G. MINNUCCI, De Jure Belli Libri Tres (Three Books on the Law of War) 1598, Alberico Gentili (Albericus Gentilis) (1552-1608), in The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture (original) (raw)

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Legal Books in the Early Modern Western World Cover Page

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The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing Cover Page

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Introduction: Two Oxford Handbooks on the History of Law Cover Page

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Exploring the law in medieval minds: the duty of the legal historian to write books of non-written law Cover Page

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History & Philosophy of Law: Basic References in English Cover Page

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R.J. Schoeck, Natalie Zemon Davis, J.K. McConica (with assistance of William Dean and others), “A Finding List of Renaissance Legal Literature to 1700, Renaissance and Reformation 4 (1967-68): 33-85 Cover Page

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A Trio of Legal History Books, reviewed in  (2016) 176 Law and Justice 69-74. Cover Page

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Bibliography_Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law, n.s. 30 (2013) Cover Page

A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages. Edited by Emanuele Conte and Laurent Mayali


This is the second volume of a series of six, published by Bloomsbury in 2019. The contributions included in this volume cast new light on the cultural significance of law in the Middle Ages. As it evolved from a combination of religious norms, local customs, secular legislations and Roman jurisprudence, medieval law defined a normative order that was more than the sum of its parts. It promoted new forms of individual and social representation. It fostered the political renewal that heralded the transition from feudalism to the early modern state and contributed to the diffusion of a common legal language with the emergence of the ius commune.

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A Cultural History of Law in the Middle Ages. Edited by Emanuele Conte and Laurent Mayali Cover Page

History of law and other humanities: views of the legal world across the time


The collection of thirty-five essays presented here examines the links forged through the ages between the realm of law and the expressions of the humanistic culture. The essays are organized into sections of ten chapters based around ten different themes. Two main perspectives emerged: in some articles the topic relates to the conventional approach of ‘law and/in humanities’ (iconography, literature, architecture, cinema, music), other articles are about more traditional connections between fields of knowledge (in particular, philosophy, political experiences, didactics). The variety of authorial nationalities gives the collection a multicultural character and the historiographical interpretation is the element that unites the collection, with a breadth of the chronological period goes from antiquity to the contemporary age. This project is the result of discussions that took place during the XXIII Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians held in Naples in the spring of 2017

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History of law and other humanities: views of the legal world across the time Cover Page