The European Library : a Data Service Endpoint for the Bibliographic Universe of Europe Service Oriented Architecture for Research Infrastructures (original) (raw)
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Proceedings of the 2002 international …, 2002
Access to distributed and heterogeneous Internet resources is coming up as one of the major problem for future development of the next generation of Digital Libraries. Available data sources vary in terms of data representation and access interfaces, therefore a system for federating heterogeneous resources accessible via the Web is considered to be a crucial aspect in digital libraries research and development. Libraries as well as institutions and enterprises are struggling to find solutions that can offer the final user an easy and automatic way to rapidly find relevant needed resources among heterogeneous ones.
Information Day: Research Infrastructure Services in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage
During the information day, the results of the work of the IMI-BAS team on the project CLaDA-BG, the Bulgarian National Interdisciplinary Research e-Infrastructure for Resources and Technologies in Favor of the Bulgarian Language and Cultural Heritage, Part of the EU Infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH, will be presented: the development of the Humanities and Social Sciences Data Storage, Retrieval and Curation Environment (CHCS-DSRCE) and its implementation in the Digital Library "Virtual Encyclopedia of Bulgarian Iconography" and for the needs of the "Ivan Vazov" Regional Library in Plovdiv and “Peyo Yavorov” Regional Library - Burgas.
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An infrastructure for a national digital library
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A research-oriented and case-based data federation for the Humanities
A case study of DARIAH-DE and MWW <br> MWW stands for three institutions, united by more than 500 years of German and European ideas, literature and culture – and since 2013 by a research association.1 The German Literature Archive Marbach, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar and the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel collect, preserve and provide access to sources that are crucial to the study of German literary and intellectual tradition. Thereby they have devoted themselves to the<br> long-term transformation of cultural heritage in Germany. In all three institutions, digitization of their collections has been an important task to build digital collections and provide worldwide access to this cultural heritage. Furthermore, new approaches in the field of digital humanities have been adopted to strengthen the connection of digital collections with the humanities and cultural studies (Schreibmann et al. 2004). All of these goals can be reached easier by cooperation and the use ...
Research Data Services in European Academic Research Libraries
Research data is an essential part of the scholarly record, and management of research data is increasingly seen as an important role for academic libraries. This article presents the results of a survey of directors of the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) academic member libraries to discover what types of research data services (RDS) are being offered by European academic research libraries and what services are planned for the future. Overall, the survey found that library directors strongly agree on the importance of RDS. As was found in earlier studies of academic libraries in North America, more European libraries are currently offering or are planning to offer consultative or reference RDS than technical or hands-on RDS. The majority of libraries provide support for training in skills related to RDS for their staff members. Almost all libraries collaborate with other organizations inside their institutions or with outside institutions in order Carol Tenopir et al.
Paper presents details of the project “Europeana libraries: Aggregating digital content from Europe’s libraries” with special focus on participation of University library “Svetozar Markovic” in it. This CIP-Best Practice Network ICT-PSP project brought together 24 institutions including some of Europe’s leading research libraries from 11 countries. During the two years’ course of the project 2011-2013 with participation and support of LIBER, CERL, CENL and Europeana foundation, partnering institutions aim to build the library aggregator for Europeana and create infrastructure that will allow for ingestion into Europeana of digital materials from other research libraries across the Europe after 2013. University library “Svetozar Markovic” is the only partner in the project from a non-EU country and the region of SE Europe. Two important collections comprising 160.000 pages of old and rare books from Ottoman collection and collection on Alexander the Great will be made available to international patrons through Europeana as a result of participation of University library “Sve-tozar Markovic” in this project. Librarians from Belgrade will be partnering with colleagues from Europe on developing new metadata standard EDM (Europeana Data Model) and enhancing full-text searching capabilities and features of Europeana. Other libraries in the region will be profiting from the participation of University library “Svetozar Markovic” in this project since one of the important aims is to create aggregator for research libraries of Western Balkan countries. In the course of achieving this, research libraries from the region will be getting help on kick-starting their digitization projects, creating digital repositories and preparing metadata for ingestion into Europeana.
DASCH: Data and Service Center for the Humanities
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2015
Research data in the humanities needs to be sustainable, and access to digital resources must be possible over a long period. Only if these prerequisites are fulfilled can research data be used as a source for other projects. In addition, reliability is a fundamental requirement so that digital sources can be cited, reused, and quoted. To address this problem, we present our solution: the Data and Service Center for the Humanities located in Switzerland. The centralized infrastructure is based on flexible and extendable software that is in turn reliant on modern technologies. Such an approach allows for the straightforward migration of existing research project databases with limited life spans in the humanities. We will demonstrate the basic concepts behind this proposed solution and our first experiences in the application thereof.