between two groups, except age, ulcer findings and the presence of lymph node metastasis. The incidence of recurrence for SRCs group was significantly lower than that for non-SRCs group (10.4% vs 19.6%; P<0.05). The overall 5-year survival rate was 88.6% in all cases. The overall survival rate of patients in SRCs g...

Epidemiologycal profile of gastric carcinoma: retrospective study

International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2016

To evaluate the epidemiological characteristics of gastric adenocarcinoma, a retrospective study was conducted on cases admitted at the Hepato-Gastroenterology department at University Hospital, Avicene Rabat between 2000 and 2010 to supported gastric adenocarcinoma. A total of 197 cases was in registers. Male gender is most affected (63%). The average age of hospitalized patients was 56 ± 2.8 years with ends ranging from 22 to 90 years. The most observed clinical signs are usually: an alteration of general condition (20%), epigastralgia (19%), vomiting (16%), anemia (16%). Antral localization is the most dominant in 52% of cases. Tobacco use is 48%, this factor had a statistically highly significant association with gastric adenocarcinoma (χ2 = 83.5, p <0.001). Consumption of alcohol is involved in 42% of cases and not significantly to the development of gastric adenocarcinoma (χ2=102,7 ; p <0,001). The majority of patients (62%) were referred to the National Oncology Institute, 26% had surgery and 2% died.

Digestive oncology: surgical practices]


Guidelines of the french society of digestive surgery and the french association of hepatobiliary surgery and liver transplantation Ces recommandations professionnelles ont reçu le label conjoint INCa-HAS. Ce label signifie que les recommandations ont été élaborées selon les procédures et les règles méthodologiques préconisées par l'INCa et la HAS. Toute contestation sur le fond doit être portée directement auprès des Sociétés promotrices. Commission d'évaluation de la SFCD Président de la Commission : Slim K (Chirurgien Clermont-Ferrand) Membres du groupe de travail (par ordre alphabétique

Prise en Charge Chirurgicale des Tumeurs Gastriques à Dakar : à Propos de 36 Observations Surgical management of gastric cancer at Dakar. A report of 36 cases

But. Décrire les aspects cliniques et la prise en charge chirurgicale des tumeurs gastriques à Dakar. Méthodologie : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective descriptive portant sur 36 patients suivis pour tumeur gastrique de janvier 2010 à décembre 2016. Nous avons inclus tous les patients qui avaient bénéficié d'un traitement chirurgical à visée curative ou palliative. Les variables étudiées étaient sociodémographiques, clinique, histopathologiques et thérapeutiques. Résultats. Les cancers gastriques représentaient 0,42% de l'activité opératoire. Il y avait 30 hommes et 6 femmes soit un sex ratio de 5/1. Leur âge moyen était de 58 ans [extrêmes 25 ans-81 ans]. Le tabagisme chronique était retrouvé chez 6 patients (16%). Un long passé d'épigastralgies était noté chez 23 patients. Les symptômes étaient constitués d'amaigrissement dans 33 cas (91%), de signes de sténose du pylore dans 29 cas (79%), d'hématémèse dans 7 cas (20%), d'épigastralgies isolées dan...

[The value of radiotherapy in the treatment of aggressive and localised gastric lymphomas]

Cancer radiothérapie : journal de la Société française de radiothérapie oncologique, 2009

To evaluate the treatment results of localised aggressive gastric lymphomas with favourable prognosis using chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Between February 1993 and December 2004, nine patients with primary gastric high-grade lymphoma have been treated by the Lymphoma Committee of Sfax (Tunisia). The sex ratio was 1.5. The mean age was 44.9 years. Histological type was the large cell B lymphoma in 100% of the cases. Disease was stage I in eight cases and stage II in one case (Ann Arbor Classification). The treatment consisted in primary chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy of the stomach with or without regional nodes (40 Gy). After treatment, all patients had complete remission. With a mean follow-up of 55.7 months, one patient was lost to follow-up; the other patients were alive with complete remission. No major acute toxicities or late effects were found. Overall survival was 100% at five years. Chemotherapy associated with radiotherapy can be proposed to patients having localis...